501 Early Church History 19: Arian Kingdoms from Ulfilas to Clovis

This is part 19 of the Early Church History class. Even though the Roman Empire chose Nicene Christianity as it’s “orthodoxy,” subordinationist Christianity continued to exist, especially outside among the Germanic tribes. In this episode, you’ll learn about Ulfilas the Missionary to the Goths who not only brought Christianity to these “barbarians,” but also made Read more about 501 Early Church History 19: Arian Kingdoms from Ulfilas to Clovis[…]

467 Parenting Wayward Adult Children (Mary DeMuth)

Today we’re taking a little break from our Scripture and Science class for an author interview. I’m talking with Mary DeMuth who wrote, Love, Pray, Listen, which is about parenting wayward adult kids with joy. Because faith is not genetic, our children get to decide for themselves whether or not they will follow Jesus. Some Read more about 467 Parenting Wayward Adult Children (Mary DeMuth)[…]

438 Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Sean Finnegan)

The Trinity remains a massively popular theory to understand God in Christianity today as it has since the fourth century. Some go so far as to condemn any attempt to understand the concept while others are content to allow their faith to seek understanding (fides quarens intelectum). Nevertheless, most Christians have never honestly assessed this Read more about 438 Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

God’s Chesed

Chesed is the word translated “steadfast love” (ESV/NRSV/RSV), “lovingkindness” (NASB), “loyal love” (NET), “love” (NAB), “faithful love” (HCSB/NJB), and “mercy” (KJV/NKJV/LXX).  That there is such variety in the translations should alert us to the fact that this Hebrew word is difficult to render in English.  Furthermore, this is no small word; in fact, chesed is Read more about God’s Chesed[…]

Welcoming the Other

What do you do when someone comes in who seems totally out of place?  For example, if you see someone come into church for the first time and his hair is a mess or she is wearing a low-cut top, how do you respond?  I can tell you my response.  I embarrassed to say that Read more about Welcoming the Other[…]

151 God of Wonder (Sean Finnegan)

Do you ever stop and marvel at God’s creation?  Are you in wonder at what he has made?  Too often we take God’s masterful creations for granted, instead of seeing them as pointers back to God’s ingenuity, generosity, and artistry.  Although we can’t always take time out to praise God for plums, palm trees, and Read more about 151 God of Wonder (Sean Finnegan)[…]