508 Are UFOs Real? (Kegan Chandler)

Last month, the US Congress held a hearing with three whistle-blowers who provided testimony about UFOs. Yes, I just said UFOs. No, I haven’t lost my mind or started subscribing to the tabloids. This is a topic that has moved from the fringes of conspiracy land right into serious public hearings in the US government. In today’s episode I’m interviewing Kegan Chandler who has been seriously thinking about this subject for many years.

Kegan Chandler is a historian of religion currently working on his Ph.D. in Religious Studies at the University of Cape Town where he is researching monotheism in Japanese religions. He also holds a Master of Theology degree from Campbellsville University. He is the author of several books and articles and currently writes for his blog, Exploring Religion.

Now, I know this is a Christian theology podcast, but we need to talk about this subject, and Chandler is the guy to guide us. He’s intimately familiar with the evidence and has thought this topic through. I think you’ll agree that there are significant theological implications if it turns out non-human intelligence is behind these unexplained flying objects. But, before we get to that, we need to first talk about the evidence and different theories for what these objects are.


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—— Links ——

—— Notes ——
1. What are UAPs and NHIs (non human intelligences)? Where did these terms come from and why are people using them now?
2. What are the possible explanations of UAPs?
 –    Prosaic hypotheses (incl. advanced human technology)
–    Extra-terrestrial hypothesis
–    Crypto-terrestrial hypothesis
–    Ultra-terrestrial / Inter-dimensional
–    Time-traveling humans hypothesis
–    Jacque Valle’s Control System hypothesis
–    Reverse Engineered technology hypothesis
–    Warning: fallacy of oversimplification
3. Why is the mundane explanation that these are experimental craft of terrestrial origin problematic?
–    Government studies – some still “unexplained”
–    Reported flight capabilities/characteristics
–    Near-peer adversaries?
–    Older reports
–    Credible sources’ testimony
4. We sometimes hear that news of “aliens” would somehow negatively affect religion on planet earth. What impact do you think widespread acknowledgement of the presence of UAP and NHI would have on religions in general?
– discuss “ontological shock”
– religious studies survey data

5 thoughts on “508 Are UFOs Real? (Kegan Chandler)

  • I will be brief. All this APH and NHI is the work of satan and his demons. There is not one shred of evidence for UFOs or little green men. It’s all visions and dreams. The same goes for Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, and other monsters. Your fellow worshiper of Yahweh, Mike Anderson.

  • Intriguing. Quite frankly, my first thought upon seeing the subject of this episode was that now, upon sharing this podcast, I may have to subtly let people know it really *is* an informative Christian resource, not just conspiracists talking about aliens. As if sharing unitarian content wasn’t hard enough already. :p

    Shenanigans aside, certainly some unique content here, not something I’ve ever given much consideration to at all. What did stand out to me is how all the proposed explanations kind of seem to be based very much on science even though the phenomenon may at times seem science defying. Personally, what came to mind during the episode were more what could perhaps said to be “spiritual” explanations.

    For example, just the other week I read Enoch, with all its stories of the angels coming down to earth and having all this specialized knowledge and so on, and I was just thinking, well, the things described do kind of seem to be similar in a sense… Or, if we want to stay strictly biblical, what to think of Ezekiel vision of the wheel in the sky? Not exactly the same, but it’s what came to my mind when the stationary sky objects were described. And I’m sure there would be many more such examples if one would take the time to consider this more deeply.

    What I’m trying to get across is that, to me, it seems the reasoning is mostly the the phenomenon is something completely absent from the biblical framework we’re used to and now we kind of have to make it work with this (literally) foreign new concept, instead of considering that our biblical framework already embodies within it a whole “spiritual” realm including angels, visions, miracles, and so on.

    Anyway, this is not to critique anything, just my thoughts after listening to the episode.

    God bless

  • I am somewhat disappointed that, I think, the most likely scenario was largely left out of this discussion.
    That the UAP/UFOs are interdimensional beings, but just demonic beings, in the same vein as ghosts and hauntings are.
    They serve to distract from God and induce fear largely.
    This, and we know from scripture what the end times look like, and although the “New World Order” is somewhat of a overused buzz-phrase related to conspiracy these days, we know that this one-world beast system is where we are headed, eventually.
    I find it very likely that this demonic deception of UAPs will be used as a tool to help “unite” humanity into this end times beast system, and may, in itself, be part of the great deception.
    This is a deep rabbit hole, but I will provide a couple of threads of investigation to look into, and I highly encourage any Christian who is interested in UAPs to look into this possibility.

    First, Dr. Carol Rosin, assistant to Wernher Von Braun (Nazi NASA scientist) discussing an alien false flag attack:

    And then I would highly recommend the Age of Deceit documentary by Gonz Shimura (a great Christian brother over at the Canary Cry Radio podcast), originally released in 2011, I would consider this foundational for any Christian discussion on UAP/Aliens.

    Finally, there are a bunch of accounts of folks suffering an alien abduction encounter, that completely ceased when they called on the name of Jesus, further strengthening the evidence that “Alien” encounters are simply demonic encounters/attacks.

    In any case, I hope that gives anyone interested in this topic some additional threads to dig into.

    Thanks Sean and Kegan for the discussion on this interesting topic.

  • Thanks for exploring this topic.

    I think this topic will have a major impact on world religions in general.
    And pastor-teachers need to be prepared to give an answer whether they believe it or not.

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