358 A Christian Perspective on Black Lives Matter (Russell Brown)

We’re delving into a topic rife with controversy, polarization, and intense emotion.  We’re asking the question, how should bible-based Christians respond to the Black Lives Matter movement.  No doubt, some of you will answer that we should all be out marching in full support while others think BLM is itself racist and should be resisted.  Of course, between these two extremes are many more options for responding to this.  In order to navigate our way through the choppy seas of this issue, I’ve invited on Russell Brown who offers an interesting perspective, since he finds himself at the intersection of all three camps.

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2 thoughts on “358 A Christian Perspective on Black Lives Matter (Russell Brown)

  • The video for what occurred prior to the death of George Floyd was leaked about a month ago. It took me from “that officer surely murdered George” to “oh… well this just became a dirty mix of grey rather than black and white.”


    It has nothing to do with race per current facts. I’d suggest all listeners watching the video link in full and learning what “excited delirium” is when it comes to George Floyd. The examiners of his body are also contradictory–but the fact that so far is agreed to my knowledge is that he was loaded with enough drugs to kill him. George claims he couldn’t breathe, was going to have a heart attack, and asked to be taken out of the police vehicle and put on the ground well before any of the video that comes afterwards. Basically, it appears more that George got himself killed and then the police doing their trained jobs were/are being blamed. The over-charge will not stick either per full facts of the case. Expect more riots.

    It’s quite obvious the media is trying to twist stories to use them to support their agenda. Whenever the context and facts of a case come out afterwards—they either hide the stories or try to ignore the facts. In my opinion–they are mainly to blame for the riots, looters, and protests based mainly on false narratives.

    It’s clearly true that Black Lives Matter. But the group, BLM–does not think black lives matter. They are using this double entrendre to hide their true views and only care about a “black life” when they’re harmed/attacked/killed with involvement of police. Even Don Lemon on the media admitted this openly that “BLM” doesn’t refer to crime against “all black lives.”


    BLM is a marxist communist group that wants the USA torn down. I believe they really don’t care about lives, hence why they and many in the media are now supporting rioting, looting and attacks against the innocent after finding out any person of black skin was harmed/killed by police officer(s) no matter what the context of the incident is.

    I know I haven’t commented in a while. Obviously this is a clear issue of today’s age that needs to handled and dealt with very calmly. At best–I think the media needs to self-regulate and shut up for a good 6 months(that’ll never happen) to chill things out because they’re the gas for the fires metaphorically picking out stories to support their views. At worst–I’m prepared for civil war that I hope never comes just because I don’t accept BLM’s/media’s narratives about race in this country. Are there racists? Of course. Is this country systemically racist? I see no proof. I’d ask all these people to go visit other countries to learn how great this country actually is despite all it’s issues.

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