592 1 Corinthians in Context 9: Food Sacrificed to Idols

Although often overlooked today, whether or not to eat food that had been sacrificed to idols was a major issue in first-century Christianity, especially in urban centers like Corinth. The city was teeming with temples, idols, and smaller shrines. Divinities abounded and devotees made offerings regularly from a little wine poured out at a home Read more about 592 1 Corinthians in Context 9: Food Sacrificed to Idols[…]

591 1 Corinthians in Context 8: Marriage, Divorce, and Remmarriage

The Romans looked at families and marriage very differently than most of us do today. In this session we’ll cover arranged marriages, the double standard for adultery, and the new Roman Women who were breaking all the rules. This will put us in a good place to read chapter 7 of 1 Corinthians and see Read more about 591 1 Corinthians in Context 8: Marriage, Divorce, and Remmarriage[…]

590 1 Corinthians in Context 7: Lawsuits

How should Christians deal with internal disputes? As with so many other issues, the Christians in Corinth were failing to distinguish between the body of Christ and the world. Today we’ll consider what Paul wrote in the first half of 1 Corinthians chapter six. In order to get a handle on his instructions to the Read more about 590 1 Corinthians in Context 7: Lawsuits[…]

589 1 Corinthians in Context 6: Homosexuality & Singleness

So often we default to categories of thought prevalent in our time and without realizing it, read them into the Bible. As it turns out, first-century people living in Corinth did not think about sexuality like we do at all. In today’s episode, I want to begin by focusing rather closely on 1 Corinthians 6.9, Read more about 589 1 Corinthians in Context 6: Homosexuality & Singleness[…]

588 1 Corinthians in Context 5: Sexual Immorality

Do you know what blows my mind? That with all the permissiveness and sinfulness of the Roman world, what the Corinthian Christians were doing shocked Paul. He said that the sexual immorality of one man among them was so bad that such was not even found among the gentiles. That’s quite an indictment! Today we’re Read more about 588 1 Corinthians in Context 5: Sexual Immorality[…]

587 1 Corinthians in Context 4: Philosophy & Wisdom

Paul wrote extensively about worldly wisdom in 1 Corinthians. Due to the prevalence and esteem of philosophical schools, Paul probably felt a need to explain how Christianity measured up. In this lecture we’ll survey the five main philosophical options available to first-century Corinthians, including Platonism, Cynicism, Skepticism, Epicureanism and Stoicism. Then once we get a Read more about 587 1 Corinthians in Context 4: Philosophy & Wisdom[…]

586 1 Corinthians in Context 3: Factions & Status at Corinth

Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves with the city of Corinth and Paul’s missionary activity there, we’re ready to dive into 1 Corinthians. As I mentioned previously, my strategy for this class is to focus on the major themes rather than covering every verse. Our first theme is the issue of divisiveness among the Christians at Read more about 586 1 Corinthians in Context 3: Factions & Status at Corinth[…]

585 1 Corinthians in Context 2: Paul Founds the Church at Corinth

How did Christianity come to Corinth in the first place? Although many times we are left speculating about how an ancient church got started, we have definitive knowledge about the Corinthian church from Luke, Paul’s traveling companion. In what follows we’ll work through Acts chapter 18 to see how Paul initially founded the church in Read more about 585 1 Corinthians in Context 2: Paul Founds the Church at Corinth[…]

584 1 Corinthians in Context 1: Corinth as the Context

Today we’re beginning something new. I’ve been working on this class on 1 Corinthians for months and months. I had taken classes on 1 Corinthians at Boston University twice. The first time we just read through the entire epistle in Greek. The second time was when we learned about what modern scholars said about Corinth. Read more about 584 1 Corinthians in Context 1: Corinth as the Context[…]

580 An Honest Evaluation of the Evidence for the Deity of Christ (Sean Finnegan)

Does the New Testament refer to Jesus as God? Though this is an important question, it’s only a starting point for wrestling with who Jesus is. In what follows we’ll consider the evidence from five scholars on what texts they say attribute deity to Christ. Then we’ll examine the biblical evidence that pulls in the Read more about 580 An Honest Evaluation of the Evidence for the Deity of Christ (Sean Finnegan)[…]

574 Pursue Your Blessing (Sean Finnegan)

It’s easy for complacency to set in our walk with God. It’s easy to settle into apathy with respect to spiritual growth. It’s easy to stop dreaming about what God can do in our lives. Today we’ll hear another message from Revive earlier this year–this one from yours truly. We’ll consider three examples of people Read more about 574 Pursue Your Blessing (Sean Finnegan)[…]

573 Prophetic Words of Encouragement (Garrett Bova)

Over our last two episodes we’ve been hearing from Pastor Bob Carden on the topic of healing and walking by the spirit. Today I’d like to play out a sermon by Carden’s successor, Garrett Bova who is the lead pastor now at Align Ministries. Now I realize his message will challenge some of you to Read more about 573 Prophetic Words of Encouragement (Garrett Bova)[…]

572 Isaiah 9.6 Explained: A Theophoric Approach

Comparing the Hebrew of Isaiah 9.6 to most popular English translations results in some serious questions. Why have our translations changed the tense of the verbs from past to future? Why is this child called “Mighty God” and “Eternal Father”? In this presentation I work through Isaiah 9.6 line by line to help you understand Read more about 572 Isaiah 9.6 Explained: A Theophoric Approach[…]

566 Kingdom Seminar 5: Kingdom Ambassadors

This is part 5 of the Kingdom Seminar, based on the book Kingdom Journey. This episode begins by delving into the history of how the theologians of the third and fourth centuries rejected the kingdom since they thought it was too crude, too hedonic, and too Jewish. Next I briefly cover three rediscovery movements, including Read more about 566 Kingdom Seminar 5: Kingdom Ambassadors[…]

565 Kingdom Seminar 4: Kingdom Allegiance

This is part 4 of the Kingdom Seminar, based on the book Kingdom Journey. Jesus didn’t just believe in a future kingdom that didn’t affect the present. His entire ministry was saturated with kingdom symbology and activity. Wherever he went, he brought a bubble of the kingdom with him. As Christ-followers, we too, are called Read more about 565 Kingdom Seminar 4: Kingdom Allegiance[…]

564 Kingdom Seminar 3: Defining the Kingdom

This is part 3 of the Kingdom Seminar, based on the book Kingdom Journey. The kingdom of God is the golden thread running throughout the whole Bible from beginning to end. In this presentation, we’ll consider some of the key texts from the Old and New Testaments that define what the kingdom is. In contrast Read more about 564 Kingdom Seminar 3: Defining the Kingdom[…]

562 Kingdom Seminar 1: Why Should You Care

Last December, my first ever published book came out, called Kingdom Journey. Recently I recorded a seminar on the kingdom at a church in South Carolina based on the book that I will be playing out over the next 5 weeks. In this seminar I highlight some of the key points in my book and Read more about 562 Kingdom Seminar 1: Why Should You Care[…]

560 Pentecost Reversing Babel (Sean Finnegan)

Pentecost, as described in Acts 2, was a strange event. We read about unusual miraculous signs such as the sound of a great wind and tongues of fire. Still, the most interesting moment is when the apostles of our Lord began speaking in foreign languages that they didn’t know. Such divine utterance is called speaking Read more about 560 Pentecost Reversing Babel (Sean Finnegan)[…]

551 Read the Bible for Yourself 18: Helpful Tools to Understand the Bible

This is part 18 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. What tools can help you understand the bible better? Today we’ll cover some recommended resources for you to deepen your study of the scriptures, including bible dictionaries, commentaries, bible software, AI, and more. Of course, it’s impossible to cover everything in a reasonable time Read more about 551 Read the Bible for Yourself 18: Helpful Tools to Understand the Bible[…]

550 Read the Bible for Yourself 17: How to Choose a Bible Translation

This is part 17 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. After reviewing the resources you can use to learn Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, we delve into the sources that translators use for their work. Next, we’ll look at translation philosophies, including formal and dynamic equivalence. Lastly we’ll cover the controversial issues of gender accuracy Read more about 550 Read the Bible for Yourself 17: How to Choose a Bible Translation[…]

549 Read the Bible for Yourself 16: How to Read Revelation

This is part 16 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Revelation is a complicated book of the Bible. It contains some of the most incredible and awe-inspiring descriptions of God’s throne room and the final paradise on earth. It also describes sinister mayhem, wanton destruction, and toe-curling persecution. How can we make sense of Read more about 549 Read the Bible for Yourself 16: How to Read Revelation[…]

548 Read the Bible for Yourself 15: How to Read the General Epistles

This is part 15 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. In previous episodes, we’ve looked at Paul’s church epistles and pastoral epistles. Today we move into the third section of epistles in the New Testament–the general epistles. Instead of surveying each of the eight general epistles, we’ll just focus on two: Hebrews and 1 Read more about 548 Read the Bible for Yourself 15: How to Read the General Epistles[…]

547 Read the Bible for Yourself 14: How to Read the Pastoral Epistles

This is part 14 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. The Pastoral Epistles are letters to church leaders, instructing them how churches should function. Though they are not well read by most Christians today, they remain authoritative for pastors, elders, and deacons. Today we’ll cover 1-2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. We’ll explore the major Read more about 547 Read the Bible for Yourself 14: How to Read the Pastoral Epistles[…]

546 Read the Bible for Yourself 13: How to Read the Church Epistles

This is part 13 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Before getting to the Church Epistles, we’ll begin with an overview of how letters were written, read, and performed. Then we’ll see how they are arranged in our Bibles. We’ll spend a good deal of time talking about occasion. Why did Paul write each Read more about 546 Read the Bible for Yourself 13: How to Read the Church Epistles[…]

545 Read the Bible for Yourself 12: How to Read Acts

This is part 12 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Acts is an action-packed book full of excitement and wonder. We learn about the early expansion of the Church from a small group of ragged Christ-followers to dozens of house churches throughout major cities in the Mediterranean world. How did Christianity “go public”? The Read more about 545 Read the Bible for Yourself 12: How to Read Acts[…]

544 Read the Bible for Yourself 11: How to Read the Gospels

This is part 11 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. The Gospels are evangelistic biographies of Jesus. In today’s episode you’ll learn the basic storyline of the four biblical Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Then we’ll go through them from shortest to longest to see how each brings a unique and helpful perspective Read more about 544 Read the Bible for Yourself 11: How to Read the Gospels[…]

543 Read the Bible for Yourself 10: Key Background for Reading the New Testament

This is part 10 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. We’ve taken our time working through the Old Testament, section by section. Before we tackle the New Testament and look at the Gospels, we need to talk about the time between the Old and New Testaments. In the gap of roughly four hundred years, Read more about 543 Read the Bible for Yourself 10: Key Background for Reading the New Testament[…]

542 Read the Bible for Yourself 9: How to Read the Prophets

This is part 9 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. The 17 books of the prophets comprise 27% of the Old Testament. Although some parts can be difficult to comprehend, they reveal the heart of God with raw pathos and brutal honesty. To read the prophets, then, is to draw near to God. No Read more about 542 Read the Bible for Yourself 9: How to Read the Prophets[…]

541 Read the Bible for Yourself 8: How to Read the Psalms

This is part 8 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. The Book of Psalms is an eclectic collection of poetry that you can use to connect to God. In today’s episode you’ll learn about the different kinds of psalms, who wrote them, and how Hebrew poetry works. The goal, as always, is to equip Read more about 541 Read the Bible for Yourself 8: How to Read the Psalms[…]

540 Dustin Smith’s Take on the Tuggy-White Debate

As the dust continues to settle from last week’s debate between Dale Tuggy and James White, reviewers are coalescing on a rather exciting conclusion. Tuggy handedly won the debate! Rumor has it that James White has even requested a rematch! We’ll have to wait and see if anything happens on that front, but requesting a Read more about 540 Dustin Smith’s Take on the Tuggy-White Debate[…]

539 Dale Tuggy’s Thoughts on the James White Debate: Is Jesus Yahweh?

We’re taking a break this week from our class on Reading the Bible for Yourself. By the way, did you know that there’s a separate podcast just for classes without any interruptions like this? You can find it if you search your podcast app for Restitutio Classes. Anyhow, I had an opportunity to speak with Read more about 539 Dale Tuggy’s Thoughts on the James White Debate: Is Jesus Yahweh?[…]

537 Read the Bible for Yourself 6: How to Read the Law

This is part 6 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Tragically, many Christians skip over reading the Torah. They focus on the Gospels or Epistles of the New Testament. However, the first five books of the Bible contain many rich insights into God’s heart and how he asked Israel to live. In fact, it’s Read more about 537 Read the Bible for Yourself 6: How to Read the Law[…]

536 Read the Bible for Yourself 5: How to Read OT History

This is part 5 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Now we begin the second main part of this class on reading the Bible for yourself. We’ll be breaking the Bible into major sections so I can explain how each works. To start we’ll consider the first 17 books of the Bible–the books of Read more about 536 Read the Bible for Yourself 5: How to Read OT History[…]

535 Kingdom Journey Interview (Sam Tideman)

I’ve been putting out podcast episodes on Restitutio since 2015. I’ve interviewed many authors in that time. However, I’ve never been interviewed as an author. That changed a couple of days ago when Sam Tideman of Transfigured had me on his show to talk about my new book, Kingdom Journey. We discussed the biblical idea Read more about 535 Kingdom Journey Interview (Sam Tideman)[…]

534 Read the Bible for Yourself 4: How to Determine Content and Application

This is part 4 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Exegesis and application take work. Today you’ll learn how to grasp the content of scripture by asking the question, “What did this text mean to the original audience?” Looking for a book’s author, audience, occasion, and purpose will help you answer that question. Next, Read more about 534 Read the Bible for Yourself 4: How to Determine Content and Application[…]

533 Read the Bible for Yourself 3: How to Read the Bible in Context

This is part 3 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Today is the first of two episodes on how to understand and apply the Bible. One of the greatest problems facing Bible readers today is the lifted verse. It’s so common to see a verse or even half a verse posted on social media Read more about 533 Read the Bible for Yourself 3: How to Read the Bible in Context[…]

523 Rethinking Adoptionism (Jeremiah Coogan)

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts For centuries heresy hunters have labeled those who deny the pre-existence of Jesus “adoptionists.” This ancient category was based on the idea some Christian groups denied the virgin birth, thinking instead that Jesus became the son of God at his baptism when God adopted him. Modern Read more about 523 Rethinking Adoptionism (Jeremiah Coogan)[…]

521 The Deity of Christ from a Greco-Roman Perspective (Sean Finnegan)

Let’s face it the New Testament probably calls Jesus God (or god) a couple of times and so do early Christian authors in the second century. However, no one offers much of an explanation for what they mean by the title. Did early Christians think Jesus was God because he represented Yahweh? Did they think Read more about 521 The Deity of Christ from a Greco-Roman Perspective (Sean Finnegan)[…]

518 Tried to Believe in the Trinity (Rick Naviello)

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts We’ve all heard plenty of stories of Trinitarians who begin questioning their received teaching and eventually become Unitarian. However, today, we’re bringing you a story that’s a little different. My guest is Rick Naviello who held a biblical unitarian view of Jesus for decades before attending Read more about 518 Tried to Believe in the Trinity (Rick Naviello)[…]

516 Sean Finnegan on Restoring Authentic Christianity (Tom Huszti)

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts Recently Tom Huszti interviewed me for his YouTube channel, the Unitarian Anabaptist. We talked about the importance of geography, archeology, and Greco-Roman history for interpreting the bible, especially the New Testament. Next we delved into early church history, starting with the earliest forms of Jewish Christianity Read more about 516 Sean Finnegan on Restoring Authentic Christianity (Tom Huszti)[…]

514 Aphrahat and Early Persian Christianity (Sam Tideman)

Although he’s one of the lesser known Christian authors of the fourth century, Aphrahat is extremely important for our understanding of early Persian Christianity prior to the advent of Islam in the region. Amazingly a full-length book of his survives, called The Demonstrations. In today’s interview I ask about Aphrahat’s beliefs in general and his Read more about 514 Aphrahat and Early Persian Christianity (Sam Tideman)[…]

508 Are UFOs Real? (Kegan Chandler)

Last month, the US Congress held a hearing with three whistle-blowers who provided testimony about UFOs. Yes, I just said UFOs. No, I haven’t lost my mind or started subscribing to the tabloids. This is a topic that has moved from the fringes of conspiracy land right into serious public hearings in the US government. Read more about 508 Are UFOs Real? (Kegan Chandler)[…]

506 Eating Christ’s Flesh – 1 (Steven Nemes)

What do you think happens during communion? In my interview today, Dr. Steven Nemes provides a biblical, historical, and theological defense for memorialism–the idea that the eucharist memorializes what Christ has done (and will do) for us rather than actually becoming Christ in some metaphysical sense. Thus, the bread and wine signify or represent Christ’s Read more about 506 Eating Christ’s Flesh – 1 (Steven Nemes)[…]

505 The Key of Truth: A Monument of Armenian Unitarianism

The Key of Truth is a fascinating book, written by a sect of Armenian Unitarian Christians in the 1700s. Originally under Muslim rule, this group of Christians migrated to Russian-controlled Armenia in the nineteenth century. Sadly, they faced investigation, persecution, fines, and probably exile at the hands of the Armenian Church authorities. Although lost to Read more about 505 The Key of Truth: A Monument of Armenian Unitarianism[…]

503 Early Church History 21: The Dual Natures Controversy of the Fifth Century

This is part 21 of the Early Church History class. In the fifth century Christians waged a theological civil war that ended in a massive church split. The issue was over the dual natures of Christ. How was he both divine and human? Did he have a human soul and a divine soul? Did his Read more about 503 Early Church History 21: The Dual Natures Controversy of the Fifth Century[…]

502 Early Church History 20: Early African, Armenian, and Asian Christianity

This is part 20 of the Early Church History class. So far we’ve been focusing primarily on Christianity within the Roman Empire in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East–the land surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Nevertheless, Christianity also spread south to Africa, north to Armenia, and east to Asia where it reached Persia, India, and Read more about 502 Early Church History 20: Early African, Armenian, and Asian Christianity[…]

501 Early Church History 19: Arian Kingdoms from Ulfilas to Clovis

This is part 19 of the Early Church History class. Even though the Roman Empire chose Nicene Christianity as it’s “orthodoxy,” subordinationist Christianity continued to exist, especially outside among the Germanic tribes. In this episode, you’ll learn about Ulfilas the Missionary to the Goths who not only brought Christianity to these “barbarians,” but also made Read more about 501 Early Church History 19: Arian Kingdoms from Ulfilas to Clovis[…]

500 Early Church History 18: The Gifts of the Spirit in Early Christianity

This is part 18 of the Early Church History class. I wonder how many Christians in the world today believe the gifts of the spirit ceased in the time of the apostles? I know there are quite a few. Many others, however, believe they are available today and make time for them in their worship Read more about 500 Early Church History 18: The Gifts of the Spirit in Early Christianity[…]

499 Early Church History 17: The Kingdom of God in Early Christianity

This is part 17 of the Early Church History class. Throughout the first five hundred years of Christian history, a significant shift occurred in what we believed about our ultimate destiny. The New Testament and the early church fathers repeatedly expressed belief in God’s kingdom coming to earth. Over time, however, this idea gave way Read more about 499 Early Church History 17: The Kingdom of God in Early Christianity[…]

498 Early Church History 16: Jerome and Augustine

This is part 16 of the Early Church History class. Jerome and Augustine are two of the most influential Latin Christians of the first millennium of Christianity. This episode will introduce you to their lives, personalities, and some of their most important ideas. You’ll see how significantly asceticism affected their lifestyles as well as how Read more about 498 Early Church History 16: Jerome and Augustine[…]

496 Early Church History 14: Paul of Samosata and Photinus of Sirmium

This is part 14 of the Early Church History class. We’ve been learning about the controversy over Christ’s origins in the last couple of episodes. This battle raged between groups of Christians who agreed that Jesus pre-existed for sixty years. But today we are taking a break from that and looking instead at the early Read more about 496 Early Church History 14: Paul of Samosata and Photinus of Sirmium[…]

495 Early Church History 13: Trinity Controversy in the Fourth Century

This is part 13 of the Early Church History class. Between the year 325 and 381 titanic shifts occurred that changed Christianity forever. Rather than ending conflict and ushering in a golden era of lasting peace, Constantine’s Council of Nicea ignited a theological civil war within Christianity that raged for six more decades. In today’s Read more about 495 Early Church History 13: Trinity Controversy in the Fourth Century[…]

493 Early Church History 11: The Constantinian Shift

This is part 11 of the Early Church History class. Have you heard of the Roman emperor Constantine? He had a massive impact on Christianity. Not only did he end the brutal persecutions of his predecessors, but he also used the Roman government to actively support the Church. However, his involvement also resulted in significant Read more about 493 Early Church History 11: The Constantinian Shift[…]

492 Refuting Samuel Nesan’s Case That Jesus Is Yahweh

This is part two of a two part series refuting the opening statement of a debate on the question “Is Jesus Yahweh?” This week Brand Duke and I are going to critique Samuel Nesan’s opening statement in his recent debate over the question, “Is Jesus Yahweh?” Nesan has a Master of Christian Studies at Seminari Read more about 492 Refuting Samuel Nesan’s Case That Jesus Is Yahweh[…]

491 Refuting Kyle Essary’s Case That Jesus Is Yahweh

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts This is part one of a two part series refuting the opening statement of a debate on the question “Is Jesus Yahweh?” This week and next week we are taking a little break from our Early Church History class to do discuss a recent debate about Read more about 491 Refuting Kyle Essary’s Case That Jesus Is Yahweh[…]

490 Early Church History 10: Persecution of Early Christians

This is part 10 of the Early Church History class. The Roman government persecuted Christians for the first three centuries. In this episode, you’ll learn about various persecutions that flared up during the reigns of Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Decius, Valerian, and Diocletian. We’ll also cover why Romans both despised and feared Christianity. Learning about the Read more about 490 Early Church History 10: Persecution of Early Christians[…]

489 Early Church History 9: Early Church Orders

This is part 9 of the Early Church History class. How did Christians organize themselves in the first few centuries? We’re taking a break from theology and switching to focus on practical matters of church offices, church governance, church discipline, conversion, and charity. As it turns out we have a surprising amount of information about Read more about 489 Early Church History 9: Early Church Orders[…]

488 Early Church History 8: Origen of Alexandria

This is part 8 of the Early Church History class. Origen of Alexandria is the man behind the curtain. Although few Christians today would recognize his name, most denominations are still on a trajectory he initiated eighteen hundred years ago. His influences in theology, christology, eschatology, apologetics, textual criticism, asceticism, hermeneutics, and Christian philosophy are Read more about 488 Early Church History 8: Origen of Alexandria[…]

487 Early Church History 7: Philo and Clement of Alexandria

This is part 7 of the Early Church History class. Philo of Alexandria was the most well-known representative of Hellenistic Judaism in the first century. His many books combine Platonism with scripture via allegory–a daring project that had a massive influence on Christian thinkers. Clement of Alexandria followed in Philo’s footsteps a century later, doing Read more about 487 Early Church History 7: Philo and Clement of Alexandria[…]

486 Early Church History 6: Apologists & Heresy Hunters

This is part 6 of the Early Church History class. In the latter half of the second century, two kinds of Christians arose to defend the faith. On the one hand, apologists wrote defenses of Christianity directed at the Roman government. They responded to rumors, arguing that Christians were decent people who should be shown Read more about 486 Early Church History 6: Apologists & Heresy Hunters[…]

485 Early Church History 5: Gnostics and Valentinians

This is part 5 of the Early Church History class. Have you heard of the Gnostics before? Gnostics of different types claimed to have secret knowledge of humanity’s true origins and destiny. They were intellectuals who combined the philosophical thinking of their day with Jewish and Christian scripture to produce a compelling alternative to biblical Read more about 485 Early Church History 5: Gnostics and Valentinians[…]

484 Early Church History 4: The Apostolic Fathers

This is part 4 of the Early Church History class. Our focus for this episode is the collection of second-century Christian literature known as the Apostolic Fathers. In total, there are 11 authors in this collection, 9 of whom we will briefly cover today. You’ll learn about the earliest Christian documents outside the New Testament, Read more about 484 Early Church History 4: The Apostolic Fathers[…]

483 Early Church History 3: Christianity in the Second Century

This is part 3 of the Early Church History class. Today we begin to look at the second century. We’ll start by considering Jewish Christian movements, including the Nazarenes and the Ebionites. Next we’ll shift gears and explore the cultural pressure of asceticism and how it began infiltrating Christianity. We’ll briefly survey the influence of Read more about 483 Early Church History 3: Christianity in the Second Century[…]

482 Early Church History 2: The Jewish-Roman War and Jewish-Christian Relations

This is part 2 of the Early Church History class. Before the great revolution of 66 in which the Jewish nation declared independence from the Roman empire, no fewer than five micro-revolution occurred between 4 BC and 58 AD. In the years that led up to the first Jewish-Roman war (66-73), incompetent Roman governors repeatedly Read more about 482 Early Church History 2: The Jewish-Roman War and Jewish-Christian Relations[…]

478 Unitarian Anabaptist (Tom Huszti)

When COVID first broke out many endeavored to put their extra time to good use. Tom Huszti began listening to podcasts. He was intensely curious about theology. Huszti came to question several key beliefs he had imbibed as a lifelong Anabaptist, living in rural Ohio. Eventually he saw that the church’s God and the bible’s Read more about 478 Unitarian Anabaptist (Tom Huszti)[…]

Climate Change and Noah’s Flood

This is a follow-up discussion to Will Barlow’s Scripture and Science class, parts 12-13. If you haven’t watched or listened to that yet, you can go here or find it on the Restitutio podcast feed as episode 464 on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Sean Finnegan asks Will Barlow about earth science, climate change, geology, radiometric Read more about Climate Change and Noah’s Flood[…]

477 Questioning the Trinity (Steven Nemes)

Dr. Steven Nemes is an analytic philosopher and theologian who uses a phenomenological approach to reading scripture and constructing theology. In this interview I ask him about his unique approach to evaluating doctrine, especially the Trinity, from a phenomenological perspective. We also discuss restorationism as a common ground and delve into Church history extensively. In Read more about 477 Questioning the Trinity (Steven Nemes)[…]

468 Touching the Supernatural (Dale Allison)

Renowned Historical Jesus Scholar and Princeton Theological Seminary Professor, Dale Allison’s life changed forever when he was just sixteen years old. In fact, he has chronicled nine profound spiritual experiences throughout his life. These extraordinary moments of transcendence led him to a comparative study to learn more about what is happening to people all around Read more about 468 Touching the Supernatural (Dale Allison)[…]

461 The Gospel and the Gospels (Simon Gathercole)

Have you heard of the Gospel of Thomas? What about the Gospel of Philip or Judas? Although most Christians are only familiar with the four Gospels contained in the Bible, ancient Christians wrote quite a few other Gospels as well. How do we know which Gospels are to be trusted? My guest today is Dr. Read more about 461 The Gospel and the Gospels (Simon Gathercole)[…]

455 Is God on the Throne in Your Heart? (Sean Finnegan)

A couple of weeks ago I got to speak at the Church of God’s annual youth camp at Manchester University in rural Indiana. The week focused on all the different passions that we too easily allow to take God’s spot in our hearts. Timypaul Lupe gave the message before mine in which he urged the Read more about 455 Is God on the Throne in Your Heart? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

451 Wisdom Christology in Hebrews 1.10-12 (Jerry Wierwille)

Whereas last time we examined 6 interpretations people hold for Hebrews 1.10-12, today we look at just one–the 7th. Jerry Wierwille is my guest again and in this episode he explains his take on Hebrews 1.10-12. He delves into wisdom christology to show how these verses speak of Jesus protologically as wisdom that created the Read more about 451 Wisdom Christology in Hebrews 1.10-12 (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

450 Seven Interpretive Options for Hebrews 1.10-12 (Jerry Wierwille)

In our last episode, Dr. Jerry Wierwille led us through a contextual overview of Hebrews 1 and 2 in order to situate Hebrews 1.10-12. Today, we’ll consider seven interpretations of Hebrews 1.10-12, including: Father as referent, doxology Jesus as creator of Genesis creation Jesus as creator of figurative heaven and earth (referring to people and Read more about 450 Seven Interpretive Options for Hebrews 1.10-12 (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

447 God Is Compassionate (Sean Finnegan)

Power and kindness rarely go together. I don’t know about you, but I’m so thankful the most powerful being in the universe is also exceedingly compassionate! In fact, when he revealed himself to Moses, compassion was the first attribute he declared about himself. We see the outworking of God’s compassion in the laws he provided Read more about 447 God Is Compassionate (Sean Finnegan)[…]

446 Resurrection Objection 3: Supernatural Inaccessible? (Aaron Shelenberger)

Have you heard of historiography? Your historiography is the method you employ in doing history. This is especially relevant when the scholars who make the rules for doing history decide to exclude any supernatural events from their historiography. Today, my guest, Aaron Shelenberger, continues his rebuttal to Ehrman’s three main objections to the historicity of Read more about 446 Resurrection Objection 3: Supernatural Inaccessible? (Aaron Shelenberger)[…]

445 Resurrection Objection 2: Improbable Miracles? (Aaron Shelenberger)

Today my guest, Aaron Shelenberger, and I are tackling a second scholarly objection of Bart Ehrman against the resurrection of Jesus. We’re taking a deep dive into the historian’s use of probability to establish whether a particular event happened. Are miracles by definition improbable? Does the rarity of miracles preclude the historian from talking about Read more about 445 Resurrection Objection 2: Improbable Miracles? (Aaron Shelenberger)[…]

444 Resurrection Objection 1: Unreliable Gospels? (Aaron Shelenberger)

Aaron Shelenberger who studied under Mike Licona at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, shares about his research on the historicity of the resurrection. In particular, his thesis tackled three main objections brought forth by popular author and anti-Christian Bart Ehrman. Now, I realize this episode and the next two that follow are a Read more about 444 Resurrection Objection 1: Unreliable Gospels? (Aaron Shelenberger)[…]

443 Generational Differences 2 (Daniel Calcagno)

Last time Pastor Daniel Calcagno spoke to us about the older generations. Today we’ll get into discussing Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. We explore pivotal events in each of these younger generations as well as how Christianity uniquely appeals to them. Hopefully this conversation will spur some thoughts for you, regardless of your age, Read more about 443 Generational Differences 2 (Daniel Calcagno)[…]

442 Generational Differences 1 (Daniel Calcagno)

Daniel Calcagno serves as the pastor of Glad Tidings Church of God in Fonthill, Ontario (just west of Niagara Falls). He is the owner of MessianicNiagra.com along with the associated YouTube channel, which has several thousand subscribers and a video with over 400,000 views. Today he’s talking to me about generations based on a sermon Read more about 442 Generational Differences 1 (Daniel Calcagno)[…]

438 Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Sean Finnegan)

The Trinity remains a massively popular theory to understand God in Christianity today as it has since the fourth century. Some go so far as to condemn any attempt to understand the concept while others are content to allow their faith to seek understanding (fides quarens intelectum). Nevertheless, most Christians have never honestly assessed this Read more about 438 Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

427 Why Did Jesus Die? Exploring Atonement Theories (Sean Finnegan)

Why did Jesus die? Why couldn’t God just forgive all our sins? How did Jesus’ death pay for sin? How can someone else die for my sins? Questions like these are what atonement theories strive to answer. Throughout the history of Christianity a half dozen prominent theories have vied for adherents. In what follows I Read more about 427 Why Did Jesus Die? Exploring Atonement Theories (Sean Finnegan)[…]

426 The Father Is Greater Than I: Exploring Biblical Subordination (Sean Finnegan)

Is the Son equal with the Father or is he subordinate? Thinking Christians have struggled over the tension between the traditional doctrine of coequality between Father and Son, on the one hand, and the dozens upon dozens of scriptures that either imply our explicitly teach the Father’s supremacy over his Son. Two ways of solving Read more about 426 The Father Is Greater Than I: Exploring Biblical Subordination (Sean Finnegan)[…]

422 One God 12: Early Church History

This is part 12 of the One God Over All class. If the entire bible clearly and repeatedly teaches that there is one supreme God who is over all and that Jesus is his subordinate son, then surely we should find evidence of this idea in the historical writings of Christians after the New Testament Read more about 422 One God 12: Early Church History[…]

421 One God 11: Spirit of God & Christ

This is part 11 of the One God Over All class. Who or what is the spirit of God? It won’t do to read later tradition back into the scriptures. Rather, we need to see how the bible itself talks about the holy spirit. To get at that answer we’ll take a look at a Read more about 421 One God 11: Spirit of God & Christ[…]

420 One God 10: Christ’s Exaltation & Priestly Service

This is part 10 of the One God Over All class. We’ve looked at Jesus’ identity as Messiah, his relationship to God throughout his ministry, his crucifixion, and his resurrection. Repeatedly we’ve asked the question, if Jesus is not the one God over all, then how should we interpret him? Today we delve into his Read more about 420 One God 10: Christ’s Exaltation & Priestly Service[…]

419 One God 9: Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection

This is part 9 of the One God Over All class. If Jesus is not the one God over all, then how should we interpret his death and resurrection? How does his death pay for our sins? What does the resurrection tell us about Jesus? Unlike medieval Christianity that taught God the Son united himself Read more about 419 One God 9: Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection[…]

417 One God 7: Jesus, God’s Agent

This is part 7 of the One God Over All class. In the bible we encounter a strange phenomenon. Sometimes beings other than Yahweh are called Gods. How can we square that with monotheism–the idea that the Father is the only true God? Although most Christians are aware that the bible calls Jesus God a Read more about 417 One God 7: Jesus, God’s Agent[…]

416 One God 6: Jesus, God’s Subordinate Son

This is part 6 of the One God Over All class. The bible routinely recognizes the subordination of the Son to his Father. Throughout his ministry on earth, Jesus repeatedly and unapologetically taught, “The Father is greater than I” (John 14.28). Further, after his exaltation, Jesus remains dependent on the Father as his superior (1 Read more about 416 One God 6: Jesus, God’s Subordinate Son[…]

413 One God 3: Yahweh Versus the Idols

This is part 3 of the One God Over All class. Yahweh is particularly sensitive about fidelity.  He wants his people to be solely devoted to him; he’s not content to share them with other gods. Century after century, when Israel strayed from him, Yahweh sent prophets to confront his people.  Eventually, he could not Read more about 413 One God 3: Yahweh Versus the Idols[…]

411 One God 1: Yahweh, the Supreme Creator

Today we are starting a brand new class called “One God Over All!”  My plan is to work through scripture to build a biblical theology of the one true God and his Son, Jesus the Messiah. This class will cover both texts supporting God’s exclusive oneness as well as misunderstood verses that seem to teach Read more about 411 One God 1: Yahweh, the Supreme Creator[…]

408 Christ before Creeds Book (Jeff Deuble)

Nearly a year ago, I interviewed Pastor Jeff Deuble from Sydney, Australia about his journey of discovering the genuine Jesus of the first century.  At the close of that interview, he mentioned that he had written a book that makes a case for his understanding of the biblical Christ.  Well, I’m happy to say that Read more about 408 Christ before Creeds Book (Jeff Deuble)[…]

407 Reaching LGBT+ People (Sean Finnegan)

How should those of us committed to a biblical sexual ethic treat those who are same-sex attracted or who identify as the opposite sex?  In our polarized world, it seems like only two options are available to us: (1) we accept, approve, and celebrate LGBT+ lifestyles or (2) we deny, denigrate, and dismiss them.  Either Read more about 407 Reaching LGBT+ People (Sean Finnegan)[…]

404 What Is Conditional Immortality? (Warren Prestige)

What happens when you die?  This is such a big question for all of us.  Do we go somewhere like heaven or hell? Do we stay on earth as a disembodied spirit?  Or are we unconscious? My guest today is Warren Prestidge of New Zealand, who contends that we should embrace the biblical language of Read more about 404 What Is Conditional Immortality? (Warren Prestige)[…]

403 Why Christianity 16: Changed Lives (Sean Finnegan)

This is the last episode of our class, Why Christianity.  We’ve covered so many different reasons why Christianity is attractive, makes sense, and is worthy of our attention.  We’ve looked at scientific, logical, epistemological, social, psychological, and historical reasons for God’s existence, Christ’s resurrection, and the gospel’s effectiveness.  Today, we consider three stories of changed Read more about 403 Why Christianity 16: Changed Lives (Sean Finnegan)[…]

400 Why Christianity 13: The Heart (Sean Finnegan)

What is the proper role of your emotions?  Should you trust them?  How do you know when they are helping and when they are hurting?  Today we’ll take a look at another exciting advantage that Christianity provides.  In this episode, you’ll learn about the problems endemic to emotional reasoning, the robust biblical teaching about your Read more about 400 Why Christianity 13: The Heart (Sean Finnegan)[…]

399 Why Christianity 12: Inclusiveness (Sean Finnegan)

One of the most enduring problems we have faced throughout human history is tribalism.  From the Nazis to the Rwandan genocide, we’ve repeatedly seen the devastating results of group think and dehumanizing outsiders.  Although some Christian groups have tragically fallen into this sin, we don’t have to.  Christianity provides a better way.  We can draw Read more about 399 Why Christianity 12: Inclusiveness (Sean Finnegan)[…]

396 Why Christianity 9: Christian Freedom and Morality (Sean Finnegan)

Freedom and morality are two interrelated concepts that everyone has an opinion about. From a Christian perspective, we limit our freedom based on our received moral code. We believe that the restrictions the bible provides us are for our good; They are not the result of a capricious deity’s arbitrary or stifling whims. In fact, Read more about 396 Why Christianity 9: Christian Freedom and Morality (Sean Finnegan)[…]

387 God Is Enough (Sean Finnegan)

What do you do when everything is stripped away?  You find out who you really are. In this sermon you’ll see what happened in ancient Judah when the Babylonians besieged Jerusalem, ultimately resulting in utter destruction, humiliating shame, and forcible deportation. Although our times today can’t really compare to the level of suffering these people Read more about 387 God Is Enough (Sean Finnegan)[…]

386 Christian Giving Today (Will Barlow)

This is part three of our Biblical Giving Series. In this third and final interview with Will Barlow, we’ll spend some focused time looking at Malachi 3 to understand what this passage meant in it’s original context and how it relates to us today.  Next we’ll take a look at three myths about Christian giving: Read more about 386 Christian Giving Today (Will Barlow)[…]

385 Giving in the New Testament (Will Barlow)

This is part two of our Biblical Giving Series. Today Will Barlow continues to lay out a comprehensive biblical theology of giving. First he looks at three areas of continuity between the Old and New Testaments: regarding ourselves as stewards of God’s wealth giving to the poor giving to ministers Next, Barlow explains three ways Read more about 385 Giving in the New Testament (Will Barlow)[…]

384 Giving in the Old Testament (Will Barlow)

This is part one of our Biblical Giving Series. Having grown up with a prosperity theology, Will Barlow begins by sharing about his background regarding tithing before tackling five myths about giving: The tithe was monetary and applied to all Israelites. The tithe was the first fruits of the harvest The tithe was always 10%. Read more about 384 Giving in the Old Testament (Will Barlow)[…]

383 Coming to America (Timypaul Lupe)

Growing up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Timypaul Lupe came face to face with poverty, hunger, and even war. However, his relationship with God provided him with stability and strength through the hardest of times. In this interview, you’ll hear about what life was like in Africa, how Timypaul came to America as Read more about 383 Coming to America (Timypaul Lupe)[…]

381 Bible Fed, Spirit Led (Kevin Guigou)

This is part 7 and the final episode in our holy spirit series. Are you on a journey with God or have you arrived? Are you still willing to learn and grow and try new things or have you erected boundaries around your current understanding and practice? Today my guest is Kevin Guigou, a full-time Read more about 381 Bible Fed, Spirit Led (Kevin Guigou)[…]

380 Test the Spirits (Carlos Jiménez)

This is part 6 of our holy spirit series. Today we hear a new perspective on the manifestations of the spirit from Carlos Jiménez who stakes out what he calls an “evidentialist” position. He is neither a cessationist nor a continuationist, but someone who retains a certain level of skepticism towards reports of spiritual activity. Read more about 380 Test the Spirits (Carlos Jiménez)[…]

379 Gifts of the Spirit for the Common Good (Victor Gluckin)

Today we enter into part 5 of our series on the holy spirit. We’ve seen a couple of perspectives, but my guest today is bringing in a third view to our exploration of this important topic. Growing up with the belief that tongues were the only evidence of salvation, Pastor Victor Gluckin eventually changed his Read more about 379 Gifts of the Spirit for the Common Good (Victor Gluckin)[…]

378 Speaking in Tongues Discussion 2 (Deuble, Truitt)

This is part 4 of our holy spirit series. Today we continue to hear John Truitt and Greg Deuble discuss speaking in tongues. If you haven’t listened to the previous three episodes in this series, it would be good to do that before listening to this one. Also, if you want to get the most Read more about 378 Speaking in Tongues Discussion 2 (Deuble, Truitt)[…]

377 Speaking in Tongues Discussion 1 (Truitt, Deuble)

This is part 3 of our holy spirit series. Do you know what I don’t hear enough of today? Dialogue–honest-hearted, biblically-informed, respectful dialogue. So often we silo ourselves off in echo chambers with our doctrinal comrades, occasionally lobbing malotov cocktails at the other side, never taking the time to understand them, much less ask the Read more about 377 Speaking in Tongues Discussion 1 (Truitt, Deuble)[…]

376 Tongues Have Ceased (Greg Deuble)

Last week John Truitt explained why he believes the gifts of the spirit are still available for Christians to experience. Today, Greg Deuble pulls on his own biblical research and personal experience to present an opposing case. What’s fascinating about Deuble is that he believes in God’s miraculous activity in the world today. However, he Read more about 376 Tongues Have Ceased (Greg Deuble)[…]

375 Gifts of the Spirit Are Available Today (John Truitt)

Restitutio exists to restore authentic Christianity and live it out today. As a restorationist, it really does matter to me how the earliest Christians practiced their faith. A question I ask myself is if I jumped in a time machine and went back to the late first century and attended a house church meeting, would Read more about 375 Gifts of the Spirit Are Available Today (John Truitt)[…]

374 I’m Offended (Sean Finnegan)

As our society increases in polarization and ideological tribalism, it’s easy to become thin-skinned, taking offense at the slightest remark. Even certain words can trigger us to explode in outrage and vitriol. What are we to do? Should we cloister ourselves in echo chambers, surrounded by those who already agree with us? Should we listen Read more about 374 I’m Offended (Sean Finnegan)[…]

373 Postmodernism 4: Cross-Cultural Conversations

Today in our fourth and final part of our series on postmodernism Pastor Jacob Ballard explains four key guidelines for cross-cultural ministry. Always change the language, but never change the message Exchange meta-narrative for personal narrative or community narrative Exchange certainty for humility, clues, hints, and mysteries Exchange absolutist morality for personal accountability and communal Read more about 373 Postmodernism 4: Cross-Cultural Conversations[…]

372 Postmodernism 3: Postmodernism’s Effect Today (Jacob Ballard)

Today, in part three of our series on postmodernism we ask the question, “How is postmodernism affecting our world today?” Pastor Jacob Ballard explains how narrative, experience, community, and subjective truth are key ways that postmodern-minded people go about making sense of reality. Then he shows how movements like Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ rights Read more about 372 Postmodernism 3: Postmodernism’s Effect Today (Jacob Ballard)[…]

371 Postmodernism 2: Modernism vs. Postmodernism (Jacob Ballard)

In our last episode, Pastor Jacob Ballard explained what worldviews are. Today he covers the two major worldviews: modernism and postmodernism. Although many today still approach life from a modernist mindset, postmodernism is here in increasing force. What are we as bible-believing Christians to do about this? The first step is to become aware of Read more about 371 Postmodernism 2: Modernism vs. Postmodernism (Jacob Ballard)[…]

370 Postmodernism 1: Worldview (Jacob Ballard)

Have you noticed the shifts happening all around us in our culture? Skepticism of traditional institutions from the government to the media to churches is at an all time high, while increasingly we’re told to discover our authentic self and live it out courageously. Universal truth claims sound like power grabs while individual personal truths Read more about 370 Postmodernism 1: Worldview (Jacob Ballard)[…]

368 Introducing the UCA Podcast (Mark Cain)

Did you know the Unitarian Christian Alliance just launched a podcast? In this interview, Mark Cain explains what he aims to do with this newest addition to one God podcasts and how the UCA podcast is different from the others. Ultimately, he wants to see unitarian Christians carry ourselves with confidence, knowing that our faith Read more about 368 Introducing the UCA Podcast (Mark Cain)[…]

365 Challenging Soul-Making Theodicy 2 (Brandon Duke, Jerry Wierwille)

This is the second part of a conversation where Jerry Wierwille challenges Brandon Duke’s soul-making theodicy. In particular, Wierwille raises the following questions: Why is hiddenness and epistemic distance considered a necessity for moral development considering the biblical examples where people experienced God and still retained their ability to make real moral choices either to Read more about 365 Challenging Soul-Making Theodicy 2 (Brandon Duke, Jerry Wierwille)[…]

364 Challenging Soul-Making Theodicy 1 (Brandon Duke, Jerry Wierwille)

In our last two episodes, Brandon Duke laid out his way of answering the question of why God allows so much suffering in our world. He did so by putting forward a modified version of the late John Hick’s soul-making theodicy. In this episode, Jerry Wierwille pushes back on a few issues with soul-making, preferring Read more about 364 Challenging Soul-Making Theodicy 1 (Brandon Duke, Jerry Wierwille)[…]

363 Why God Allows Suffering 2 (Brandon Duke)

In part one, Brandon Duke laid out some of the important groundwork for thinking about how a good and powerful God might have a world capable of experiencing immense amounts of evil and suffering. In our conversation today, we’ll delve further into the idea of soul-making to explain why suffering like death, damage, decay, and Read more about 363 Why God Allows Suffering 2 (Brandon Duke)[…]

362 Why God Allows Suffering 1 (Brandon Duke)

If God is so good and powerful, why is there so much evil in our world? Although you might retort, “It’s because humanity fell into sin and we are all suffering the consequences.” Such an answer merely pushes the question back one step, since God is the one who determined just how fallen our world Read more about 362 Why God Allows Suffering 1 (Brandon Duke)[…]

360 The Making of an Old Testament Professor (Bob Jones)

I love hearing people’s stories–especially people of faith. In this episode you’ll get to know Bob Jones, a professor at the Atlanta Bible College. He’s equally adept teaching chemistry or physics as he is Old Testament or Systematic Theology. Now in his seventies, Jones looks back on his life to see how God led him Read more about 360 The Making of an Old Testament Professor (Bob Jones)[…]

358 A Christian Perspective on Black Lives Matter (Russell Brown)

We’re delving into a topic rife with controversy, polarization, and intense emotion.  We’re asking the question, how should bible-based Christians respond to the Black Lives Matter movement.  No doubt, some of you will answer that we should all be out marching in full support while others think BLM is itself racist and should be resisted.  Read more about 358 A Christian Perspective on Black Lives Matter (Russell Brown)[…]

356 Unitarian Bible Translations 3 (Jerry Wierwille)

Today, we’ve got three more texts to look at in our selection of unitarian Bible translations. Unlike last time where we focused on Christologically interesting passages, today, we’ll examine Luke 23.43, John 7.53-8.11, and 1 Thessalonians 1.3 to look at a punctuation issue, a textual issue, and a grammatical issue. By the end of this Read more about 356 Unitarian Bible Translations 3 (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

355 Unitarian Bible Translations 2 (Jerry Wierwille)

Last time we reviewed six unitarian Bible translations, covering some basic information about where each came from and their overall strategy for translation. Today, we’re going to analyze how they translate three key texts, including Philippians 2.6, John 1.1-3, and John 8.58. Our goal is to measure these translations against what the Greek says as Read more about 355 Unitarian Bible Translations 2 (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

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349 Bible 20 – Bow or Worship? (Translating Proskuneo)

How should translators render the word προκσυνέω (proskuneo) into English?  Since this word has a range of meanings from bowing as a sign of respect to worshiping God, translators sometimes decide what English words to use based more on their theological presuppositions than the grammar or textual context.  For example, some translations (mostly those done Read more about 349 Bible 20 – Bow or Worship? (Translating Proskuneo)[…]

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348 Bible 19 – God’s Form or God’s Nature (Translating Philippians 2.6-7)

This is our first of five examples of bias in translation. Today we’ll examine Philippians 2.6-7, specifically focusing on how translators render two important words (ἁρπαγμός harpagmon and μορφή morphe). We’ll see how a couple of the most popular evangelical versions break free from the underlying Greek syntax in order to inject their own doctrinal Read more about 348 Bible 19 – God’s Form or God’s Nature (Translating Philippians 2.6-7)[…]

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347 Bible 18 – Bias in Bible Translation

Last time we evaluated two popular single-translator Bibles: the Message and the Passion Translation.  This time, we’re switching gears to consider committee-based versions.  I want to shine a spotlight on the whole subject of bias in translation in an effort to point out what often goes unnoticed.  We’ll consider both the committee effect that tends Read more about 347 Bible 18 – Bias in Bible Translation[…]

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345 Bible 16 – Evaluating the King James Version

What do you know about the King James Version?  Is it an accurate translation?  Does it have flaws?  Should you use it as a measuring stick for other translations?  In today’s episode, we’ll cover the making of the KJV of the Bible, going back to William Tyndale’s courageous work before delving into four areas of Read more about 345 Bible 16 – Evaluating the King James Version[…]

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341 Bible 12 – Two Uncorrected Corruptions (Mark 16.9-20 and John 7.53-8.11)

Last time we covered two corrected corruptions (1 Timothy 3.16 and 1 John 5.7).  This time we’ll consider two uncorrected corruptions, including the long ending on Mark (16.9-20) and the passage about the adulterous woman that Jesus saves (John 7.53-8.11).  Although these two texts are not found in the earliest and best manuscripts and translators Read more about 341 Bible 12 – Two Uncorrected Corruptions (Mark 16.9-20 and John 7.53-8.11)[…]

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337 Bible 8 – Other New Testament Manuscripts

We’ve been working our way through the various sources for our Greek New Testament.  We’ve looked at the papyri and the uncials, but there is so much more to consider.  In fact, the New Testament papyri and uncials combined make up less than 2% of our manuscripts.  Today, we’ll consider the other 98% of manuscripts Read more about 337 Bible 8 – Other New Testament Manuscripts[…]

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335 Bible 6 – Greek New Testament Papyri

Today we are shifting gears from the Old Testament to the New Testament, from Hebrew manuscripts to Greek ones.  We’ll begin with the earliest evidence for the Greek New Testament, the papyri.  Made from the papyrus plant, approximately 130 of these manuscripts survive today in museums around the world.  In this lecture you’ll learn the Read more about 335 Bible 6 – Greek New Testament Papyri[…]

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334 Bible 5 – Jewish Bible Translations

Today we are going to take a brief break from manuscripts and dip our toes into the pool of Bible translations.  Specifically, we’ll take a look at six of the most prominent Jewish translations of the Hebrew Bible, including: Jewish Publication Society (1917) Koren Jerusalem Bible (1961) New Jewish Publication Society (1985) Artscroll’s Stone Tanach Read more about 334 Bible 5 – Jewish Bible Translations[…]

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331 Bible 2 – Earliest Hebrew Manuscripts

Last time we looked at the Hebrew manuscripts known as the Masoretic Texts from the middle ages.  Today, we’ll focus on the earliest Hebrew manuscripts ever found, including those at the Cairo Genizah, the Ein-Gedi Scroll, the Nash Papyrus, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Ketef Hinnom Silver Scroll.  This is going to be very Read more about 331 Bible 2 – Earliest Hebrew Manuscripts[…]

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330 Bible 1 – The Masoretic Text

Today we are beginning a major new class on how we get our English Bibles. I’m so excited about sharing with you so much about what I’ve learned in doing the research for this project. We’re going to have a great time together. My goal here is to cover the transmission of manuscripts and translation Read more about 330 Bible 1 – The Masoretic Text[…]

329 Parenting 5 – Balancing Oversight with Independence

This is the fifth and final part of our parenting class.  Today you’ll learn about striking the balance between oversight and independence.  Although many parents today think their children are at risk of kidnapping and other terrible crimes, our society is actually much safer than it has been in decades.  The tendency to protect our Read more about 329 Parenting 5 – Balancing Oversight with Independence[…]

324 Original Sin Debate 2 (Kegan Chandler vs. Jerry Wierwille)

This is part four of our series on original sin. Last time Kegan Chandler and Jerry Wierwille discussed their different views of original sin and the resultant human condition.  In this final part of our series, we circle back to Romans 5 one last time and both explain how they understand it.  What drives our Read more about 324 Original Sin Debate 2 (Kegan Chandler vs. Jerry Wierwille)[…]

322 Inherited Sin in Romans 5 (Jerry Wierwille)

In our last episode Kegan Chandler presented his case against the classic doctrine of original sin.  Today we are going to hear a critique from Jerry Wierwille of Chandler’s presentation.  Wierwille makes the case for a middle position between Augustine and Chandler on the basis of the flow of thought in Romans 5.12-21.  He agrees Read more about 322 Inherited Sin in Romans 5 (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

320 Evangelism Panel Discussion (Josh Anderson, Jerry Wierwille, Sean Finnegan)

This is the sixth and final part of Joshua Anderson’s Announcing the Kingdom evangelism class. In this panel discussion Josh Anderson, Jerry Wierwille, and I discuss several issues before taking questions from the audience.  Questions we cover include: How can we develop relationships with non-Christians? How should we handle rejection? What should we say when Read more about 320 Evangelism Panel Discussion (Josh Anderson, Jerry Wierwille, Sean Finnegan)[…]

314 Adopting with Bethany Christian Services (Renee Rogowski)

Have you ever heard of Bethany Christian Services?  They are a large Christian adoption agency in the USA and internationally, working hard to find good homes for babies.  In this interview I visit my local branch in Latham, NY and speak with adoption specialist Renee Rogowski about how adoptions work.  I’m so impressed by the Read more about 314 Adopting with Bethany Christian Services (Renee Rogowski)[…]

313 Questioning Way International Doctrines (William Barlow)

How much control should Christian groups exercise over their people?  Should people be free to research and diverge from past ways of thinking?  In this interview, I talk with William Barlow who grew up in the Way International, but ran into problems when he started suggesting changes to the administrators at the Way Corps leadership Read more about 313 Questioning Way International Doctrines (William Barlow)[…]

312 Evaluating Dispensationalism 2 (John Truitt)

Last week John Truitt began discussing the theological framework of dispensationalism, especially the “mid-Acts dispensationalism” taught by the Way International.  He pointed out some flaws that got his attention and made him explore the issue more deeply.  In the course of his research, Truitt discovered another way of approaching scripture known as covenantalism.  In this Read more about 312 Evaluating Dispensationalism 2 (John Truitt)[…]

309 Introducing the Unitarian Christian Alliance (Dale Tuggy, Kegan Chandler, Mark Cain, Sean Finnegan)

Today, we are publicly announcing the launch of a new para-church organization called the UCA or the Unitarian Christian Alliance.  This is a new ministry that I’ve been working on with Dale Tuggy, Kegan Chandler, and Mark Cain for months and I believe it will help all of us, but especially those who don’t live Read more about 309 Introducing the Unitarian Christian Alliance (Dale Tuggy, Kegan Chandler, Mark Cain, Sean Finnegan)[…]

308 Foreknowledge and Free Will 6 (Sean Cole Defending Calvinism)

This is part 6 of our Foreknowledge and Free Will series.  Last time Dr. Sean Cole introduced the Calvinist understanding of God’s foreknowledge and the limitations on our freedom as a result of our fallen nature.  This time I ask Cole about unconditional election and how that compares to a lottery.  After all, if God Read more about 308 Foreknowledge and Free Will 6 (Sean Cole Defending Calvinism)[…]

307 Foreknowledge and Free Will 5 (Sean Cole Introducing Calvinism)

This is part 5 of our Foreknowledge and Free Will series.  We’ve considered Open Theism and Arminianism and now we are going to begin thinking about Calvinism. This way of conceiving of God’s foreknowledge argues for both exhaustive foreknowledge and meticulous providence. Thus, no one comes to Christ apart from God’s predestination since our natures Read more about 307 Foreknowledge and Free Will 5 (Sean Cole Introducing Calvinism)[…]

306 Foreknowledge and Free Will 4 (Leighton Flowers Defending Arminianism)

This is part 4 of our Foreknowledge and Free Will series.  Last time Dr. Leighton Flowers of the Soteriology101 podcast laid out his commitment to both God’s complete knowledge of all future events as well as humanity’s ability to freely choose.  Rather than explaining philosophically how that is possible, he suggested that we do not Read more about 306 Foreknowledge and Free Will 4 (Leighton Flowers Defending Arminianism)[…]

305 Foreknowledge and Free Will 3 (Leighton Flowers Introducing Arminianism)

We are now in part 3 of our Foreknowledge and Free Will series.  We’ve considered Open Theism–the idea that God’s foreknowledge is limited to what he plans to do as well as what he can ascertain from past and present conditions.  In a couple of weeks we’ll examine Calvinism, which holds that God not only Read more about 305 Foreknowledge and Free Will 3 (Leighton Flowers Introducing Arminianism)[…]

304 Foreknowledge and Free Will 2 (Dale Tuggy Defending Open Theism)

Last week we began our Foreknowledge and Freewill series with Dr. Dale Tuggy who gave us an overview of the various positions.  He also commended Open Theism as a view that triumphs where others suffer from logical contradictions.  Now, today in part two, Tuggy will further explore and defend Open Theism against a number of Read more about 304 Foreknowledge and Free Will 2 (Dale Tuggy Defending Open Theism)[…]

303 Foreknowledge and Free Will 1 (Dale Tuggy Introducing Open Theism)

Today we are beginning an exciting new series on one of the most interesting ongoing controversies within Christian theology.  Does God have exhaustive foreknowledge of the future?  Does he know everything that is going to happen before it happens?  If so, what does that mean for human free will?  What are the various options within Read more about 303 Foreknowledge and Free Will 1 (Dale Tuggy Introducing Open Theism)[…]

302 Five Reasons to Thank God (Sean Finnegan)

Gratitude is a key to spiritually healthy living.  We have so many reasons to be thankful, but in this message, I’d like to focus on just five: Thankful because God Commanded It Thankful for the Basics Thankful for the Family of God Thankful for God’s Attention Thankful for the Cross As God’s people, our lives Read more about 302 Five Reasons to Thank God (Sean Finnegan)[…]

301 The Bible’s View of the Body (Sean Finnegan)

We’ve had quite a number of folks commenting in on episode 299, my interview with Dr. Jerry Wierwille, called “Does the Bible Support Abortion“.  That episode was very limited to focusing on a couple of texts relevant to building a Christian perspective on abortion.  Essentially, we concluded, as on several previous episodes, that abortion-on-demand doesn’t Read more about 301 The Bible’s View of the Body (Sean Finnegan)[…]

299 Does the Bible Support Abortion? (Jerry Wierwille)

Abortion has been and remains a hot-button issue in our culture at large and even within some corners of Christianity.  In this episode Jerry Wierwille will explain the issues with the only biblical text that directly addresses this subject (Exodus 21.22-5).  In addition to exegeting this confusing passage, Wierwille also draws on evidence from Psalm Read more about 299 Does the Bible Support Abortion? (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

298 Orthodox Jew Defends God, Bible (Scott Shay)

Scott Shay is an interesting man.  He’s a succesful business man and banker who co-founded a bank in 2001.  He even has a TEDx talk where he spoke on Wall Street on the theme, “More Banks, Fewer Problems.”  However, he’s also an orthodox Jew who is passionate about his faith.  In this interview we talk Read more about 298 Orthodox Jew Defends God, Bible (Scott Shay)[…]

295 Job: It’s Complicated (Sean Finnegan)

The Hebrew Bible contains different kinds of wisdom literature.  For example, wise sayings in Proverbs typically express general principles, providing guidance for what to do when the world is working the way it’s supposed to.  However, Job deals with just the opposite issue.  What happens when you do everything right and still face extraordinary loss Read more about 295 Job: It’s Complicated (Sean Finnegan)[…]

292 A Change of Affection (Becket Cook)

I’ve got a fascinating interview for you with Becket Cook. Now some of you may recognize his name from the interview I did with him two years ago (Interview 18). In that episode Cook shared his amazing testimony of how he went from a committed gay production set designer in Hollywood to experiencing God in Read more about 292 A Change of Affection (Becket Cook)[…]

Interview 59 God at Work in Kenya 3 (Maurice Chahilu)

This is the third and final part of our series, God at Work in Kenya with Maurice Chahilu of Kingdom Life Ministries.  We’ve come to see so much about what is going on over there, but there’s still more to learn.  Last time I had asked bishop Maurice about his greatest challenges and what he Read more about Interview 59 God at Work in Kenya 3 (Maurice Chahilu)[…]

Interview 58 God at Work in Kenya 2 (Maurice Chahilu)

This is part two of our series on God at Work in Kenya with a focus on Kingdom Life Ministries and Maurice Chahilu.  In our last episode we saw how Maurice got started in his ministry.  (If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, go back and listen to it first).  Today, we’ll hear about Read more about Interview 58 God at Work in Kenya 2 (Maurice Chahilu)[…]

Interview 57 God at Work in Kenya 1 (Maurice Chahilu)

God is doing something in Kenya and churches are forming and growing rapidly.  Today we are beginning a series of shows on the work of Kingdom Life Ministries and the visionary who began the work there, Maurice Chahilu. A few weeks ago I went to Africa to visit Maurice and the churches he oversees.  I Read more about Interview 57 God at Work in Kenya 1 (Maurice Chahilu)[…]

Interview 56 Detoxing Your Brain 2 (Leah Fronczek)

Today is the second and final part of my interview with Leah Fronczek on detoxing your brain.  See part one here.  We begin by talking about the importance of free will in effecting change before getting into the specifics of how to combat toxic thinking.  Learn about multitasking, daydreaming, community, forgiveness, and honesty as ways Read more about Interview 56 Detoxing Your Brain 2 (Leah Fronczek)[…]

Interview 55 Detoxing Your Brain 1 (Leah Fronczek)

At the beginning of each year, we have a young adult event called Revive in Connecticut.  This year Leah Fronczek was one of the workshop leaders.  Her topic was detoxing your brain and I asked her to come on Restitutio to share with you what she learned in studying this topic.  This is so important Read more about Interview 55 Detoxing Your Brain 1 (Leah Fronczek)[…]

Interview 54 Beating Guns (Shane Claiborne and Mike Martin)

Last Saturday while I was attending a Christian festival in Ohio, a 21 year-old man entered a Walmart in El Paso, TX and murdered 22 people, injuring 24 more, making it the 7th deadliest shooting in modern US history.  What’s so crazy about this, is that walking into a huge store like Walmart and shooting Read more about Interview 54 Beating Guns (Shane Claiborne and Mike Martin)[…]

Interview 53 Why Knowing the Land of Israel Matters (Bill Schlegel)

Bill Schlegel lived in Israel for 34 years, much of that time spent studying and then teaching about the geography of the scriptures.  In this interview he provides three reasons why every bible-student should study the land of Israel: historical accuracy archeological accuracy geographical accuracy He also talks about his upcoming tour to Israel (March Read more about Interview 53 Why Knowing the Land of Israel Matters (Bill Schlegel)[…]

Interview 52 The Plight of Palestinians (Gloria Olivier)

What do you know about Palestinians?  In this eye-opening interview with Gloria Olivier, we discuss the plight of Palestinians today.  Did you know that thousands of Christians live in the West Bank today under Israeli occupation?  In this interview, you’ll learn a little about the history of this conflict as well as what conditions are Read more about Interview 52 The Plight of Palestinians (Gloria Olivier)[…]

Theology 23 — New Covenant

We are now in our second-to-last episode in this 24-part theology class, covering the major biblical doctrines as well as various counterarguments.  Today we will focus our time on the New Covenant.  We’ll make our way through biblical history in order to understand the grand sweep of the bible, paying special attention to the old Read more about Theology 23 — New Covenant[…]

Theology 18 — Atonement Theories

Last time we looked at the major categories the scriptures use to answer the question, “Why did Jesus die?”  This time, we’ll take a journey through church history, making stops along the way to see how our forebearers have made sense of the crucifixion of our Lord. You’ll learn about these seven theories: Ransom Christus Read more about Theology 18 — Atonement Theories[…]

Theology 17 — Atonement Scriptures

Why did Jesus die? Historically, we could say it was because the Roman Empire perceived him as a threat or the religious leaders in Jerusalem feared he would ignite an unwinnable revolution. Even so, the bible offers a number of theological answers that go far beyond the immediate circumstances of his crucifixion. In this lecture Read more about Theology 17 — Atonement Scriptures[…]

175 Did Christians Believe in the Trinity before 325 (Council of Nicea)?

Now I realize we are in the middle of our theology class, but I thought this would be a good time to take a quick break and put out my recent presentation from Restoration Fellowship’s 2019 Theological Conference, titled, “The Trinity before Nicea.”  Next week we’ll get back to theology and build up a biblical Read more about 175 Did Christians Believe in the Trinity before 325 (Council of Nicea)?[…]

Theology 13 – Jesus, God’s Supreme Representative

Although later Christianity interpreted the handful of texts that call Jesus God as evidence that he shared the same rank, substance, and age as the Father, a more Hebrew-sensitive reading of these same verses yields more organic fruit.  Instead of bringing in complex Greek philosophy to distinguish person from being and divine from human natures, Read more about Theology 13 – Jesus, God’s Supreme Representative[…]

Theology 11 – Jesus the Messiah

Have you joined the Restitutio facebook group?  The idea behind the group is that its a place where anyone can start topics for discussion.  So, please join if you’d like to see what’s going on. What is the defining title for Jesus of Nazareth?  Although he kept it mostly a secret during his ministry, Jesus’ Read more about Theology 11 – Jesus the Messiah[…]

Theology 9 — God

Today we’ll tackle the biggest question of all: who is God?  We’ll take a journey through scripture together to discover what God is like, stopping at key moments to consider what this or that interaction tells us about him. —— Notes —— theology: one’s understanding of God Ontology vs. Functionality ontology: understanding something based on Read more about Theology 9 — God[…]

Theology 7 — Annihilationism

What is the destiny of the unrighteous?  Christians over the centuries have put forward three major options: eternal conscious torment (traditionalism), temporary torment followed by salvation (universalism), temporary torment followed by destruction (annihilationism).  In this lecture we’ll cover the main texts supporting the annihilation of the wicked as well as three logical problems with the Read more about Theology 7 — Annihilationism[…]

Theology 6 — Challenging the Kingdom

In our last episode, we examined the broad scope of scripture, stopping at many texts along the way that teach about a future kingdom when Jesus returns.  In this session, we’ll take a look at a number of sometimes misunderstood texts that seem to imply the kingdom is either already present or in heaven. Here Read more about Theology 6 — Challenging the Kingdom[…]

Theology 5 — Kingdom Hope

We now begin a series of four lectures on the eternal destiny of the righteous and the wicked, including the kingdom and the judgement.  For today we are going to focus on what God promises for his own people in the age to come.  We’ll cruise through the entire bible (right from Genesis to Revelation), Read more about Theology 5 — Kingdom Hope[…]

Theology 3 – Conditional Immortality

In this lecture, you’ll learn about anthropology–the bible’s view of humanity.  In particular, we’ll focus on the two ends of the spectrum: creation and death.  We’ll see how the biblical view of humanity is rather exalted since we are made in God’s image.  We’ll examine what the bible teaches about death and resurrection and how Read more about Theology 3 – Conditional Immortality[…]

163 Jesus, God’s Agent

In this presentation you’ll learn about the core creed of the bible, both in the Old and New Testaments, the Shema, and how that relates to the smattering of texts in which Jesus may be called “God.”  If Yahweh alone is God then how can Jesus be God too?  Are there two Gods or is Read more about 163 Jesus, God’s Agent[…]

162 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 4

We continue our refutation of Michael Brown’s opening statement by addressing a whole smattering of texts, including Isaiah 9.6, John 20.28, Colossians 2.9, 2 Peter 1.1, Romans 9.5, and 1 John 5.20. We explain and debunk Brown’s unusual singular verb argument from 1 Thess 3.13, 2 Thess 2.16-17, and Rev 22.3-4. We briefly touch upon Read more about 162 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 4[…]

161 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 3

We continue our refutation of Michael Brown’s opening statement by addressing some alleged pre-existence texts in John 17.5, John 12.41, Philippians 2.6-11, and Matthew 23.37.  (See previous episodes here.)  Lastly we spend some considerable time working through Hebrews 1, giving special attention to verses 8 and 10.  To help you follow along, here is the Read more about 161 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 3[…]

160 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 2

In this episode we tackle the next chunk of Michael Brown’s opening statement in the recent Trinity debate.  We address his argument that since God’s words remain forever and Christ’s words remain forever, they must be the same (cf. Mat 24.35 vs. Isaiah 40.7-8).  Next we briefly explain the grammatical issues related to Titus 2.13 Read more about 160 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 2[…]

159 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 1

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Jerry Wierwille and I systematically refute Michael Brown’s problematic case for the deity of Christ in his recent debate with Dale Tuggy. Due to the number of texts Brown crammed into his opening statement, this will have to be a multipart series. In this episode we Read more about 159 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 1[…]

Interview 50 Michael Brown Post-Debate Review

Are you curious how Michael Brown thinks he did on the Trinity debate last weekend? In this post-debate interview I ask him about his strongest points as well as what he thought Dale Tuggy’s strongest points were. We talk about his reticence to use traditional trinitarian language in light of his own unique heritage and Read more about Interview 50 Michael Brown Post-Debate Review[…]

Theology 2 – Bibliology

Before delving into specific biblical doctrines, we need to first think about what the bible is. In this lecture you’ll learn what the bible says about itself, some reasons to believe God inspired it, as well as the major types of biblical scholars and how they approach scripture. This episode, along with the last one, Read more about Theology 2 – Bibliology[…]

Theology 1 – Introduction

Happy New Year. I’m so excited to begin with you a new class that covers a whole range of biblical doctrines. In fact, I’m going to combine two classes into one and I think they will work together really well. The first class was originally titled “Basic Bible Doctrine” and it covered approximately fifteen different Read more about Theology 1 – Introduction[…]

Interview 48 Korean Ministry (Sam An)

For more than a decade, Sam An has faithfully served as an administrator and teacher at the Korean Extension of the Atlanta Bible College.  In this interview, you’ll learn about his own story of faith as well as what God is doing through his ministry to touch Koreans both in America and in South Korea. Read more about Interview 48 Korean Ministry (Sam An)[…]

Interview 47 Christian Disciples Church and the Only True God (Calvin Chan)

Have you heard of the Christian Disciples Church?  They are a biblical unitarian group scattered throughout Asia primarily.  In this episode Calvin Chan, who has been with the disciples since the beginning, will tell you the story of how this group got started as a student disciple movement.  He also shares about how the founder, Read more about Interview 47 Christian Disciples Church and the Only True God (Calvin Chan)[…]

Interview 46 Misunderstood Texts about Jesus 4 (Bill Schlegel)

This is the fourth and final part of our Misunderstood Texts about Jesus series with Bill Schlegel.  In this episode he offers remarks on Philippians 2.5-6, Colossians 2.9, and Revelation 1.17.  After this, I ask him one of the biggest questions on this subject: if Jesus isn’t God then how can his sacrifice possibly pay Read more about Interview 46 Misunderstood Texts about Jesus 4 (Bill Schlegel)[…]

Interview 45 Misunderstood Texts about Jesus 3 (Bill Schlegel)

In parts one and two, we examined ten misunderstood verses in the Gospel of John.  In part three, we’ll examine seven more texts from the rest of the bible: Genesis 1.26 Isaiah 9.6 Matthew 2.2 Matthew 28.9 Matthew 28.19 (cf. 2 Cor 13.14) Romans 9.5 Acts 20.28 Repeatedly, Bill Schlegel calls us back to understand Read more about Interview 45 Misunderstood Texts about Jesus 3 (Bill Schlegel)[…]

Interview 44 Misunderstood Texts about Jesus 2 (Bill Schlegel)

This is part two of my series with Bill Schlegel, former professor of the Israel Bible Extension and long time bible teacher and geography expert.  Last time we discussed five major texts in the Gospel of John and this time we cover four or five more: John 10.30 John 10.33 John 13.18-19 John 20.28 1 Read more about Interview 44 Misunderstood Texts about Jesus 2 (Bill Schlegel)[…]

Interview 43 Misunderstood Texts about Jesus 1 (Bill Schlegel)

Today we are beginning a new series called “Misunderstood Texts about Jesus” with Bill Schlegel.  Professor Schlegel lived and taught the bible and geography in Israel for more than three decades.  Recently, he came to change his mind on the deity of Jesus, seeing him now as God’s man rather than a God-man.  Since he Read more about Interview 43 Misunderstood Texts about Jesus 1 (Bill Schlegel)[…]

155 God’s Book (Sean Finnegan)

Q: How do you know the bible is true? A: Because God wrote it. Q: How do you know God wrote it? A: Because the bible says God wrote it. Q: But, how do you know the bible is true? Here we encounter the classic circular argument for the bible’s inspiration. Surely, there’s a better Read more about 155 God’s Book (Sean Finnegan)[…]

153 Be You — Colossians 3 (Sean Finnegan)

Our culture longs for authenticity. We’re tired of fakers and phonies who say one thing and do another. People should just be true to themselves and have the courage to flout tradition when it holds them back from genuine self-expression. However, this mentality results in major individual and social problems from sexually transmitted diseases to Read more about 153 Be You — Colossians 3 (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 42 Christian Solidarity vs. Polarizing Politics (Kenneth Laprade)

Kenneth LaPrade lives in El Paso, Texas, on the border between the United States and Mexico.  His wife is Mexican and many of the folks in his house church are from Mexico.  In such a context, immigration is always a touchy subject, but lately some Christians have baptized certain political rhetoric and presented it as Read more about Interview 42 Christian Solidarity vs. Polarizing Politics (Kenneth Laprade)[…]

Interview 40: How Much Does Truth Matter? (Chuck Whitlock)

How much does truth matter to you?  In particular, how should we think about Christians who hold very different views on key subjects?  For example, I’m a biblical unitarian, someone who believes that we should take Jesus literally when he called his Father “the only true God.”  Of course I believe Jesus is God’s only Read more about Interview 40: How Much Does Truth Matter? (Chuck Whitlock)[…]

Interview 39: First Faith (Kirk Walden)

Are you looking for a Christian blog to encourage you in your faith?  In this short interview Kirk Walden shares about his new website, 1stfaith.com, and the work he and his team are doing to live out 1st century Christianity in the 21st century.  First Faith aims to simplify and strengthen your faith so you Read more about Interview 39: First Faith (Kirk Walden)[…]

Interview 38: Advocating for the Unborn (Kirk Walden)

Kirk Walden has been advocating for the lives of the unborn since 1991 when he became the director of a small pregnancy help center in Auburn, Alabama.  Over the last 17 years, he’s focused on fundraising for Heartbeat International, which supports pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes.  In this interview I ask him about Read more about Interview 38: Advocating for the Unborn (Kirk Walden)[…]

142 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 6: Perseverance of the Saints

This is part 6 of the Calvinism Debate Can you lose your salvation?  If God saves someone, will they always persevere?  What about people who leave the church?  These are important questions and they are at the heart of this last discussion on Calvinism.  Blake affirms that after regeneration, absolutely nothing can separate someone from Read more about 142 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 6: Perseverance of the Saints[…]

141 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 5: Irresistible Grace

This is part 5 of the Calvinism Debate When God calls you, can you say, “No?” According to Calvinism, God’s grace is irresistible, meaning when he determines to save someone, he always achieves his goal. In other words, his call is always effectual.  On the other side, Arminianism teaches that God offers grace, but people Read more about 141 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 5: Irresistible Grace[…]

140 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 4: Limited Atonement

This is part 4 of the Calvinism Debate Did Jesus die to make it possible for anyone to be saved or did he only die for the elect? In this discussion between Blake Cortright and Jacob Rohrer, they discuss this important issue and how it relates to evangelism. Blake affirms limited atonement while Jacob argues Read more about 140 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 4: Limited Atonement[…]

139 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 3: Unconditional Election

This is part 3 of the Calvinism Debate Does God predestine everyone who will ever be saved before they’re even born?  Blake affirms that not only does God choose whom he will save in eternity past, but he did so without regard to any conditions or qualities of what these people will do.  Jacob denies, Read more about 139 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 3: Unconditional Election[…]

138 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 2: Total Depravity

This is part 2 of the Calvinism Debate Just how fallen are we? What does it mean to be dead in trespasses and sins? Are we so depraved and mired in sin that we cannot even have faith in God? Blake Cortright says answers, “Yes.” Unless God quickens us through his spirit, we are innately Read more about 138 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 2: Total Depravity[…]

Interview 37: A New Perspective on Galatians (Jerry Wierwille)

Last time, Jerry Wierwille explained the concept of covenantal nomism–the idea that rather than seeking to earn their salvation through perfect obedience, Jews at the time of Christ looked at the Law as a covenant God graciously entered into with his people.  They enter that covenant by birth and then need to remain faithful to Read more about Interview 37: A New Perspective on Galatians (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Interview 36: Paul and Covenantal Nomism (Jerry Wierwille)

How did Jews at the time of Jesus understand their relationship to the Law?  Did they believe in “works righteousness”–the idea that only by obeying the commandments of Torah could they earn salvation?  Did they believe in grace?  Jerry Wierwille leads us through this important issue so that we contextualize the epistles of Paul within Read more about Interview 36: Paul and Covenantal Nomism (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Interview 34: From Pentecostal to Messianic Unitarian (Daniel Calcagno)

Born to Italian immigrants, Daniel Calcagno grew up in Canada, near Niagara Falls and attended a Pentecostal church.  After he began taking his faith seriously, he started researching the Jewish people–especially those who believe in Jesus.  Over time he founded Messianic Niagara, a local home group with a website that promoted audio teachings.   However, Read more about Interview 34: From Pentecostal to Messianic Unitarian (Daniel Calcagno)[…]

Interview 31: Master’s University Prof. Finds Son of God, Loses Job (Bill Schlegel)

Bill Schlegel, professor and cofounder of The Master’s University extension program in Israel (IBEX), was studying the phrase “Son of God” and came to understand the term did not correlate with the traditional “God the Son” teaching, but instead meant God’s heir, the king he has designated to rule the world.  Although he had taught Read more about Interview 31: Master’s University Prof. Finds Son of God, Loses Job (Bill Schlegel)[…]

Off Script 47: Is God’s Violence in the Bible Wrong? (Q&A)

This is part six in our series on responding to your questions and comments.  In light of our killing series, we considered whether Christians should kill the old, the young, enemies, or criminals, however we never addressed the morality of God killing. Brian asked: Can I expect a subsequent episode where you discuss a sort Read more about Off Script 47: Is God’s Violence in the Bible Wrong? (Q&A)[…]

Off Script 46: Should Christians Outlaw Abortion? (Q&A)

This is part five in our series on responding to your questions and comments.  In this Q & A episode, we address two commenters who responded to Off Script 34: Killing the Unborn (A Christian View of Abortion). Dan Fitzsimmons responds to Candace who inquired why Dan would vote against capital punishment but not against Read more about Off Script 46: Should Christians Outlaw Abortion? (Q&A)[…]

Off Script 45: Should Christians Support Capital Punishment? (Q&A)

This is part four in our series on responding to your questions and comments.  In this episode, we respond to a comment made on Off Script 37: Killing Criminals, in which we took the position that capital punishment is a biblically justifiable practice, but in America today it is fraught with problems, including the outrageous Read more about Off Script 45: Should Christians Support Capital Punishment? (Q&A)[…]

Off Script 44: Should We Ban Muslim Immigrants? (Q&A)

This is part three in our series on responding to your questions and comments.  In Off Script 28: Seeking a Christian View on Refugees and Immigrants, we concluded on the basis of several scriptures in the Old Testament as well as the Great Commission that Christians should welcome refugees into their countries.  In response to Read more about Off Script 44: Should We Ban Muslim Immigrants? (Q&A)[…]

Off Script 43: Can Christians Use Non-Lethal Violence? (Q&A)

  This is our second answer in our series on responding to your questions and comments.  In Off Script 38: Killing in War: A Christian View of Violence, we discussed whether it is appropriate for Christians to participate in war, concluding that Jesus’ command to love our enemies means that Christians should not kill others.  Read more about Off Script 43: Can Christians Use Non-Lethal Violence? (Q&A)[…]

Off Script 42: Hillary Clinton, a Dead Moose, and Christians Discussing Politics (Q&A)

Welcome to our series answering your questions and responding to some of your comments.  We’ve been saving these up and over the next few weeks, we’ll address a number of them.  We’ve decided to do these in individual episodes, so if you’re not interested in the topic, you can just skip it and listen to Read more about Off Script 42: Hillary Clinton, a Dead Moose, and Christians Discussing Politics (Q&A)[…]

134 Finding the Love of Your Life (Book of Ruth)

Have you ever read the book of Ruth?  Though it’s only four chapters, it contains timeless truths that can help us today.  Our culture puts an incredible amount of pressure on spouses to never change, be perfectly compatible, and fulfill our deepest longings that it’s no wonder that singles often can’t seem to find the Read more about 134 Finding the Love of Your Life (Book of Ruth)[…]

132 Twentieth Century American Christianity (Five Hundred 15)

In this last episode of our 500 class, we’ll cover a bunch of 20th century American groups including Christian Science, the Evangelicals, Plymouth Brethren, Pentecostals, Calvary Chapel, Vineyard Churches, Christian and Missionary Alliance, the Way International, the Worldwide Church of God, Scientology, the Moonies, and Megachurches (Rick Warren, Craig Groeschel, and Joel Osteen).  It’s a Read more about 132 Twentieth Century American Christianity (Five Hundred 15)[…]

130 Missionaries, Adventists, and Mormons (Five Hundred 14)

The 1800s was an exciting time for Christianity in America. At the same time that secularism and liberal Christianity made huge gains, several renewal movements occurred throughout the land, including the Second Great Awakening. In this episode you learn about the birth of the Protestant missionary movement with the Moravians and the Baptists, how the Read more about 130 Missionaries, Adventists, and Mormons (Five Hundred 14)[…]

Off Script 41: Guns, Immigrants, and White Evangelicals

This is part two of our discussion about Charles Mathewes’ Washington Post article, “White Christianity is in big trouble. And it’s its own biggest threat.”  Check out part one here.  In this episode we consider gun control, immigration, the death penalty, and treatment of the poor in an effort to understand and respond to evangelicalism’s Read more about Off Script 41: Guns, Immigrants, and White Evangelicals[…]

129 Losing Faith (Five Hundred 13)

This lecture covers the two main types of criticisms leveled against Christianity during the Enlightenment period: biblical and philosophical.  In addition you’ll see how some Christians dug their heals in and worked hard to defend their faith while others gave ground but reinterpreted Christianity in a way that would not only survive the criticisms but Read more about 129 Losing Faith (Five Hundred 13)[…]

Off Script 40: Roy Moore, Gay Wedding Cakes, and White Evangelicals

While scrolling through Facebook, I came across Charles Mathewes’ Washington Post article, “White Christianity is in big trouble. And it’s its own biggest threat.”  At first reading, I was infuriated at what I felt were unfair criticisms, but after I thought about it, I realized what an opportunity this article presented.  It collects together no Read more about Off Script 40: Roy Moore, Gay Wedding Cakes, and White Evangelicals[…]

128 Colonials and Methodists (Five Hundred 12)

Hear the winding tale of early Christian history in the Americas with a special focus on the thirteen colonies.  Right from the start the Americas were full of Christian diversity including Catholicism, the Church of England, Puritans, Baptists, and Quakers.  In this lecture you’ll see how this diversity led to an unprecedented level of religious Read more about 128 Colonials and Methodists (Five Hundred 12)[…]

Revive 2018 Sermons

  On January 5-7, seventy-five of us gathered to spend a weekend focused on the theme “Glorious Love.” We sang, we cried, we laughed, we played hungry hungry hippos, we played floor hockey, we had a panel discussion, we warmed ourselves by a fire, we renewed old friendships and made new friends, and we heard Read more about Revive 2018 Sermons[…]

Off Script 39: Sexual Harassment, A Christian Response

Several significant sexual harassment cases have come to light in the last few months.  Now a whole range of behaviors have come under scrutiny as women (and some men) have felt emboldened to make public their experiences.  In this episode we even out our Off Script panel with one more female voice, Terri Crowder, to Read more about Off Script 39: Sexual Harassment, A Christian Response[…]

127 Catholicism (Five Hundred 11)

Although the focus of this class is on the history of Protestants of various stripes, it’s also important to realize that Catholicism changed a good deal during the last five hundred years.  In this lecture, you’ll get a brief sketch of the history of significant Catholic movements and doctrinal declarations during this period, including the Read more about 127 Catholicism (Five Hundred 11)[…]

126 Dissidents in Britain (Five Hundred 10)

Learn about the dissident groups in Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries, including the Puritans, Baptists, Quakers, and Unitarians. In addition, Sean Kelly presents a vignette of John Biddle’s life and influence. This is lecture 10 of a history of Christianity class called Five Hundred: From Martin Luther to Joel Osteen. All the notes Read more about 126 Dissidents in Britain (Five Hundred 10)[…]

122 Reformations on the Continent (Five Hundred 7)

Zooming out, this episode casts a wide net to summarize how the movement started by Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin affected Europe over the next century. We’ll see how the Reformation took root in Germany, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands while simultaneously failing to find fertile ground in France, especially among those in power. Lastly, we’ll consider Read more about 122 Reformations on the Continent (Five Hundred 7)[…]

Interview 30: When God Speaks (Alan Cain)

Have you ever noticed that pastors tend to get called to bigger churches over time, usually with better pay.  However, after fifteen years of serving at a church in rural South Carolina, Pastor Alan Cain heard God calling him to move to a smaller church that was having financial difficulty.  Although he took some convincing, Read more about Interview 30: When God Speaks (Alan Cain)[…]

120 Biblical Unitarian Trailblazers of the 16th Century (Five Hundred 5)

Although sometimes lumped in with enlightenment rationalism, the biblical unitarian movement came to prominence right from the start of the Reformation.  Essentially, as soon as bible translations started getting into the hands of regular people, a great many Catholic doctrines came under scrutiny.  In this episode you’ll learn about three major biblical unitarian trailblazers of Read more about 120 Biblical Unitarian Trailblazers of the 16th Century (Five Hundred 5)[…]

Off Script 37: Killing Criminals: A Christian View of Capital Punishment

Determining the validity of capital punishment is a complex task, especially when approached from a Christian perspective.  To arrive at a biblically informed decision we need to consider both the Old and New Testaments, giving special attention to the nuanced understanding the Apostle Paul gave in Romans 13.  Furthermore, in America we have quite a Read more about Off Script 37: Killing Criminals: A Christian View of Capital Punishment[…]

119 Sattler, Münster, and Simons (Five Hundred 4)

In this lecture you’ll learn about the Anabaptist movement and their distinctive beliefs.  We’ll consider the life of Michael Sattler, an important leader of the Anabaptists, and see how he stood firm in his faith even when his life was at risk.  Next, you’ll find out about Melchior Hoffman and how his followers took over Read more about 119 Sattler, Münster, and Simons (Five Hundred 4)[…]

Off Script 36: Killing the Suffering: A Christian View of Euthanasia

Is it ever right to end someone’s life early? If so, under what conditions? In this episode we turn to the bible to sort out a Christian position on euthanasia.  Drawing on the inherent dignity God has invested in each person by making us in his image and the fact that God claims sovereignty over Read more about Off Script 36: Killing the Suffering: A Christian View of Euthanasia[…]

118 Zwingli and the Swiss Anabaptists (Five Hundred 3)

Learn about the Swiss Reformation, spearheaded by Ulrich Zwingli in Zurich as well as the formation of the sect of Anabaptists known as the Swiss Brethren, including Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, and George Blaurock. Key events covered in this episode include: 1519 Ulrich Zwingli begins Reformation in Zurich 1529 Zwingli and Luther part ways over Read more about 118 Zwingli and the Swiss Anabaptists (Five Hundred 3)[…]

Off Script 35: Killing Yourself: A Christian View of Suicide

On average, 121 people commit suicide per day in America. It is now the tenth leading cause of death in this country.  In this episode we discuss this phenomenon and seek to understand what the bible can teach us about this subject.  In addition, we wrestle with a number of hard questions about suicide such Read more about Off Script 35: Killing Yourself: A Christian View of Suicide[…]

117 Luther and Calvin (Five Hundred 2)

In this episode, you’ll get a brief introduction to the contributions of Martin Luther and John Calvin to the initiation and spread of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, including these events: 1505 Martin Luther becomes a monk 1517 Martin Luther nails 95 Theses on Wittenberg church door 1524-5 Peasants War 1536 John Calvin Read more about 117 Luther and Calvin (Five Hundred 2)[…]

Off Script 34: Killing the Unborn (A Christian View of Abortion)

Today we are beginning a new series on life and death, in which we’ll consider abortion, suicide, euthanasia, and capital punishment.  Our goal is to address each topic from a biblical framework in order to arrive at a Christian position.  At the outset, I’ll admit that we don’t know everything and could be wrong, so Read more about Off Script 34: Killing the Unborn (A Christian View of Abortion)[…]

114 Divorce and Remarriage (Sean Finnegan)

Divorce is a painful and complicated subject to talk about in America today where about half of all marriages end in divorce. Our laws have changed to accept “no-fault” divorce and many of us are unaware of what the bible teaches on this critical subject. To figure out the biblical perspective on divorce and remarriage, Read more about 114 Divorce and Remarriage (Sean Finnegan)[…]

112 God’s Not Done with You Yet (Sean Finnegan)

We all get beaten down in life. Whether it’s catastrophes like hurricanes, shootings, or economic meltdowns, or just dealing with the day to day demands and responsibilities of life, we all go through periods of dryness, feeling like we aren’t making a difference. This is where Elijah’s example is particularly pertinent. Having reached the peak Read more about 112 God’s Not Done with You Yet (Sean Finnegan)[…]

110 Heaven Is Not My Home (Sean Finnegan)

This world is not my home I’m just a passing through My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue The angels beckon me from heaven’s open door And I can’t feel at home in this world anymore Oh lord you know I have no friend like you If heaven’s not my home then lord Read more about 110 Heaven Is Not My Home (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 29: God’s Faithful Minister (John McCave)

John McCave has faithfully served God as a minister for 36 years.  In this interview he shares his story of how God brought him from a hardened tough guy to a humble servant, motivated by love.  McCave also shares key insights he’s gained along the way, especially with regard to his wife, Mary without whose Read more about Interview 29: God’s Faithful Minister (John McCave)[…]

Interview 28: Exegetical Fallacies (Jerry Wierwille)

Why are there so many divergent beliefs about what the bible teaches?  Partially, this results from mistakes we make when reading scripture.  In this interview, Dr. Jerry Wierwille enumerates seven typical fallacies that bible students commit when reading: Root Fallacy Time-Frame Fallacy Misusing Parallels Fallacy Single Meaning Fallacy Word-Concept Fallacy Disjunctive Fallacy Lexical Fallacy Avoiding Read more about Interview 28: Exegetical Fallacies (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

108 Indigenous Missionaries (Sean Finnegan)

Are you a missionary? Although we typically think of missionaries as those who travel to foreign lands to share the gospel with people, the simple fact is that we are all called to the work of sharing the gospel.  Furthermore, as HeartCry Missionary Society points out, indigenous missionaries have huge advantages over foreign missionaries since Read more about 108 Indigenous Missionaries (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 27: Understanding Proverbs (Jerry Wierwille)

What do you know about the book of Proverbs?  It can be quite difficult to understand what’s going on without some knowledge of how Hebrew poetry works.  In this episode Jerry Wierwille, serves as our guide to get a better grip on what Proverbs is all about.  He explains the poetic structures, general approach, and Read more about Interview 27: Understanding Proverbs (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Interview 25: Studying the Trinity, Discovering God Is One (Sean Holbrook)

Sean Holbrook was attending a typical evangelical church when he heard a series of sermons teaching the Trinity.  Ironically, these very messages, designed to bolster faith in the doctrine, ended up inspiring Holbrook to question the age old dogma.  As a result, he set out to study the topic more and watched James White debates Read more about Interview 25: Studying the Trinity, Discovering God Is One (Sean Holbrook)[…]

105 Recovering the Kingdom (Kingdom of God 14)

We’ve looked at how and why Christianity lost the kingdom message; in this episode you’ll learn how we got it back.  Over the last five hundred years, three different movements have made significant strides in recovering the kingdom: the Anabaptists (16th century), the Adventists (19th century), and liberal scholars (20th century).  In this lecture you’ll Read more about 105 Recovering the Kingdom (Kingdom of God 14)[…]

Off Script 33: Stewarding Your Resources

We all have resources, whether money, time, talents, or skills.  How should we steward these resources?  In this episode, we conclude our series on stewardship by talking about work, debt, contentment, retirement, volunteering, industriousness, and laziness.  We conclude that as with all areas of life, we need to seek God’s glory with our resources. Links: Read more about Off Script 33: Stewarding Your Resources[…]

104 The Kingdom Is Too Jewish (Kingdom of God 13)

This is part three of a series of three lectures on why some Christians ended up rejecting the kingdom message in the first few centuries of Christianity.  In this part, I work through the major differences between how Jews and Greeks read scripture.  What we find is that the Christians who didn’t like the kingdom Read more about 104 The Kingdom Is Too Jewish (Kingdom of God 13)[…]

Off Script 32: Stewarding Your Image (Can Christians Get Tattoos?)

Last week we looked at stewarding your body. In this episode we focus on a phenomenon that has been growing over the last couple of decades–tattoos and piercings. What was once seen among sailors, bikers, and soldiers is now rampant among celebrities, athletes, and countless others. What’s a Christian to do? Should we go with Read more about Off Script 32: Stewarding Your Image (Can Christians Get Tattoos?)[…]

Off Script 31: Stewarding Your Body

How should you steward your body?  Are all bodily pleasures inherently sinful?  In order to grapple with these questions, we take a tour through the bible from the Garden of Eden through to the time of Jesus to observe the balanced biblical perspective between asceticism (denying all pleasures) and hedonism (living for pleasure).  As it Read more about Off Script 31: Stewarding Your Body[…]

102 The Kingdom Is Too Crude (Kingdom of God 11)

Now that you’ve seen the historical defenders of the kingdom faith, it’s time to turn our attention to those who fought against it.  Over the next three lectures you’ll learn the main reasons why Christianity rejected the kingdom message of the bible and replaced it with going to heaven or hell at death.  First up, Read more about 102 The Kingdom Is Too Crude (Kingdom of God 11)[…]

Off Script 30: Stewarding the Earth

We’re beginning a new series on stewardship. To start with, we’ll discuss the biblical mindset towards stewarding the earth. Future episodes will address stewarding our bodies and finances.  In this show, we begin with creation theology and move to consider how God injected covenantal significance into how Israelites were to think about their land. Lastly, Read more about Off Script 30: Stewarding the Earth[…]

101 Historical Kingdom Advocates (Kingdom of God 10)

Who has believed in the kingdom over the history of Christianity?  In this lecture, you’ll find out who defended the kingdom belief in the first four centuries, before it faded out of the mainstream and got replaced with going to heaven instead.  In order to put you in contact with the primary sources, we read Read more about 101 Historical Kingdom Advocates (Kingdom of God 10)[…]

Interview 24: What Is the Trinity with Dale Tuggy

Do you know what the Trinity is?  Could you explain it to someone else or is it just a confusing collection of impenetrable statements hidden under a cloud of fog?  In his recent book, Professor Dale Tuggy seeks to clarify everyone’s perceptions of the various Trinity theories so that we can have productive conversation on Read more about Interview 24: What Is the Trinity with Dale Tuggy[…]

Interview 23: Bible Lock-Screens with Ryan Maher

Are you interested in online ministry?  Would you like to reach more people?  Ryan Maher shares what he’s learned about combining his love for God and graphic design into his bible lock-screen app.  Once Instigram came out, he jumped on board and developed a following that numbers around a million people.  In this interview Maher Read more about Interview 23: Bible Lock-Screens with Ryan Maher[…]

Interview 22: The 21st Century Reformation (J. Dan and Sharon Gill)

J. Dan and Sharon Gill are part of a growing movement of bible students who have concluded that the Father of Jesus is the only true God.  They’re so passionate about this truth that in 2008, they launched their website, called Twenty-First Century Reformation (21stcr.org).  To date they’ve received over 700,000 views on YouT ube, Read more about Interview 22: The 21st Century Reformation (J. Dan and Sharon Gill)[…]

89: Kingdom in the New Testament (Kingdom of God 5)

Now that we’ve looked at many of the kingdom texts from the Old Testament, today we’ll get into the New Testament and see what Jesus and the apostles taught about the kingdom.  We’ll examine the titles of Jesus, a couple of his parables, some texts from Paul and James, and conclude in Revelation.  In this Read more about 89: Kingdom in the New Testament (Kingdom of God 5)[…]

88: Restorationist Manifesto

Simply put, restorationism is the approach to Christianity that seeks to compare accepted doctrines and practices against the bible to see if they are valid.  Our intention is to recover authentic New Testament Christianity and live it out today.  We hold God’s inspired scriptures above traditions, creeds, and clergy.  The time is ripe for us Read more about 88: Restorationist Manifesto[…]

Interview 20: How To Quit Pornography (Blake Cortright)

Let’s face it; it’s difficult to talk about pornography, especially among Christians.  We get overwhelmed with feelings of shame and embarrassment while fearing how others will regard us with disgust or disdain.  However, this issue is a huge struggle for a ton of Christians (and non-Christians) in the world today.  Drawing on some of what Read more about Interview 20: How To Quit Pornography (Blake Cortright)[…]

86: Kingdom in Isaiah (Kingdom of God 3)

The prophet Isaiah spoke more about the kingdom than any other prophet in the Hebrew bible. Consequently, his book is a phenomenal place to begin developing our understanding of what the kingdom will be like.  Stitching together his various snapshots, we encounter a magnificent collage detailing a new world full of peace, justice, and healing. Read more about 86: Kingdom in Isaiah (Kingdom of God 3)[…]

85: Kingdom Covenants (Kingdom of God 2)

It’s impossible to understand the kingdom of God or Jesus without having a grasp of the history-changing promises God made with Abraham and David.  To Abraham God covenanted the land and to David, a descendant to rule.  Ultimately these two covenants find their fulfillment in Jesus of Nazareth–the Messiah. This is lecture 2 of the Read more about 85: Kingdom Covenants (Kingdom of God 2)[…]

Off Script 29: Dealing with Doubt

What role does doubt play in your life?  Do you think of it as something to push aside and ignore or do you pursue your doubts to get answers?  In this episode we examine the role of doubt for Christians, avoiding both extremes of refusing to engage with doubt as well as obsessing on it.  Read more about Off Script 29: Dealing with Doubt[…]

Off Script 28: Seeking a Christian View on Refugees and Immigrants

On January 27, 2017, President Trump issued Executive Order 13769, called “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States,” in which he banned immigration from seven countries, including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.  This unpopular order caused much controversy throughout the US and led to significant litigation, delaying it’s Read more about Off Script 28: Seeking a Christian View on Refugees and Immigrants[…]

Podcast 83: Questions about Gay and Lesbian Christians

In the last episode (Boundaries for Same-Sex Attraction), we looked at what the bible says about same-sex attraction.  In this one, we consider seven important questions about gay and lesbian Christians: How should same-sex attracted Christians think of themselves? Isn’t the Christian sexual ethic harmful to gays and lesbians? Is having same-sex feelings a sin? Read more about Podcast 83: Questions about Gay and Lesbian Christians[…]

Podcast 82: Biblical Boundaries for Same-Sex Attraction

Is it a sin to be gay? What does the bible say about same-sex attraction? In this episode you’ll become familiar with the relevant scriptures that talk about homosexuality. You’ll also learn what arsenokoitai (ἀρσενοκοῖται) means in 1 Corinthians 6.9, a key battleground text for discussions of biblical sexuality. Here the Apostle Paul pulls from Read more about Podcast 82: Biblical Boundaries for Same-Sex Attraction[…]

Podcast 80: Resurrection People (Sean Finnegan)

The best chapter on resurrection in the bible is 1 Corinthians 15. In it, the Apostle Paul masterfully lays out the Christian position on resurrection while overcoming common objections in the culture. As it turns out, people living in Corinth thought the idea of resurrection seemed real bizarre.  Looking at tombstone inscriptions, Plato’s Phaedo, and Read more about Podcast 80: Resurrection People (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 16: Church of God Vision (Seth Ross)

Back in Interview 11, Joe Martin talked about how he was soon to step down from his leadership position at the Church of God (General Conference).  In this episode, you’ll hear from Seth Ross, who has taken up the mantle and who casts his vision for the future.  You’ll learn about his background, his twenty Read more about Interview 16: Church of God Vision (Seth Ross)[…]

Podcast 78: The Insidious Danger of Self-Righteousness (Sean Finnegan)

No one joined the Pharisees out of desire to practice professional hypocrisy. They were the devout, the separated, the ones who took God and holiness seriously. However, by the time of Jesus, they had confused godliness with self-righteousness and lost compassion in the process. It’s so easy for us to root for Jesus as he Read more about Podcast 78: The Insidious Danger of Self-Righteousness (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Off Script 27: Worshiping God

Now that we’ve worked through several counterfeit gods, including love, money, success, and power, it’s time to dig in a little deeper.  Do you understand your own heart?  Can you discern where you are tempted to idolize something or someone?  In order to figure this out, ask yourself these four questions: What do you daydream Read more about Off Script 27: Worshiping God[…]

Off Script 26: Worshiping Power

The 19th century philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, believed that our desire for success, money, or love really went back to our “will to power.”  Whereas other philosophies focused on calibrating our internal state to accept reality, Nietzsche focused more on conforming reality to our desires.  Although it’s terribly out of fashion to admit one desires and Read more about Off Script 26: Worshiping Power[…]

Podcast 76: The Real St. Patrick (Sean Finnegan)

Saint Patrick is one of the most courageous missionaries of Christian history. Although revelers mark his day with debauchery and drunkenness, he pursued holiness and risked his life to preach to the Irish barbarians. He held out to the ancient Irish tribes a promise of protection from their gods and demons, if only they would Read more about Podcast 76: The Real St. Patrick (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Off Script 25: Worshiping Success

Everyone enjoys accomplishment and achievement, but what happens when we take success and make it our ultimate goal in life?  When you reach the pinnacle of success in any field, it’s easy to get depressed, asking yourself, “Is this all there is?”  Furthermore, you may begin to fear that you won’t be able to maintain Read more about Off Script 25: Worshiping Success[…]

Off Script 24: Worshiping Money

I bet you don’t think you struggle with greed. In fact, I’ve never met anyone who told me this was a problem for him or her. But greed is subtle. It sneaks up on you when you think you’re just working towards financial security or building your confidence or taking control of your life. In Read more about Off Script 24: Worshiping Money[…]

Podcast 74: Which You Are You? (Sean Finnegan)

We all have competing impulses within us vying for our attention and expression. How do you know which ones to amplify and which to repress? How should we think of ourselves? Are we powerful and valuable creatures made in God’s image or accidental byproducts of time plus chance plus matter? In order to live out Read more about Podcast 74: Which You Are You? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Off Script 23: Worshiping Love

Today we are starting a series based on Tim Keller’s book, Counterfeit Gods, wherein we’ll consider a number of idols that vie for worship in our society.  In this episode we consider Aphrodite, the ancient goddess of love, and her modern counterparts.  We begin by examining the somewhat dysfunctional love story of Jacob and Rachel Read more about Off Script 23: Worshiping Love[…]

Interview 15: Healing from Abuse and Abandonment (Claudia Scott)

Claudia Scott is one of the pillars of our church, a woman of faith who carries herself with dignity and poise. Growing up, she’s been an example to me of faithfulness and passion for God. Having only known her over the last twenty or so years, I was clueless about how much she had been Read more about Interview 15: Healing from Abuse and Abandonment (Claudia Scott)[…]

Podcast 72: Free as a Fish on Land (Sean Finnegan)

What is true freedom?  We tend to think of freedom as the lack of restrictions so that we can do whatever we want.  However, I want to make the case that freedoms is not the lack of boundaries, but finding the right ones to enable us to be our best for God.  After God liberated Read more about Podcast 72: Free as a Fish on Land (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 14: Ken LaPrade’s Baptism Journey

What do you believe about baptism?  In this interview, I ask Ken LaPrade, a house church pastor in El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico, to share his baptism journey.  Coming from a Way International background, LaPrade learned that spirit baptism had replaced water.  As a result he had interpreted the water baptisms in Acts to Read more about Interview 14: Ken LaPrade’s Baptism Journey[…]

Interview 13: Caring Enough to Confront (Jerry Wierwille)

How are you at handling conflict?  Do you withdraw and avoid conflict at any cost?  Do you rush in headlong, eager to set the other person straight?  Are you a compromiser who looks at everything like a contract where both parties inevitably have to make trade-offs to get some advantage?  As with so many really Read more about Interview 13: Caring Enough to Confront (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Podcast 70: Getting the Gospel Right (Sean Finnegan)

The gospel is the message we believe in that results in immortality (2 Tim 1.7-10).  If I were the devil, I would target the gospel message so that even if some Christians rustled up the courage to actually share it with others, they’d have a distorted or partial message.  In fact, scripture tells us that Read more about Podcast 70: Getting the Gospel Right (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 12: Jacob Rohrer on the Gospel (Jacob Rohrer)

What is the gospel?  Growing up, Jacob Rohrer heard about Jesus dying for his sins so he could go to heaven.  However, he’s come to see that this way of thinking is not only wrong, but goes against what Jesus himself taught.  Listen in to Rohrer as he explains the five elements of the gospel, Read more about Interview 12: Jacob Rohrer on the Gospel (Jacob Rohrer)[…]

Interview 11: Joe Martin, Looking Back on His Service at the Atlanta Bible College

Dr. Joe Martin has taught at the Atlanta Bible College for over 25 years. He’s worked as an adjunct professor, full-time professor, academic dean, and the president. In this interview he talks about his favorite class to teach, his greatest challenge as a teacher, and his advice to those interested in going into ministry. He Read more about Interview 11: Joe Martin, Looking Back on His Service at the Atlanta Bible College[…]

Interview 10: Twenty Years of Missions in Africa (Joe and Rebekah Martin)

Joe and Rebekah Martin have labored for twenty years in Africa to bring the gospel and humanitarian aid to some of the poorest people in the world.  They minister primarily in Malawi and Mozambique, though the work in Kenya is now gaining traction as well.  In this interview, you’ll hear how a single tract led Read more about Interview 10: Twenty Years of Missions in Africa (Joe and Rebekah Martin)[…]

Off Script 22: Christianity Is Lame

Let’s say you are sharing your faith with a friend and they say to you, “Well, I’m glad that Christianity works for you, but it sounds like no fun to me.”  How would you respond?  Is Christianity no more than a set of restrictions we set on our lives like a straitjacket?  Listen in to Read more about Off Script 22: Christianity Is Lame[…]

Off Script 21: The Bible Is Too Antiquated

The youngest part of the bible is nearly 2,000 years old.  How can such an ancient book have any relevance to our complex and technologically advanced world?  How would you answer this objection?  It’s certainly undeniable that our world is so much different from the nomadic shepherds of three millennia ago.  However, science, political innovations, Read more about Off Script 21: The Bible Is Too Antiquated[…]

Podcast 65: Christian Views of Sexuality (Apologetics 15)

Apologetics 15: Gender and Sexual Ethics (Objection 3) This lecture covers some basic Christian sexual ethics, including marriage, divorce, pornography, homosexuality, cohabitation, and adultery.  Sadly, since this was the last lecture, time did not permit a thorough analysis of these subjects.  Even so, I touched on each briefly and biblically in an effort to stake Read more about Podcast 65: Christian Views of Sexuality (Apologetics 15)[…]

Off Script 20: Christmas Special

We take a break from our normal Off Script format to share some seasonal reminiscences and lighthearted banter about Christmas past and present.  In this somewhat silly episode you’ll learn what Christmas song Rose hates, Dan’s most cherished childhood present, and Sean’s Christmas-eve meal preference.  Other exciting topics discussed in this podcast include: why Handel’s Read more about Off Script 20: Christmas Special[…]

Off Script 19: More on Why God Allows Suffering

In this episode, we pick up the conversation where the last lecture in my Apologetics class left off.  We review six reasons the bible gives for suffering as well as how to face pain and hardship. By looking at Jesus and Paul, we see that God did not spare either of them from adversity.  Jesus Read more about Off Script 19: More on Why God Allows Suffering[…]

Podcast 63: Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Apologetics 13)

Apologetics 13: Problem of Evil (Objection 1) Now that we’ve established the existence of God, the historicity of Christ’s resurrection, and the bible’s veracity, we come to objections commonly brought against Christianity. The chief classical question posed to Christians throughout the eons is, “How can you believe in God when there is so much pain Read more about Podcast 63: Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Apologetics 13)[…]

Off Script 18: Christians Are Hypocrites

In part two of our series on objections to Christianity, we look at the issue of hypocrisy.  Many are unwilling to even consider Christianity as a viable option because they’ve witnessed or heard about some horrible act of hypocrisy by a Christian leader.  It’s hard to deny that hypocrisy is a major problem in Christianity Read more about Off Script 18: Christians Are Hypocrites[…]

Podcast 62: Is the New Testament Trustworthy? (Apologetics 12)

Apologetics 12: New Testament Trustworthiness For the New Testament we can employ several of the same lines of reasoning as the Old Testament, though there are a couple more to consider like internal evidence and messianic prophecies that help bolster the case. Furthermore, many people’s lives have been changed by reading and believing the words Read more about Podcast 62: Is the New Testament Trustworthy? (Apologetics 12)[…]

Off Script 17: Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

With this episode we are beginning a series on overcoming objections to Christianity.  To start with we want to address the criticism often leveled at bible-believing Christians today that our perspective on salvation is too narrow-minded and exclusive.  Who are we to say that all the other religions are wrong?  In order to tackle this Read more about Off Script 17: Is Jesus the Only Way to God?[…]

Podcast 59: Is the Old Testament Trustworthy? (Apologetics 10)

Apologetics 10: Old Testament Trustworthiness Last time we looked as reasons to believe the Jewish scribes reliably transmitted the Old Testament so that what we have today is what they actually wrote. This time you’ll learn five main reasons why we believe the Hebrew bible is true: (1) archaeology, (2) medical insights, (3) unflattering honesty, Read more about Podcast 59: Is the Old Testament Trustworthy? (Apologetics 10)[…]

Interview 9: Pagan Influences on the Development of the Trinity (Kegan Chandler)

Kegan Chandler joins me once again to talk about the history of theology.  If you haven’t yet heard his story, check out Interview 8: A Restorationist Finds the God of Jesus.  In this episode, I ask Chandler about his book, The God of Jesus in Light of Christian Dogma.  If you are at all interested Read more about Interview 9: Pagan Influences on the Development of the Trinity (Kegan Chandler)[…]

Podcast 58: Is the Old Testament Reliable? (Apologetics 9)

Apologetics 9: Old Testament Transmission What reasons do we have for believing the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) was reliable transmitted from antiquity to today? This lecture provides four arguments: (1) Jewish scribes were competent, (2) people memorized large portions of the text, (3) the consequences for false prophecy, and (4) the Dead Sea Scrolls function Read more about Podcast 58: Is the Old Testament Reliable? (Apologetics 9)[…]

Interview 8: A Restorationist Discovers the God of Jesus (Kegan Chandler)

Kegan Chandler grew up as a bible-believing Christian in Texas.  His grandfather, Pat E. Harrell, was a leader within Church of Christ who founded their Restoration Quarterly publication.  As a result of his grandparents’ and parents’ passion for God, Chandler grew up in a family steeped in bible study and theological reflection.  One day the Read more about Interview 8: A Restorationist Discovers the God of Jesus (Kegan Chandler)[…]

Podcast 57: More Evidence for the Resurrection (Apologetics 8)

Apologetics 8: More Evidence for the Resurrection Because secular historians don’t accept the inspiration of the bible, they don’t trust the Gospels as reliable witnesses about Jesus. Consequently, they’ve come up with various “criteria of authenticity” to sift the sayings and deeds recorded in the Gospels into historical and mythical categories. Last time we saw Read more about Podcast 57: More Evidence for the Resurrection (Apologetics 8)[…]

Off Script 16: Christians Discussing Politics

This election cycle American political discourse has sunk to a new low.  Rather than presenting facts and offering persuasive arguments based on policies, we’ve seen a whole slew of false claims and personal attacks.  The exchanges between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been so caustic and shameful that when I discovered my ten year-old Read more about Off Script 16: Christians Discussing Politics[…]

Off Script 15: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Halloween comes from the ancient Gaelic festival of Samhain when the Celts believed the boundary between our world and the spirit world grew thin, allowing spirits, fairies, and disembodied souls to enter our realm. Consequently, they employed several strategies to appease and misdirect these nefarious ghosts from messing with them. However, in our secular age, Read more about Off Script 15: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?[…]

Podcast 55: Did Jesus Exist? (Apologetics 6)

Apologetics 6: Historical Jesus Have you ever heard of the Jesus mythicists? They teach that Jesus never existed, that he’s a myth. How would you go about debunking this claim? Are you aware of what historical sources mention Jesus and early Christianity? In this lecture you’ll learn what’s out there from biblical authors, historians, and Read more about Podcast 55: Did Jesus Exist? (Apologetics 6)[…]

Off Script 14: Should Christians Watch Horror Movies?

Horror movies inspire fear, causing our hearts to beat faster and our adrenaline to flow.  Their monsters, murder, and jump scares have won them a dedicated following.  In this episode, we discuss whether Christians have any business watching horror movies.  We talk about where to draw the line and what exactly is problematic about this Read more about Off Script 14: Should Christians Watch Horror Movies?[…]

Podcast 54: Four More Reasons Why God Exists (Apologetics 5)

Apologetics 5: Arguments for God (Part Two) In this lecture, you’ll learn four more reasons for God’s existence, including the cosmological argument, moral argument, miracles argument, and the ontological argument. These are each quite different from each other, which is great because it increases their cumulative effect. Last of all, you’ll learn about “Pascal’s Wager,” Read more about Podcast 54: Four More Reasons Why God Exists (Apologetics 5)[…]

Interview 7: An Analytic Philosopher Unleashes Logic on the Trinity (Dale Tuggy)

In my previous interview with Professor Dale Tuggy, we discussed his journey of faith.  In this conversation I ask him to discuss logical and biblical problems with the Trinity.  This is a higher level conversation, but well worth the listen if you are at all curious about the Trinity or are interesting in hearing how Read more about Interview 7: An Analytic Philosopher Unleashes Logic on the Trinity (Dale Tuggy)[…]

Podcast 53: Does God Exist? (Apologetics 4)

Apologetics 4: Teleological Arguments for God’s Existence If someone asked you, “Why do you believe in God?” How would you answer? Sadly, most of us would flounder around, maybe talking about the bible or second-hand miracles. However, philosophers have long identified three classic approaches to reasoning about God’s existence: the ontological, cosmological, and teleological arguments. Read more about Podcast 53: Does God Exist? (Apologetics 4)[…]

Kingdom Citizenship

Believing Jesus is Lord and Christ is both religious and political.  Watch this to see how early Christians living in Philippi would have interpreted the gospel message as requiring a radical shift in allegiances from Caesar to Jesus. Here are the slides from this sermon: Here are my notes: Battle of Actium (Sept 2, 31 Read more about Kingdom Citizenship[…]

Interview 6: Dale Tuggy’s Journey

In this interview with philosopher Dr. Dale Tuggy, I ask him questions about his personal spiritual journey.  Dr. Tuggy is an analytic philosopher who works on world religions and the doctrine of the Trinity.  He’s a tenured professor of philosophy at the State University of New York at Fredonia.  Furthermore, he runs a popular website Read more about Interview 6: Dale Tuggy’s Journey[…]

Podcast 52: Theism, Atheism, and Pantheism (Apologetics 3)

Apologetics 3: Theism, Atheism, and Pantheism In Building Belief, Chad Meister uses a worldview comparison chart to simplify all the religions of the world into three broad categories: theism, atheism, and pantheism. This strategy will help you to compare and contrast five major aspects of these three worldviews, including theology, ontology, epistemology, axiology, and anthropology. Read more about Podcast 52: Theism, Atheism, and Pantheism (Apologetics 3)[…]

Off Script 13: Should Christians Watch TV?

What standards should Christians have when it comes to entertainment?  Can the bible offer any guidance for such a modern issue?  Every day shows, movies, books, and songs bombard us with all kinds of ideas and depictions that constantly nudge us in different directions.  Although, we like to think of ourselves as impervious to the Read more about Off Script 13: Should Christians Watch TV?[…]

Podcast 51: Pluralism, Post-Modernism, Relativism, and Truth (Apologetics 2)

Apologetics 2: What Is Truth? In order to establish any of the claims of Christianity, we must first make a case for truth itself. How can you hope to provide reasons for God’s existence or Christ’s resurrection if the person your talking to claims, “That’s just your truth, and I’m glad it works for you, Read more about Podcast 51: Pluralism, Post-Modernism, Relativism, and Truth (Apologetics 2)[…]

Interview 5: Seeking Truth Wherever It Leads (Brian and Rochelle Allen)

Brian and Rochelle Allen of Vermont share their journey of faith, including how they became discontent with the traditional evangelical doctrines they grew up believing.  In this interview they discuss how recontextualizing the bible in its Hebrew thought-world opened their eyes to understand Jesus so much better.  He is the Jewish Messiah sent to redeem Read more about Interview 5: Seeking Truth Wherever It Leads (Brian and Rochelle Allen)[…]

Podcast 50: Why Defend Your Faith? (Apologetics 1)

Apologetics 1: Introduction Have you ever heard of apologetics? This is the field where Christians seek to provide the reasons for why they believe what they believe. In a post-Christian society, it is increasingly important to understand the reasons for your faith. For example, why do you believe in God’s existence? Why do you think Read more about Podcast 50: Why Defend Your Faith? (Apologetics 1)[…]

Interview 4: Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Healing (Bill and Anne DeNenno)

Some say faith-healing is a charade, concocted by charlatans to build their empires on the backs of the afflicted and suffering.  Others think that Christians who reject healing contradict what Jesus said and did, preferring the comfort of tradition instead of unleashing God’s mighty power.  What do you believe about supernatural healing?  Listen in to Read more about Interview 4: Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Healing (Bill and Anne DeNenno)[…]

Is the Trinity Biblical?

I’m starting a series of videos assessing the Trinity.  I want to begin by asking, “Does the bible teach the Trinity?”  In order to answer this question, we need to define what we mean.  In one sense the Trinity is biblical and in another it is not.  Watch this video to find out more:

Interview 3: A Letter to a Trinitarian (Hugh Knowlton)

Today Hugh Knowlton joins Restitutio to talk about how to handle important doctrinal differences with other Christians.  So often such intra-Christian discussions generate more heat than light.  Does that mean we should all just ignore our differences, forcing smiles and hoping that no one peers beneath our thin veneer of unity?  Or should we charge Read more about Interview 3: A Letter to a Trinitarian (Hugh Knowlton)[…]

Podcast 48: The Courage of Esther (Sean Finnegan)

Have you heard about Esther’s courage?  She had the audacity to stand for God in an incredibly dark time.  Though the Persian Empire had decreed the genocide of her people, she could have easily remained in the closet about her ethnicity and enjoyed the comforts of the palace.  Nonetheless, she would not stand idly by, Read more about Podcast 48: The Courage of Esther (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Off Script 12: Forgiveness

What does the bible teach about forgiveness?  Is it optional or mandatory?  Are Christians allowed to hold grudges?  Do we only have to forgive if someone apologizes?  Join us as we discuss four reasons why you should forgive: (1) if we don’t forgive others, God won’t forgive us; (2) forgiving others makes sense in light Read more about Off Script 12: Forgiveness[…]

Off Script 11: Resting from Work

This is now our third and last episode in our series on work.  We’ve talked about the Christian work ethic and honorable work (i.e., what sorts of jobs Christians should shoot for as well as avoid) and now today we are talking about work’s opposite: rest.  This is a really important topic to consider.  Listen Read more about Off Script 11: Resting from Work[…]

Podcast 46: Hospitality Challenge (Sean Finnegan)

What do you believe about hospitality?  The scriptures lay out three major kinds: (1) hospitality to the saints; (2) hospitality to the needy; (3) hospitality to the unbeliever.  As it turns out showing hospitality is an important Christian practice, even if it takes courage to invite others into our houses.  In our present age, hospitality Read more about Podcast 46: Hospitality Challenge (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Off Script 10: Honorable Work, Millennials, and Unemployment

Picking up where we left off last week, we continue discussing the Christian work ethic and, in particular, delve into Max Weber’s “Protestant work ethic” hypothesis.  Next Rose shares about her own career path, including graduating with a 4.0 in graphic design and her two year struggle to find a career job.  After that, we Read more about Off Script 10: Honorable Work, Millennials, and Unemployment[…]

Off Script 9: Christian Work Ethic

What is the Christian work ethic?  What does the bible say about work?  Join Rose Rider, Sean Finnegan, and Daniel Fitzsimmons for an honest conversation about how the biblical understanding of work challenges us.  Leaning on Ecclesiastes and Proverbs, as well as the epistles of Paul, they share how work is God’s gift to us, Read more about Off Script 9: Christian Work Ethic[…]

Podcast 44: The Immutable Shema (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan The Shema has been the core creed of Judaism from the time of Moses to today.  It stands as an immovable witness to God’s identity as well as our proper relation to him.  Even though Jesus confessed the Shema, most Christians today aren’t familiar with it.  This is because after the New Read more about Podcast 44: The Immutable Shema (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Off Script 8: Relativism

Who determines truth?  Is there such a thing as objective truth or are all claims subjective in nature?  Join Rose Rider, Daniel Fitzsimmons, and Sean Finnegan as they discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly about relativism before bringing in a biblical perspective to help you think through this critical issue.

Interview 2: Jerry Wierwille on Hermeneutics

Have you ever struggled to interpret the bible?  Although many today think only professionals who are trained in seminaries can understand the bible, the truth is that every reader is a theologian to some degree.  The moment you pick up the book and begin reading, you also begin interpreting what you read.  The only question Read more about Interview 2: Jerry Wierwille on Hermeneutics[…]

Sean Finnegan

Podcast 42: My Testimony (Sean Finnegan)

Last week I attended a youth camp in Indiana called FUEL.  They assigned me the text on the Prodigal Son (Luke 15).  As I pondered and prayed how I should approach this powerful parable, I sensed God wanted me to interweave my own story in with the prodigal.  As a result, I decided to share Read more about Podcast 42: My Testimony (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 1: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Jerry Wierwille)

Drawing on the work of Peter Scazzero, Jerry Wierwille discusses how we can avoid some of the common unhealthy emotional pitfalls. No matter if you are new to the faith or someone who has persevered for decades, this subject will make you examine yourself to see if there are issues you need to overcome. Access Read more about Interview 1: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Off Script 7: Patriotism

Should Christians be patriotic? How patriotic should we be? Join Daniel Fitzsimmons, Rose Rider, and Sean Finnegan as they discuss issues related to patriotism and stake out a Christian perspective based on the example of Jesus and his earliest followers.

Podcast 40: Resurrection (Historical Jesus 16)

Historical Jesus 16: Resurrection Traumatized by their rabbi’s crucifixion, Jesus’ disciples endured maddening grief and cognitive dissonance as they tried to come to grips with what had happened.  Into the midst of despair and helplessness, Jesus appeared.  Although the first “Christians” were also the worst believers in his resurrection, eventually they came to see him, Read more about Podcast 40: Resurrection (Historical Jesus 16)[…]

Off Script 6: Consumerism

Is consumerism a force for good or ill in our society today?  How should Christians think about the ubiquity of advertising, our innate desire for novelty, and the allure of finding a deal?  For this episode Ruth Finnegan joins in with Daniel Fitzsimmons, Rose Rider, and Sean Finnegan to consider the pros and cons of Read more about Off Script 6: Consumerism[…]

Podcast 39: Crucifixion (Historical Jesus 15)

Historical Jesus 15: Crucifixion One of the most significant events in all of human history, Jesus’ crucifixion was at once a supreme miscarriage of justice while, at the same time, the supreme illustration of God’s love to humanity.  We’ll join Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane, agonizing in prayer before his God, to his arrest, Read more about Podcast 39: Crucifixion (Historical Jesus 15)[…]

Off Script 5: Scientism

Is scientific knowledge superior to all other forms of knowledge?  How should Christians balance faith and reason?  Join Rose Rider, Daniel Fitzsimmons, and Sean Finnegan as they discuss science and religion in an effort to describe and deconstruct the naive notion that science has all the answers. Read a detailed article on Scientism here.

Podcast 37: Olivet Discourse (Historical Jesus 13)

Historical Jesus 13: Olivet Discourse Did Jesus predict the destruction of the Temple in a.d. 70?  Did he predict the end of the world?  Learn about Jesus’ Olivet Discourse and discover what he said about false Christs, persecution, the abomination of desolation, and the coming of the son of man. Course notes are available here.

Off Script 4: Progress

Is the world getting better and better over time or worse and worse?  Listen in to Rose Rider, Daniel Fitzsimmons, and Sean Finnegan as they discuss how our culture thinks about progress in order to help you understand the hidden forces at work.  After discussing and deconstructing the idea of progress, they offer a helpful Read more about Off Script 4: Progress[…]

Podcast 36: Intensified Conflict (Historical Jesus 12)

Historical Jesus 12: Intensified Conflict Once Jesus came into Jerusalem, his enemies threw “stumper questions” at him in an effort to discredit him before the populace.  Jesus ably diffused these theological bombs and lobbed his own in return.  He told parables about the religious leaders that infuriated them while delighting the crowds.  Coupled with his Read more about Podcast 36: Intensified Conflict (Historical Jesus 12)[…]

Off Script 3: Tolerance

Join Sean Finnegan, Dan Fitzsimmons, and Rose Rider for some interesting cultural analysis.  We begin by looking at how the ethic of tolerance works in our culture before deconstructing it and providing a Christian point of view.  Though many times tolerance can be a force for good, sometimes people use it as a stick to Read more about Off Script 3: Tolerance[…]

Podcast 35: Entering Jerusalem (Historical Jesus 11)

Historical Jesus 11: Entering Jerusalem When Jesus entered Jerusalem, it was not quietly, but triumphantly, riding a donkey while the crowds shout, “Hosanna!”  This moment brings to and end his “messianic secret” and publicly declares to everyone that he was claiming to be the Jewish Messiah.  His action in the temple further underlined this claim.  Read more about Podcast 35: Entering Jerusalem (Historical Jesus 11)[…]

Off Script 2: Hyper-Individualism

Daniel Fitzsimmons and I probe the culture by discussing one of the most influential hidden philosophies of life in our culture today–hyper-individualism.  In a nut shell, hyper-individualism is a two step process: search within your heart to discover your deepest longings realize your dreams over against any external resistance This mindset has benefits and detriments Read more about Off Script 2: Hyper-Individualism[…]

Podcast 34: Conflict (Historical Jesus 10)

Historical Jesus 10: Conflict From his birth to his untimely death, conflict dominated Jesus’ life.  During his ministry the Pharisees disagreed with Jesus about the Sabbath, purity, divorce, and his style of ministry.  Jesus called them out on pride, greed, and hypocrisy.  Looking at how Jesus handled conflict serves as an example to those of Read more about Podcast 34: Conflict (Historical Jesus 10)[…]

Off Script 1: Seeing the Filter

In what ways is the culture putting a filter over your eyes?  How is our world rewriting your script, adjusting your plausibility intuitions?  For our first ever “Off Script” episode, I’m joined by two cohosts, Dan Fitzsimmons and Rose Rider, to discuss how our culture influences our lives as well as how to share the Read more about Off Script 1: Seeing the Filter[…]

Podcast 33: Jewish Groups (Historical Jesus 9)

Historical Jesus 9: Jewish Groups In order to understand Jesus, it helps to know what kinds of Jewish groups were around in his time.  In particular, four massively influential Jewish groups vied for influence among the people of Christ’s time: the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots.  Learn how Jesus compares and contrasts to these sects.  Read more about Podcast 33: Jewish Groups (Historical Jesus 9)[…]

Podcast 32: Paradoxical Submission (Historical Jesus 8)

Historical Jesus 8: Paradoxical Submission Jesus enjoyed an intimate relationship with his Father.  He often spent time with him in prayer, sometimes all night long.  Throughout his ministry Jesus frequently spoke about how his words and deeds were not his own, but the Father’s who sent him.  Paradoxically, by utterly submitting himself to God, he Read more about Podcast 32: Paradoxical Submission (Historical Jesus 8)[…]

Podcast 31: Disciples of Jesus (Historical Jesus 7)

Historical Jesus 7: Disciples of Jesus What does Jesus expect of his followers?  What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?  What is the cost of discipleship?  Join me as I work through what Jesus said about his expectations and requirements of his disciples as well as the rewards he promises.  This is Read more about Podcast 31: Disciples of Jesus (Historical Jesus 7)[…]

Podcast 30: Rabbi Jesus (Historical Jesus 6)

Historical Jesus 6: Rabbi Jesus Jesus was a Jewish rabbi who gathered disciples and taught them how to interpret the Torah–the sacred Scriptures of Moses.  Learn how Jesus’ compared to other famous Jewish rabbis like Hillel and Shamai.  In this episode, we’ll look at Jesus’ emphases and style in his teaching ministry.  Anyone seeking to Read more about Podcast 30: Rabbi Jesus (Historical Jesus 6)[…]

Podcast 29: Kingdom Saturated Ministry (Historical Jesus 5)

Historical Jesus 5: Kingdom Saturated Ministry How should you understand Jesus’ miracles, healing ministry, and exorcisms?  Surely, these are acts of compassion, but they are so much more.  In this lecture, learn how Jesus’ deeds and words coalesce around his primary ministry focus–the kingdom of God.  By examining three ancient Hebrew prophecies, you’ll see how Read more about Podcast 29: Kingdom Saturated Ministry (Historical Jesus 5)[…]

Podcast 28: Baptism and Temptations (Historical Jesus 4)

Historical Jesus 4: Baptism and Temptations Before he began his ministry, Jesus first had to receive John’s baptism and then overcome Satan’s temptations.  After briefly explaining his baptism, we’ll go into detail exploring why Satan’s temptations were so tempting as well as what we can learn from Jesus’ example.  How does Jesus defeat Satan where Read more about Podcast 28: Baptism and Temptations (Historical Jesus 4)[…]

Podcast 27: Rulers in Christ’s World (Historical Jesus 3)

Historical Jesus 3: Rulers in Christ’s World Life was very different in the world of Jesus, especially politics.  In this lecture you will learn about the three main leaders that shaped Jesus’ time: Herod the Great, Herod Antipas, and Pontius Pilate.  Drawing on the Jewish historian, Josephus, you will discover the cut-throat way that Roman Read more about Podcast 27: Rulers in Christ’s World (Historical Jesus 3)[…]

Podcast 26: Birth of the Messiah (Historical Jesus 2)

Historical Jesus 2: Birth of the Messiah Drawing on the promises God gave Abraham and David, and the historical events prior to Jesus’ life, we can get an idea of what messianic expectations were like when Jesus of Nazareth was born.  In this lecture, learn how the birth of the messiah both fulfilled prophecy as Read more about Podcast 26: Birth of the Messiah (Historical Jesus 2)[…]

Podcast 23: Let Us Make Man (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan In Genesis 1.26, God says, “Let us make man in our image.”  Since this is the creation of humanity, he couldn’t have been speaking to any humans.  So whom was God speaking to?  One common interpretation is to say he was speaking to another person within his being–God the Son.  But, this Read more about Podcast 23: Let Us Make Man (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 21: Should We Worship Jesus? (Sean Finnegan)

Most Christians never give worshiping Jesus a second thought.  However, as biblical unitarians–those who believe the Father is the only true God–we do need to wrestle with this question.  Some have argued that worshiping Jesus is tantamount to idolatry since we should only worship God.  Others have taken the view that we can worship Jesus Read more about Podcast 21: Should We Worship Jesus? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 19: Death Then What? (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan What happens when people die?  In this sermon I mention show the biblical “evidence” for heaven, hell, purgatory, ghosts, and reincarnation before revealing the overwhelming number of texts supporting the sleep of the dead.  Focusing on John’s Gospel, I establish that (1) the dead are in their tombs asleep until they hear Read more about Podcast 19: Death Then What? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 17: Follow (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan According to Jesus no one should call him “Lord” if he or she does not do what he says.  In other words, Christ says he wants followers not merely believers.  Although hippie Jesus, one-and-done Jesus, American Jesus, prosperity Jesus, poverty Jesus, and part-time Jesus all vie for all attention, we encounter the Read more about Podcast 17: Follow (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 15: A Theology of Nonviolence (Sean Finnegan)

Here’s the original paper in pdf form. I presented this talk at the 18th Theological Conference held near Atlanta, GA.  In it I present a case for the radical practice of loving our enemies.  Whether you believe Christians can and should use violence to defend themselves or others or if you think more along the Read more about Podcast 15: A Theology of Nonviolence (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 13: What’s Your Script? (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan According to Hebrew bible expert, Walter Bruegemann, all of us live by a script.  He contends that our society is constantly scripting us with technological, therapeutic, consumer militarism.  In the words of the Apostle Paul, we must fight this tendency by refusing to conform to this world but be transformed by the Read more about Podcast 13: What’s Your Script? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 11: Wrestling against Spiritual Forces (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan Ephesians 6.12 tells us our struggle is not really against other humans but against spiritual forces.  Learn how malignant powers influence people both directly (through demon possession) and indirectly (through the culture).  Hopefully, this message will open your eyes to what is happening behind the scenes as Satan works to keep people Read more about Podcast 11: Wrestling against Spiritual Forces (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 9: God and Jesus: An Overview (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan What’s the difference between God and Jesus.  Many Christians believe they are mysteriously one in being, but what do the scriptures teach?  It turns out the bible clearly distinguishes between these two individuals and their attributes preclude their metaphysical oneness.  Listen in to hear the evidence for why Jesus is the son Read more about Podcast 9: God and Jesus: An Overview (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 7: The Secret Messiah & the Triumphal Entry (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan Why did Jesus so often tell people to be quiet when they discovered he was the messiah?  Christianity is all about telling the world this truth.  In fact, Jesus’ last words–the Great Commission–include the mandate to spread the gospel around the world.  So, why was it that in his own ministry he Read more about Podcast 7: The Secret Messiah & the Triumphal Entry (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 5: Miracles & Messiahs: How Jesus Best Fits Prophecy (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan Why do we believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah?  What is our evidence?  Taking a look at contemporary miracle workers like Honi the Circle Drawer and Hanina ben Dosa, Jesus of Nazareth stands out as an exceptional healer and exorcist.  Taking our cue from ancient Jewish interpretations of Isaiah 53, we Read more about Podcast 5: Miracles & Messiahs: How Jesus Best Fits Prophecy (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 3: Between the Testaments (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan Have you ever wondered what happened between the Old Testament and the New Testament?  When the Old Testament closes the people have returned to their land after the 70 year captivity and are living under the Persian empire, though they have significant freedoms, including the right to worship God in the rebuilt Read more about Podcast 3: Between the Testaments (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 1: Keys to a Meaningful Life (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan What is the meaning of life? What is the reason to live? Why are you here? What are you living for? In what ways does your life make a difference? How do you lead a meaningful life?  Listen to this message to discover not only what happiness experts says, but, more importantly, Read more about Podcast 1: Keys to a Meaningful Life (Sean Finnegan)[…]