419 One God 9: Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection

This is part 9 of the One God Over All class. If Jesus is not the one God over all, then how should we interpret his death and resurrection? How does his death pay for our sins? What does the resurrection tell us about Jesus? Unlike medieval Christianity that taught God the Son united himself Read more about 419 One God 9: Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection[…]

Interview 24: What Is the Trinity with Dale Tuggy

Do you know what the Trinity is?  Could you explain it to someone else or is it just a confusing collection of impenetrable statements hidden under a cloud of fog?  In his recent book, Professor Dale Tuggy seeks to clarify everyone’s perceptions of the various Trinity theories so that we can have productive conversation on Read more about Interview 24: What Is the Trinity with Dale Tuggy[…]

88: Restorationist Manifesto

Simply put, restorationism is the approach to Christianity that seeks to compare accepted doctrines and practices against the bible to see if they are valid.  Our intention is to recover authentic New Testament Christianity and live it out today.  We hold God’s inspired scriptures above traditions, creeds, and clergy.  The time is ripe for us Read more about 88: Restorationist Manifesto[…]

Restorationist Manifesto

Presented at the 26th Theological Conference on May 18, 2017 Sponsored by Restoration Fellowship by Sean Finnegan The information age has opened up incredible opportunities to understand Christianity better.  With unprecedented and unrestricted access to disparate religious perspectives, sincere bible students have been increasingly questioning the typical doctrinal packages offered by many Christian groups today.  Read more about Restorationist Manifesto[…]

Interview 9: Pagan Influences on the Development of the Trinity (Kegan Chandler)

Kegan Chandler joins me once again to talk about the history of theology.  If you haven’t yet heard his story, check out Interview 8: A Restorationist Finds the God of Jesus.  In this episode, I ask Chandler about his book, The God of Jesus in Light of Christian Dogma.  If you are at all interested Read more about Interview 9: Pagan Influences on the Development of the Trinity (Kegan Chandler)[…]

Interview 8: A Restorationist Discovers the God of Jesus (Kegan Chandler)

Kegan Chandler grew up as a bible-believing Christian in Texas.  His grandfather, Pat E. Harrell, was a leader within Church of Christ who founded their Restoration Quarterly publication.  As a result of his grandparents’ and parents’ passion for God, Chandler grew up in a family steeped in bible study and theological reflection.  One day the Read more about Interview 8: A Restorationist Discovers the God of Jesus (Kegan Chandler)[…]