The Restitutio podcast includes bible teachings, class lectures, theology presentations, revival sermons, discussions, debates, and interviews–all to aid you in your quest to restore and live out authentic Christianity in the 21st century!
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RSS feed:
We also offer a podcast feed with JUST the Restitutio classes on it (no interviews, sermons, etc.). This feed is great if you want to catch up on previous Bible courses without getting distracted by other content. Subscribe on Spotify, Apple, or via RSS feed. Alternatively, you can just search “Restitutio Classes” in your favorite podcast app.
To leave feedback for Restitutio, you can record a short audio message on SpeakPipe. Some of these may get played out on future episodes! Just hit the start recording button and leave a message, including comments about episodes, suggestions for future shows, and questions about anything you are interested in.

Podcast Archives
Below is a listing of all the Restitutio episodes. If you prefer to just look at a particular type of episode check out these options: