478 Unitarian Anabaptist (Tom Huszti)

When COVID first broke out many endeavored to put their extra time to good use. Tom Huszti began listening to podcasts. He was intensely curious about theology. Huszti came to question several key beliefs he had imbibed as a lifelong Anabaptist, living in rural Ohio. Eventually he saw that the church’s God and the bible’s God were at odds with each other. Huszti embraced unitarianism and faced significant troubles because of this change. He is now launching a new ministry on YouTube called “The Unitarian Anabaptist” in which he intends to share his insights about Christ’s identity with others.

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts

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3 thoughts on “478 Unitarian Anabaptist (Tom Huszti)

  • Hey Sean,

    a great interview indeed. Still, I cannot get my mind around how you and fellow brethren (of the UCA) on the one hand encourage us to stand up for the truth, no matter the costs and consequences (in my case, I had to leave an evangelical high school as well as local churches), while on the other hand promoting the book “Christ Before Creeds”, in which the truth about the one true God and his human Messiah does not really matter in the end (chapter 7). That is one reason why I am not convinced to join the UCA. Why should we contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints (one God, human Messiah, kingdom gospel, baptism), when it is also possible to keep silent or “shake hands” with trinitarians and remain in “fellowship” with them? At least I am a bit confused what our work is then all about.

    Otherwise, I am grateful and indebted to you and your ministry. Biblical classes, in-depth analysis of hard topics, dedicatd work. You (as well as Dale and Restoration Fellowship) helped me on my way to the knowledge of the truth at a (still) young age of 31 (three years ago). May the Eternal and One God bless and keep you.

    In hope
    Michael (Germany)

  • Yes … Yes … Yes.
    Brilliant interview Sean & Tom.

    While I am not an Anabaptist, I identify with Tom’s journey and challenges in so many ways. 100% agree with the thoughts expressed in this interview. I would fellowship with your church if I lived nearby. Very encouraging interview guys!

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