413 One God 3: Yahweh Versus the Idols

This is part 3 of the One God Over All class.

Yahweh is particularly sensitive about fidelity.  He wants his people to be solely devoted to him; he’s not content to share them with other gods. Century after century, when Israel strayed from him, Yahweh sent prophets to confront his people.  Eventually, he could not abide their treachery and he took drastic measures, removing them from the land. We’ll cover this tragic history and how God cured his people from their idolatry addiction.  Lastly, we’ll cover Isaiah 7.14 and 9.6–two texts that some allege teach that a coming child would be God.

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3 thoughts on “413 One God 3: Yahweh Versus the Idols

  • What is your opinion on the Unitarian Islamic occupation of the holy land instead of the Trinitarian Christians?

    • To my knowledge neither Muslims nor Christians “occupy” the holy land, though plenty of them live there.

  • Omar I was seen by some Jews as a pre-mesianic figure who allowed Jews to return to the holy land after centuries of Roman Trinitarian Christian occupation. In fact even today Jews consider Unitarian Muslims as worshipers of the One True God who shun ‘avodah zarah’. Of course, the current day racial apartheid practiced by Zionist Jews today, many of whom atheists, poses a challenge to both Christianity and Islam.

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