438 Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Sean Finnegan)

The Trinity remains a massively popular theory to understand God in Christianity today as it has since the fourth century. Some go so far as to condemn any attempt to understand the concept while others are content to allow their faith to seek understanding (fides quarens intelectum). Nevertheless, most Christians have never honestly assessed this Read more about 438 Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

421 One God 11: Spirit of God & Christ

This is part 11 of the One God Over All class. Who or what is the spirit of God? It won’t do to read later tradition back into the scriptures. Rather, we need to see how the bible itself talks about the holy spirit. To get at that answer we’ll take a look at a Read more about 421 One God 11: Spirit of God & Christ[…]