407 Reaching LGBT+ People (Sean Finnegan)

How should those of us committed to a biblical sexual ethic treat those who are same-sex attracted or who identify as the opposite sex?  In our polarized world, it seems like only two options are available to us: (1) we accept, approve, and celebrate LGBT+ lifestyles or (2) we deny, denigrate, and dismiss them.  Either we reject scripture or reject love.  Surely, there must be a better way.  Can we show love without compromising our morals?  In this episode, we’ll take a look at what the bible says about sexual ethics before asking how we can be like Jesus in loving outsiders without betraying our own code of ethics.

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6 thoughts on “407 Reaching LGBT+ People (Sean Finnegan)

  • Things are 180 now. In some countries, it is a jailable offence to read certain passages in public and there is legitimate hate towards Christians. I wish there were secular ‘preachers’ asking for tolerance.

    Maybe you don’t see it so much in the US, with free speech and still a large # of churches. But elsewhere, things have flipped.

    Finally, I’d have a hard time finding a church where anything negative in any context would be said about sexual sin, from unmarried couples through homosexual marriages, so mission accomplished as far as normalization. But again, maybe the US is different then all the other rich Anglo countries.

  • I have a question ?Why do you refer to the church as my church? I have never understood that why would you do that ?Christ died for the church period.So call it by a biblical name ie:Church of God ,or Church of Christ ,or Disciples if Christ.or if nothing else christian only. Sean you couldn’t and didn’t die for the church. Please consider what I am saying thank you.
    The early resitutionist ie:Campbell, and Stone said Christian only just not the only Christians.That served them well I think ,will, serve us well.

  • As an Evangelist and someone who constantly meet people of the world, This teaching helps me to perform a balancing act between loving people (LGBT+ community and others) enough to bring the Gospel to them and condoning their lifestyle since it is against my Christian values and moral ethic.

    I strongly believe in not compromising what God has written in the Bible, also I strongly believe that Jesus Christ would show love and would eat with all kinds of people. I witness to the LGBT people and sometimes, I would be asked this question: “does your church accept people like me?” I usually reply to that, I will facilitate putting you in the path of Godliness, God loves you and wants you to be his/her child and live a God-fearing life which is very fulfilling.

    The Bible tells us to love God and love our neighbors, 1 Cor 13 says without love, I am nothing else but a resounding gong of a clanging cymbal. Furthermore, 2 Cor 6:14 is telling us to not be bound with unbelievers, light has nothing to do with darkness.

    The balancing act for me is clearly that as someone who is spreading God’s Word to the world, I must love everyone in my approach and offer all humans the opportunity to know God, and their choice will dictate my acts between “loving your neighbor as yourself & not getting together with unbelievers.”

    Thank you Pastor Sean for this elaborated teaching. You are brave to preach over this divisive topic. I bolster your determination to talk about it, because Christians have to talk about these things and bring the light to the world without compromising. It is our duty!

  • I would like to know how that story continues. The pastor welcomes the lady, they love her, and then what? Did they say you can remain lesbian in our church, or did they say, hey now you’re in here you gotta change?

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