580 An Honest Evaluation of the Evidence for the Deity of Christ (Sean Finnegan)

Does the New Testament refer to Jesus as God? Though this is an important question, it’s only a starting point for wrestling with who Jesus is. In what follows we’ll consider the evidence from five scholars on what texts they say attribute deity to Christ. Then we’ll examine the biblical evidence that pulls in the Read more about 580 An Honest Evaluation of the Evidence for the Deity of Christ (Sean Finnegan)[…]

578 Applying Old Testament YHWH Passages to Jesus (Jerry Wierwille)

Have you ever noticed that the New Testament authors love to quote the Old Testament? This happens hundreds of times. Sometimes the quotation is direct, other times it is a paraphrase, still others a New Testament author will allude to the Old Testament. In today’s episode, we’re going to hear Dr. Jerry Wierwille explaining what Read more about 578 Applying Old Testament YHWH Passages to Jesus (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

577 Nothing Mere about a Man Made in the Image of God (Anna Brown)

Has anyone ever said to you, “Oh, you believe Jesus is just a mere man.” How do you respond when someone says that? Do you just go along with it and say, “Yep, that’s what I believe–Jesus is just another guy”? I hope not. Jesus is not just another guy. He’s the virginally-conceived son of Read more about 577 Nothing Mere about a Man Made in the Image of God (Anna Brown)[…]

574 Pursue Your Blessing (Sean Finnegan)

It’s easy for complacency to set in our walk with God. It’s easy to settle into apathy with respect to spiritual growth. It’s easy to stop dreaming about what God can do in our lives. Today we’ll hear another message from Revive earlier this year–this one from yours truly. We’ll consider three examples of people Read more about 574 Pursue Your Blessing (Sean Finnegan)[…]

573 Prophetic Words of Encouragement (Garrett Bova)

Over our last two episodes we’ve been hearing from Pastor Bob Carden on the topic of healing and walking by the spirit. Today I’d like to play out a sermon by Carden’s successor, Garrett Bova who is the lead pastor now at Align Ministries. Now I realize his message will challenge some of you to Read more about 573 Prophetic Words of Encouragement (Garrett Bova)[…]

572 Isaiah 9.6 Explained: A Theophoric Approach

Comparing the Hebrew of Isaiah 9.6 to most popular English translations results in some serious questions. Why have our translations changed the tense of the verbs from past to future? Why is this child called “Mighty God” and “Eternal Father”? In this presentation I work through Isaiah 9.6 line by line to help you understand Read more about 572 Isaiah 9.6 Explained: A Theophoric Approach[…]

566 Kingdom Seminar 5: Kingdom Ambassadors

This is part 5 of the Kingdom Seminar, based on the book Kingdom Journey. This episode begins by delving into the history of how the theologians of the third and fourth centuries rejected the kingdom since they thought it was too crude, too hedonic, and too Jewish. Next I briefly cover three rediscovery movements, including Read more about 566 Kingdom Seminar 5: Kingdom Ambassadors[…]

565 Kingdom Seminar 4: Kingdom Allegiance

This is part 4 of the Kingdom Seminar, based on the book Kingdom Journey. Jesus didn’t just believe in a future kingdom that didn’t affect the present. His entire ministry was saturated with kingdom symbology and activity. Wherever he went, he brought a bubble of the kingdom with him. As Christ-followers, we too, are called Read more about 565 Kingdom Seminar 4: Kingdom Allegiance[…]

564 Kingdom Seminar 3: Defining the Kingdom

This is part 3 of the Kingdom Seminar, based on the book Kingdom Journey. The kingdom of God is the golden thread running throughout the whole Bible from beginning to end. In this presentation, we’ll consider some of the key texts from the Old and New Testaments that define what the kingdom is. In contrast Read more about 564 Kingdom Seminar 3: Defining the Kingdom[…]

562 Kingdom Seminar 1: Why Should You Care

Last December, my first ever published book came out, called Kingdom Journey. Recently I recorded a seminar on the kingdom at a church in South Carolina based on the book that I will be playing out over the next 5 weeks. In this seminar I highlight some of the key points in my book and Read more about 562 Kingdom Seminar 1: Why Should You Care[…]

560 Pentecost Reversing Babel (Sean Finnegan)

Pentecost, as described in Acts 2, was a strange event. We read about unusual miraculous signs such as the sound of a great wind and tongues of fire. Still, the most interesting moment is when the apostles of our Lord began speaking in foreign languages that they didn’t know. Such divine utterance is called speaking Read more about 560 Pentecost Reversing Babel (Sean Finnegan)[…]

534 Read the Bible for Yourself 4: How to Determine Content and Application

This is part 4 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Exegesis and application take work. Today you’ll learn how to grasp the content of scripture by asking the question, “What did this text mean to the original audience?” Looking for a book’s author, audience, occasion, and purpose will help you answer that question. Next, Read more about 534 Read the Bible for Yourself 4: How to Determine Content and Application[…]

521 The Deity of Christ from a Greco-Roman Perspective (Sean Finnegan)

Let’s face it the New Testament probably calls Jesus God (or god) a couple of times and so do early Christian authors in the second century. However, no one offers much of an explanation for what they mean by the title. Did early Christians think Jesus was God because he represented Yahweh? Did they think Read more about 521 The Deity of Christ from a Greco-Roman Perspective (Sean Finnegan)[…]

505 The Key of Truth: A Monument of Armenian Unitarianism

The Key of Truth is a fascinating book, written by a sect of Armenian Unitarian Christians in the 1700s. Originally under Muslim rule, this group of Christians migrated to Russian-controlled Armenia in the nineteenth century. Sadly, they faced investigation, persecution, fines, and probably exile at the hands of the Armenian Church authorities. Although lost to Read more about 505 The Key of Truth: A Monument of Armenian Unitarianism[…]

467 Parenting Wayward Adult Children (Mary DeMuth)

Today we’re taking a little break from our Scripture and Science class for an author interview. I’m talking with Mary DeMuth who wrote, Love, Pray, Listen, which is about parenting wayward adult kids with joy. Because faith is not genetic, our children get to decide for themselves whether or not they will follow Jesus. Some Read more about 467 Parenting Wayward Adult Children (Mary DeMuth)[…]

457 From Oneness to One (J. Dan Gill)

Have you heard of oneness theology? Also called “Jesus only,” this is the idea that Jesus is all there is. Jesus is the Father; Jesus is the Holy Spirit. Jesus has manifested himself in many ways over the years, but there is only one individual or self who is God. Although not exclusive to the Read more about 457 From Oneness to One (J. Dan Gill)[…]

455 Is God on the Throne in Your Heart? (Sean Finnegan)

A couple of weeks ago I got to speak at the Church of God’s annual youth camp at Manchester University in rural Indiana. The week focused on all the different passions that we too easily allow to take God’s spot in our hearts. Timypaul Lupe gave the message before mine in which he urged the Read more about 455 Is God on the Throne in Your Heart? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

452 What Is the Gospel We Preach? (Victor Gluckin)

What is the gospel? No, I’m not talking about the biographies of Jesus or catchy music. I mean, what is the message of salvation that Jesus commissioned us to preach? Pastor Victor Gluckin of Living Faith Christian Church in Rhode Island masterfully explains what the gospel is and does. The gospel is not good advice Read more about 452 What Is the Gospel We Preach? (Victor Gluckin)[…]

450 Seven Interpretive Options for Hebrews 1.10-12 (Jerry Wierwille)

In our last episode, Dr. Jerry Wierwille led us through a contextual overview of Hebrews 1 and 2 in order to situate Hebrews 1.10-12. Today, we’ll consider seven interpretations of Hebrews 1.10-12, including: Father as referent, doxology Jesus as creator of Genesis creation Jesus as creator of figurative heaven and earth (referring to people and Read more about 450 Seven Interpretive Options for Hebrews 1.10-12 (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

448 What’s Wrong with Progressive Christianity? (Mike Winger)

Today we are addressing Progressive Christianity. To be clear, we are not talking about politics, though they often go hand in hand. Progressive Christianity is an outgrowth of liberal Christianity, which accepted the modernist ethos of the Enlightenment and merged it with Christianity. Likewise Progressive Christianity brings the assumptions and moral commitments of postmodernism to Read more about 448 What’s Wrong with Progressive Christianity? (Mike Winger)[…]

447 God Is Compassionate (Sean Finnegan)

Power and kindness rarely go together. I don’t know about you, but I’m so thankful the most powerful being in the universe is also exceedingly compassionate! In fact, when he revealed himself to Moses, compassion was the first attribute he declared about himself. We see the outworking of God’s compassion in the laws he provided Read more about 447 God Is Compassionate (Sean Finnegan)[…]

438 Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Sean Finnegan)

The Trinity remains a massively popular theory to understand God in Christianity today as it has since the fourth century. Some go so far as to condemn any attempt to understand the concept while others are content to allow their faith to seek understanding (fides quarens intelectum). Nevertheless, most Christians have never honestly assessed this Read more about 438 Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

427 Why Did Jesus Die? Exploring Atonement Theories (Sean Finnegan)

Why did Jesus die? Why couldn’t God just forgive all our sins? How did Jesus’ death pay for sin? How can someone else die for my sins? Questions like these are what atonement theories strive to answer. Throughout the history of Christianity a half dozen prominent theories have vied for adherents. In what follows I Read more about 427 Why Did Jesus Die? Exploring Atonement Theories (Sean Finnegan)[…]

426 The Father Is Greater Than I: Exploring Biblical Subordination (Sean Finnegan)

Is the Son equal with the Father or is he subordinate? Thinking Christians have struggled over the tension between the traditional doctrine of coequality between Father and Son, on the one hand, and the dozens upon dozens of scriptures that either imply our explicitly teach the Father’s supremacy over his Son. Two ways of solving Read more about 426 The Father Is Greater Than I: Exploring Biblical Subordination (Sean Finnegan)[…]

409 Serving God as a Single Person (Matthew Elton)

When was the last time you heard a sermon about singleness?  Married people have lots of sermons, classes, books, and conferences dedicated to them, but singles are largely ignored.  Today, Matthew Elton, himself a single millennial, shares what Jesus and Paul have to teach us about the incredible advantages of singleness for God’s people.  Far Read more about 409 Serving God as a Single Person (Matthew Elton)[…]

407 Reaching LGBT+ People (Sean Finnegan)

How should those of us committed to a biblical sexual ethic treat those who are same-sex attracted or who identify as the opposite sex?  In our polarized world, it seems like only two options are available to us: (1) we accept, approve, and celebrate LGBT+ lifestyles or (2) we deny, denigrate, and dismiss them.  Either Read more about 407 Reaching LGBT+ People (Sean Finnegan)[…]

387 God Is Enough (Sean Finnegan)

What do you do when everything is stripped away?  You find out who you really are. In this sermon you’ll see what happened in ancient Judah when the Babylonians besieged Jerusalem, ultimately resulting in utter destruction, humiliating shame, and forcible deportation. Although our times today can’t really compare to the level of suffering these people Read more about 387 God Is Enough (Sean Finnegan)[…]

374 I’m Offended (Sean Finnegan)

As our society increases in polarization and ideological tribalism, it’s easy to become thin-skinned, taking offense at the slightest remark. Even certain words can trigger us to explode in outrage and vitriol. What are we to do? Should we cloister ourselves in echo chambers, surrounded by those who already agree with us? Should we listen Read more about 374 I’m Offended (Sean Finnegan)[…]

302 Five Reasons to Thank God (Sean Finnegan)

Gratitude is a key to spiritually healthy living.  We have so many reasons to be thankful, but in this message, I’d like to focus on just five: Thankful because God Commanded It Thankful for the Basics Thankful for the Family of God Thankful for God’s Attention Thankful for the Cross As God’s people, our lives Read more about 302 Five Reasons to Thank God (Sean Finnegan)[…]

301 The Bible’s View of the Body (Sean Finnegan)

We’ve had quite a number of folks commenting in on episode 299, my interview with Dr. Jerry Wierwille, called “Does the Bible Support Abortion“.  That episode was very limited to focusing on a couple of texts relevant to building a Christian perspective on abortion.  Essentially, we concluded, as on several previous episodes, that abortion-on-demand doesn’t Read more about 301 The Bible’s View of the Body (Sean Finnegan)[…]

297 The Gospels: Jesus’ Wisdom (Daniel Calcagno)

Jesus once said, “The queen of the South will rise up at the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here” (Luke 11.31).  In our wisdom series so far, we’ve Read more about 297 The Gospels: Jesus’ Wisdom (Daniel Calcagno)[…]

296 Ecclesiastes: Meaningful Life (Victor Gluckin)

Like Job, the book of Ecclesiastes wrestles with anomalies to the general principles of wisdom contained in much of the bible.  Sometimes our world functions in chaotic and unpredictable ways.  Sometimes the race is not won by the swift, nor the battle by the strong, nor bread harvested by the wise, nor riches acquired by Read more about 296 Ecclesiastes: Meaningful Life (Victor Gluckin)[…]

295 Job: It’s Complicated (Sean Finnegan)

The Hebrew Bible contains different kinds of wisdom literature.  For example, wise sayings in Proverbs typically express general principles, providing guidance for what to do when the world is working the way it’s supposed to.  However, Job deals with just the opposite issue.  What happens when you do everything right and still face extraordinary loss Read more about 295 Job: It’s Complicated (Sean Finnegan)[…]

294 Proverbs: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World (Jerry Wierwille)

What is the book of Proverbs all about and what can this book teach you about wisdom?  Join Jerry Wierwille as he leads you through Proverbs to gain key insights to be able to read it and benefit from it on your own.  Proverbs are not merely cutesy clever sayings, but helpful insights into how Read more about 294 Proverbs: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

293 What Is Wisdom? (Stan Chee)

Have you ever heard the saying, “doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results is the definition of insanity?”  It certainly sounds foolish to try the same approach over and over, thinking something different will happen.  So often, what we need is not more education or life hacks, but bona-fide wisdom.  Today Read more about 293 What Is Wisdom? (Stan Chee)[…]

175 Did Christians Believe in the Trinity before 325 (Council of Nicea)?

Now I realize we are in the middle of our theology class, but I thought this would be a good time to take a quick break and put out my recent presentation from Restoration Fellowship’s 2019 Theological Conference, titled, “The Trinity before Nicea.”  Next week we’ll get back to theology and build up a biblical Read more about 175 Did Christians Believe in the Trinity before 325 (Council of Nicea)?[…]

163 Jesus, God’s Agent

In this presentation you’ll learn about the core creed of the bible, both in the Old and New Testaments, the Shema, and how that relates to the smattering of texts in which Jesus may be called “God.”  If Yahweh alone is God then how can Jesus be God too?  Are there two Gods or is Read more about 163 Jesus, God’s Agent[…]

162 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 4

We continue our refutation of Michael Brown’s opening statement by addressing a whole smattering of texts, including Isaiah 9.6, John 20.28, Colossians 2.9, 2 Peter 1.1, Romans 9.5, and 1 John 5.20. We explain and debunk Brown’s unusual singular verb argument from 1 Thess 3.13, 2 Thess 2.16-17, and Rev 22.3-4. We briefly touch upon Read more about 162 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 4[…]

161 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 3

We continue our refutation of Michael Brown’s opening statement by addressing some alleged pre-existence texts in John 17.5, John 12.41, Philippians 2.6-11, and Matthew 23.37.  (See previous episodes here.)  Lastly we spend some considerable time working through Hebrews 1, giving special attention to verses 8 and 10.  To help you follow along, here is the Read more about 161 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 3[…]

160 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 2

In this episode we tackle the next chunk of Michael Brown’s opening statement in the recent Trinity debate.  We address his argument that since God’s words remain forever and Christ’s words remain forever, they must be the same (cf. Mat 24.35 vs. Isaiah 40.7-8).  Next we briefly explain the grammatical issues related to Titus 2.13 Read more about 160 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 2[…]

159 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 1

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Jerry Wierwille and I systematically refute Michael Brown’s problematic case for the deity of Christ in his recent debate with Dale Tuggy. Due to the number of texts Brown crammed into his opening statement, this will have to be a multipart series. In this episode we Read more about 159 Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 1[…]

158 Dale Tuggy vs. Michael Brown Debate: Is the God of the Bible the Father Alone?

Last night Michael Brown (PhD NYU) and Dale Tuggy (PhD Brown U) debated the question, “Is the God of the Bible the Father Alone?” Tuggy affirmed while Brown denied. Both scholars recognize the inspiration and the authority of scripture over tradition. Both made an effort to found their beliefs using the bible, reason, and history. Read more about 158 Dale Tuggy vs. Michael Brown Debate: Is the God of the Bible the Father Alone?[…]

155 God’s Book (Sean Finnegan)

Q: How do you know the bible is true? A: Because God wrote it. Q: How do you know God wrote it? A: Because the bible says God wrote it. Q: But, how do you know the bible is true? Here we encounter the classic circular argument for the bible’s inspiration. Surely, there’s a better Read more about 155 God’s Book (Sean Finnegan)[…]

154 Spiritual Friendship: Celibacy as a Call to Love (Wesley Hill)

Our world seems intent on trotting out the same extremist examples of Christianity as either a homophobic religion (think Westboro Baptist Church) or a totally accepting faith (think Episcopalians).  However, these are not the only positions Christians take on this subject.  In this talk, Wesley Hill, assistant professor of biblical studies at Trinity School for Read more about 154 Spiritual Friendship: Celibacy as a Call to Love (Wesley Hill)[…]

153 Be You — Colossians 3 (Sean Finnegan)

Our culture longs for authenticity. We’re tired of fakers and phonies who say one thing and do another. People should just be true to themselves and have the courage to flout tradition when it holds them back from genuine self-expression. However, this mentality results in major individual and social problems from sexually transmitted diseases to Read more about 153 Be You — Colossians 3 (Sean Finnegan)[…]

151 God of Wonder (Sean Finnegan)

Do you ever stop and marvel at God’s creation?  Are you in wonder at what he has made?  Too often we take God’s masterful creations for granted, instead of seeing them as pointers back to God’s ingenuity, generosity, and artistry.  Although we can’t always take time out to praise God for plums, palm trees, and Read more about 151 God of Wonder (Sean Finnegan)[…]

150 What Is Hell? (John Cortright)

Last week we examined what the bible teaches about heaven. This week we’ll see what it says about hell. John Cortright explains there are three meanings of hell in scripture, including tartarus where fallen angels are temporarily imprisoned, hades/sheol where the dead remain until resurrection, and gehenna where the wicked are destroyed in the final Read more about 150 What Is Hell? (John Cortright)[…]

148 Apologetics Conference: 6 Evangelism, Jesus’ Way (John Truitt)

In this concluding teaching of our apologetics conference, John Truitt gleans from Christ’s example key ways that we can imitate him in our own evangelistic efforts today.  He begins by looking how Jesus was completely obedient to God and how he prepared himself (both in knowledge and experience).  Next Truitt urges us to get moving, Read more about 148 Apologetics Conference: 6 Evangelism, Jesus’ Way (John Truitt)[…]

146 Apologetics Conference: 4 Are All Religions the Same? (Dale Tuggy)

How should we think through the different major religions of our time? Are they all the same? What are their differences? In this presentation, philosopher of religion, Dale Tuggy, works through key questions that can help us differentiate and distinguish religions from each other. In the second half of his talk, he invites the audience Read more about 146 Apologetics Conference: 4 Are All Religions the Same? (Dale Tuggy)[…]

145 Apologetics Conference 3: Moral Argument (Kenny Willenburg)

How do you know the difference between what’s right and wrong?  Do morals have an absolute source or does society determine them?  In this talk, Kenny Willenburg explains the classic moral argument as well as how we can use this approach to “turn the tables” when people object to Christianity on moral grounds.  I’ve also Read more about 145 Apologetics Conference 3: Moral Argument (Kenny Willenburg)[…]

144 Apologetics Conference 2: A Strategy to Reach Our Postmodern World (Sean Finnegan)

In the second presentation of this Apologetics Conference, we delve into a comparison of three major time periods: (1) the age of authority, (2) the age of reason, and (3) the age of authenticity.  We look at how people practiced their faith in each as well as what criticisms apologists answered.  For our post-modern time, Read more about 144 Apologetics Conference 2: A Strategy to Reach Our Postmodern World (Sean Finnegan)[…]

143 Apologetics Conference 1: The Problem of Privatization (Jerry Wierwille)

Today we are starting something new. I’m very excited to present to you in its entirety, the apologetics conference held in Paducah, KY last June. We’ve got a great line up of speakers for you including Jerry Wierwille, myself, Kenny Willenburg, Dale Tuggy, Kegan Chandler, and John Truitt. It was a wonderful time of meeting Read more about 143 Apologetics Conference 1: The Problem of Privatization (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

142 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 6: Perseverance of the Saints

This is part 6 of the Calvinism Debate Can you lose your salvation?  If God saves someone, will they always persevere?  What about people who leave the church?  These are important questions and they are at the heart of this last discussion on Calvinism.  Blake affirms that after regeneration, absolutely nothing can separate someone from Read more about 142 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 6: Perseverance of the Saints[…]

141 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 5: Irresistible Grace

This is part 5 of the Calvinism Debate When God calls you, can you say, “No?” According to Calvinism, God’s grace is irresistible, meaning when he determines to save someone, he always achieves his goal. In other words, his call is always effectual.  On the other side, Arminianism teaches that God offers grace, but people Read more about 141 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 5: Irresistible Grace[…]

140 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 4: Limited Atonement

This is part 4 of the Calvinism Debate Did Jesus die to make it possible for anyone to be saved or did he only die for the elect? In this discussion between Blake Cortright and Jacob Rohrer, they discuss this important issue and how it relates to evangelism. Blake affirms limited atonement while Jacob argues Read more about 140 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 4: Limited Atonement[…]

139 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 3: Unconditional Election

This is part 3 of the Calvinism Debate Does God predestine everyone who will ever be saved before they’re even born?  Blake affirms that not only does God choose whom he will save in eternity past, but he did so without regard to any conditions or qualities of what these people will do.  Jacob denies, Read more about 139 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 3: Unconditional Election[…]

138 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 2: Total Depravity

This is part 2 of the Calvinism Debate Just how fallen are we? What does it mean to be dead in trespasses and sins? Are we so depraved and mired in sin that we cannot even have faith in God? Blake Cortright says answers, “Yes.” Unless God quickens us through his spirit, we are innately Read more about 138 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 2: Total Depravity[…]

137 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 1: Introduction

This is part 1 of the Calvinism Debate Today we begin an extended series on Calvinism and Arminianism.  For those of you not familiar, Calvinism, named after John Calvin (d. 1564), holds that God sovereignly chooses and effectually saves all whom he decides to save based on his predestined will whereas Arminianism, named for Jacobus Read more about 137 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 1: Introduction[…]

136 Whatever Did St. Paul Do with the Kingdom of God? (N. T. Wright)

Join Professor N. T. Wright as he shows how well Paul’s epistles fit with the Hebrew prophets and the Gospels.  Rather than seeing Paul as the purveyor of a heavenly hope wherein saints may enjoy disembodied bliss, Wright highlights a number of key passages that unlock Paul’s kingdom-centered hope. —— Links —— Take a look Read more about 136 Whatever Did St. Paul Do with the Kingdom of God? (N. T. Wright)[…]

135 The Fate of the Apostles (Sean McDowell)

Have you ever heard the martyrdom argument for the resurrection of Jesus?  It goes something like this.  Jesus’ apostles faced persecution and martyrdom for their confession that God raised Jesus from the dead, sealing their witness with their blood.  Why would they die for a lie?  Their martyrdom unequivocally proves that they sincerely believed in Read more about 135 The Fate of the Apostles (Sean McDowell)[…]

134 Finding the Love of Your Life (Book of Ruth)

Have you ever read the book of Ruth?  Though it’s only four chapters, it contains timeless truths that can help us today.  Our culture puts an incredible amount of pressure on spouses to never change, be perfectly compatible, and fulfill our deepest longings that it’s no wonder that singles often can’t seem to find the Read more about 134 Finding the Love of Your Life (Book of Ruth)[…]

133 Is God a Misogynist? (Mary Willson)

Mary Willson, director of women’s initiatives for the Gospel Coalition, wrestles with a couple of the Old Testament texts that critics use to show that God hates women, including Deuteronomy 21.10-14 and Numbers 5.11-31.  First she looks at how we perceive these ancient scriptures from the perspective of our own culture, then she shows how Read more about 133 Is God a Misogynist? (Mary Willson)[…]

128 Colonials and Methodists (Five Hundred 12)

Hear the winding tale of early Christian history in the Americas with a special focus on the thirteen colonies.  Right from the start the Americas were full of Christian diversity including Catholicism, the Church of England, Puritans, Baptists, and Quakers.  In this lecture you’ll see how this diversity led to an unprecedented level of religious Read more about 128 Colonials and Methodists (Five Hundred 12)[…]

123 The Fall by Preston & Jackie Perry

Have you ever thought about what it must have been like for Adam and Eve have that conversation after the Fall, after they had become ashamed of what they had done and they had to come to grips with the new reality.  In this stunning piece of poetry, written by Preston and Jackie Perry, we Read more about 123 The Fall by Preston & Jackie Perry[…]

115 Don’t Put It on a Cart (Victor Gluckin)

Have you ever read about the time Uzzah touched the ark and God struck him down? When’s the last time you heard a sermon preached on this text? Anytime I’ve reflected on this passage, I’m so focused on trying to explain how God could be just in carrying out this judgment that I’ve missed the Read more about 115 Don’t Put It on a Cart (Victor Gluckin)[…]

114 Divorce and Remarriage (Sean Finnegan)

Divorce is a painful and complicated subject to talk about in America today where about half of all marriages end in divorce. Our laws have changed to accept “no-fault” divorce and many of us are unaware of what the bible teaches on this critical subject. To figure out the biblical perspective on divorce and remarriage, Read more about 114 Divorce and Remarriage (Sean Finnegan)[…]

113 Trinity History (Stan Chee)

Stanley Chee of the Christian Disciples Church in Toronto, Canada shares a brief overview of how the doctrine of the trinity developed in the first four centuries.  Pulling on the work of Eric Chang, Bentley Chan, Hans Kung, and Richard Rubenstein, Chee explains four major factors that played a role in this process: The church’s Read more about 113 Trinity History (Stan Chee)[…]

112 God’s Not Done with You Yet (Sean Finnegan)

We all get beaten down in life. Whether it’s catastrophes like hurricanes, shootings, or economic meltdowns, or just dealing with the day to day demands and responsibilities of life, we all go through periods of dryness, feeling like we aren’t making a difference. This is where Elijah’s example is particularly pertinent. Having reached the peak Read more about 112 God’s Not Done with You Yet (Sean Finnegan)[…]

111 John 1.1 Explained (John Schoenheit)

The first verse of John’s Gospel reads: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” Typically, Christians understand the Word to refer to the Son and God to refer to the Father. However, as John Schoenheit explains, this reading owes more to later trinitarian theology than Read more about 111 John 1.1 Explained (John Schoenheit)[…]

110 Heaven Is Not My Home (Sean Finnegan)

This world is not my home I’m just a passing through My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue The angels beckon me from heaven’s open door And I can’t feel at home in this world anymore Oh lord you know I have no friend like you If heaven’s not my home then lord Read more about 110 Heaven Is Not My Home (Sean Finnegan)[…]

109 Five Reasons I Changed my Mind about the Trinity (Sid Hatch)

Sid Hatch, a former Baptist minister and graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary explains his reasons for questioning the Trinity.  Ultimately he concluded the bible does not teach that Jesus is “God the Son” but that he is “the Son of God.”  In this presentation, he discusses various key texts including John 1.1 and Philippians 2.1-9 Read more about 109 Five Reasons I Changed my Mind about the Trinity (Sid Hatch)[…]

108 Indigenous Missionaries (Sean Finnegan)

Are you a missionary? Although we typically think of missionaries as those who travel to foreign lands to share the gospel with people, the simple fact is that we are all called to the work of sharing the gospel.  Furthermore, as HeartCry Missionary Society points out, indigenous missionaries have huge advantages over foreign missionaries since Read more about 108 Indigenous Missionaries (Sean Finnegan)[…]

107 Each One Serve (John Cortright)

Service is an important part of Christian living.  We are not spectators waiting to be entertained, but participants looking for ways to help out.  In this sermon, John Cortright shows what Jesus taught us about service at the last supper as well as what sort of attitude we should have.  So often we either critique Read more about 107 Each One Serve (John Cortright)[…]

96: Nicholas Hlifka Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)

Nicholas Hlifka grew up as an atheist until a Christian teacher shared his faith with him in high school.  While attending the State University of New York at Fredonia, he took a class with Dale Tuggy.  When he found out that Tuggy was a biblical unitarian, he was immediately wary of such a heretical belief.  Read more about 96: Nicholas Hlifka Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)[…]

95: Chad Hoffman Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)

After a bad divorce, Chad Hoffman became a Christian.  He attended a number of different churches and something didn’t sit right at each.  In 2006, he was diagnosed with a inoperable tumor on his brain stem.  After some treatment it shrank and grew back.  During this tumultuous time, he started considering what he believed about Read more about 95: Chad Hoffman Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)[…]

94: Carouthers Family Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)

Steve and Phyllis Carouthers have attended many churches throughout their Christian journey.  A couple of years ago Phyllis was researching the gifts of the spirit and came across an article on the Truth or Tradition website and saw that they were biblical unitarians.  Initially she found this quite disturbing as she associated all unitarians with Read more about 94: Carouthers Family Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)[…]

93: Jouke Elsinga Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)

Even though he grew up in the Calivinist Reformed tradition as a pastor’s kid, Jouke Elsinga was not sure he believed in God’s existence.  After reading Frank Turek’s I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, he came to believe in God and started searching for apologetics.  He came across my apologetics class on Read more about 93: Jouke Elsinga Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)[…]

92: Danny Tanner Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)

Danny Tanner grew up in the Lutheran Church and later got heavily involved with the Brethren in Christ group.  He’s served as a worship pastor, an associate pastor, and an executive pastor.  Currently he’s involved in a church plant.  Over the years he’s questioned his faith, but never let himself dive in deep enough to Read more about 92: Danny Tanner Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)[…]

91: Jeremy Bowders Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)

While working in a casket factory as an upholsterer, one day Jeremy Bowders reflected on the fact that he would be in one eventually. He began asking the big questions about his life’s purpose. He began reading the bible and became a Christian. In the course of researching open theism, he read an article by Read more about 91: Jeremy Bowders Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)[…]

90: Jonathen Favors Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)

Having overcome his desire to remain in the background, Jonathen Favors boldly shared his testimony of coming to understand who God is.  After a severe football injury, he had a lot of time to spend time with and think about God.  While attending BIOLA University, he had learned that the title “Son of God” is Read more about 90: Jonathen Favors Faith Journey (2017 Theo. Conf.)[…]

88: Restorationist Manifesto

Simply put, restorationism is the approach to Christianity that seeks to compare accepted doctrines and practices against the bible to see if they are valid.  Our intention is to recover authentic New Testament Christianity and live it out today.  We hold God’s inspired scriptures above traditions, creeds, and clergy.  The time is ripe for us Read more about 88: Restorationist Manifesto[…]

Podcast 83: Questions about Gay and Lesbian Christians

In the last episode (Boundaries for Same-Sex Attraction), we looked at what the bible says about same-sex attraction.  In this one, we consider seven important questions about gay and lesbian Christians: How should same-sex attracted Christians think of themselves? Isn’t the Christian sexual ethic harmful to gays and lesbians? Is having same-sex feelings a sin? Read more about Podcast 83: Questions about Gay and Lesbian Christians[…]

Podcast 82: Biblical Boundaries for Same-Sex Attraction

Is it a sin to be gay? What does the bible say about same-sex attraction? In this episode you’ll become familiar with the relevant scriptures that talk about homosexuality. You’ll also learn what arsenokoitai (ἀρσενοκοῖται) means in 1 Corinthians 6.9, a key battleground text for discussions of biblical sexuality. Here the Apostle Paul pulls from Read more about Podcast 82: Biblical Boundaries for Same-Sex Attraction[…]

Podcast 81: My Life as a Stud (Jackie Hill-Perry)

Jackie Hill-Perry used to dress like a boy to go out and pick up girls. She ended up in a long-term relationship with another woman, but then she came to a sudden realization that she was living a lie. She’s completely changed her life and now embraces her femininity and even got married to a Read more about Podcast 81: My Life as a Stud (Jackie Hill-Perry)[…]

Podcast 80: Resurrection People (Sean Finnegan)

The best chapter on resurrection in the bible is 1 Corinthians 15. In it, the Apostle Paul masterfully lays out the Christian position on resurrection while overcoming common objections in the culture. As it turns out, people living in Corinth thought the idea of resurrection seemed real bizarre.  Looking at tombstone inscriptions, Plato’s Phaedo, and Read more about Podcast 80: Resurrection People (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 79: Proud of Our God (Victor Gluckin)

Are you embarrassed of your non-traditional beliefs about God? Victor Gluckin says that it’s time to stand up for what we believe. Believing God is one (instead of three-in-one) is not some sort of fringe doctrine; it’s at the very heart of biblical faith. After all, Jesus himself identified the Jewish “shema” as the most Read more about Podcast 79: Proud of Our God (Victor Gluckin)[…]

Podcast 78: The Insidious Danger of Self-Righteousness (Sean Finnegan)

No one joined the Pharisees out of desire to practice professional hypocrisy. They were the devout, the separated, the ones who took God and holiness seriously. However, by the time of Jesus, they had confused godliness with self-righteousness and lost compassion in the process. It’s so easy for us to root for Jesus as he Read more about Podcast 78: The Insidious Danger of Self-Righteousness (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 77: God Is Enough (John Cortright)

Covetousness, self-reliance, and envy can rob us of gratitude and contentedness.  So much of our world programs us to feel restless, entitled, and discontent regarding our possessions, how we look, our work, and our relationships.  Have you ever asked yourself, “How much is enough?”  Taking his cue from the Apostle Paul, John Cortright shares the Read more about Podcast 77: God Is Enough (John Cortright)[…]

Podcast 76: The Real St. Patrick (Sean Finnegan)

Saint Patrick is one of the most courageous missionaries of Christian history. Although revelers mark his day with debauchery and drunkenness, he pursued holiness and risked his life to preach to the Irish barbarians. He held out to the ancient Irish tribes a promise of protection from their gods and demons, if only they would Read more about Podcast 76: The Real St. Patrick (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 75: Heretic! 4 Approaches to Dropping H-Bombs (Dale Tuggy)

The history of Christianity can sometimes be really depressing, especially when we look at the “heresy hunters.” From Justin Martyr and Irenaues in the second century to Athanasius and Epiphanius of the fourth century, as Christians we progressively came to define ourselves on the basis of what we don’t believe.  As a result, so much Read more about Podcast 75: Heretic! 4 Approaches to Dropping H-Bombs (Dale Tuggy)[…]

Podcast 74: Which You Are You? (Sean Finnegan)

We all have competing impulses within us vying for our attention and expression. How do you know which ones to amplify and which to repress? How should we think of ourselves? Are we powerful and valuable creatures made in God’s image or accidental byproducts of time plus chance plus matter? In order to live out Read more about Podcast 74: Which You Are You? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 73: Relating to the Government (Vince Finnegan)

How should Christians relate to the government?  In this sermon, Vince Finnegan works through Romans 13 to show how we should relate to the powers that be.  Ultimately God is in charge of raising up and tearing down regimes and nations over the course of human history.  Our goal is to love one another as Read more about Podcast 73: Relating to the Government (Vince Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 72: Free as a Fish on Land (Sean Finnegan)

What is true freedom?  We tend to think of freedom as the lack of restrictions so that we can do whatever we want.  However, I want to make the case that freedoms is not the lack of boundaries, but finding the right ones to enable us to be our best for God.  After God liberated Read more about Podcast 72: Free as a Fish on Land (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 71: What Good Is Jesus without His Gospel? (Anthony Buzzard)

In this vintage message, Sir Anthony Buzzard makes the case that the gospel Jesus preached was about the kingdom. Although Jesus remains incredibly popular all around the world today, his message remains obscured even among many sincere followers. How can we call ourselves Christians if we are ignorant of Christ’s proclamation?  The kingdom is not Read more about Podcast 71: What Good Is Jesus without His Gospel? (Anthony Buzzard)[…]

Podcast 70: Getting the Gospel Right (Sean Finnegan)

The gospel is the message we believe in that results in immortality (2 Tim 1.7-10).  If I were the devil, I would target the gospel message so that even if some Christians rustled up the courage to actually share it with others, they’d have a distorted or partial message.  In fact, scripture tells us that Read more about Podcast 70: Getting the Gospel Right (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 69: Teen Comes out as Christian to Gay Parents (Caleb Kaltenbach)

We hear a particular narrative over and over: “Gay teen courageously comes out to Christian parents and faces consequences.” This is the hero’s journey of the early 21st century. From gay pride marches to hit songs to movies and TV shows, this story is ubiquitous in our culture. For example, I used to listen to Read more about Podcast 69: Teen Comes out as Christian to Gay Parents (Caleb Kaltenbach)[…]

Podcast 67: It’s Just War (Debate)

Martin Luther King Jr. day is on Monday, so I thought this would be a good time to replay a phenomenal debate on the question of whether or not Christians should use violence or participate in the military.  Peter Kreeft and J. Daryl Charles defend the classic just war position while David Bercot and Dean Read more about Podcast 67: It’s Just War (Debate)[…]

Podcast 66: What I’ve Been Saved From (Victor Gluckin)

Pastor Victor Gluckin of Living Faith Christian Church (Warwick, RI) shares about his journey of faith. He was Mr. Popularity in High School; everyone loved him.  However, he was spiritually dead and lifted up with pride.  His breaking point came when he left his small town and attended George Washington University in DC.  He planned Read more about Podcast 66: What I’ve Been Saved From (Victor Gluckin)[…]

Podcast 60: Be Ye Holy for I Am Holy (Keith Daniel)

What do you believe about holiness?  Do you view it as an impossible ideal?  Slogans like “I’m not perfect, just forgiven” and “I don’t want to be holier than thou” show how uncomfortable we are with this whole subject.  Even so, God calls us to be holy as he is holy.  We cannot ignore or Read more about Podcast 60: Be Ye Holy for I Am Holy (Keith Daniel)[…]

Podcast 49: Abide in Me (Keith Daniel)

How much time do you spend with God alone?  Do you have a quiet time each day for scripture reading and prayer and meditation?  Drawing on the image of the vine in John 15, Keith Daniel passionately advocates for a daily devotional time to abide in him.  He argues that this time is the key Read more about Podcast 49: Abide in Me (Keith Daniel)[…]

Podcast 48: The Courage of Esther (Sean Finnegan)

Have you heard about Esther’s courage?  She had the audacity to stand for God in an incredibly dark time.  Though the Persian Empire had decreed the genocide of her people, she could have easily remained in the closet about her ethnicity and enjoyed the comforts of the palace.  Nonetheless, she would not stand idly by, Read more about Podcast 48: The Courage of Esther (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 47: Resurrection Implications (Richard Hays)

Richard Hays, Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, explains the incredible effect Jesus’ resurrection has on theology and practice.  His lecture divides into two parts: (1) a proper New Testament understanding of the resurrection requires a robust affirmation of the resurrection of the body and (2) resurrection of the body is a sign Read more about Podcast 47: Resurrection Implications (Richard Hays)[…]

Podcast 46: Hospitality Challenge (Sean Finnegan)

What do you believe about hospitality?  The scriptures lay out three major kinds: (1) hospitality to the saints; (2) hospitality to the needy; (3) hospitality to the unbeliever.  As it turns out showing hospitality is an important Christian practice, even if it takes courage to invite others into our houses.  In our present age, hospitality Read more about Podcast 46: Hospitality Challenge (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 45: Talking with Jesus (John Cortright)

This is now the third in a series of messages related to monotheism.  Having established that the Father of Jesus is the only true God (John 17.3), we must be careful not denigrate or demote Jesus in any way.  He is the perfect one who lived without sin and courageously faced death on behalf of Read more about Podcast 45: Talking with Jesus (John Cortright)[…]

Podcast 44: The Immutable Shema (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan The Shema has been the core creed of Judaism from the time of Moses to today.  It stands as an immovable witness to God’s identity as well as our proper relation to him.  Even though Jesus confessed the Shema, most Christians today aren’t familiar with it.  This is because after the New Read more about Podcast 44: The Immutable Shema (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 43: Identity Theft (Vince Finnegan)

by Vince Finnegan From Exodus and Deuteronomy, God makes clear who he is and how he wants his chosen people to worship him.  He is Yahweh, the one God of Israel, the only one.  His identity does not change.  Sadly, later on God became the victim of identity theft, as Christians developed the dogma of Read more about Podcast 43: Identity Theft (Vince Finnegan)[…]

Sean Finnegan

Podcast 42: My Testimony (Sean Finnegan)

Last week I attended a youth camp in Indiana called FUEL.  They assigned me the text on the Prodigal Son (Luke 15).  As I pondered and prayed how I should approach this powerful parable, I sensed God wanted me to interweave my own story in with the prodigal.  As a result, I decided to share Read more about Podcast 42: My Testimony (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 41: Counterfeit Gods (Tim Keller)

by Tim Keller What drives you?  What is that one person or thing or dream that you couldn’t live without?  What thing if you lost it, could mean that almost all significance and value would be drained out of your life?  Whatever that thing is, the bible calls it an idol, a counterfeit god.  Tim Read more about Podcast 41: Counterfeit Gods (Tim Keller)[…]

Victor Gluckin

Podcast 24: Now Is Our Time To Speak (Victor Gluckin)

by Victor Gluckin In this fantastic evangelism sermon, Victor Gluckin lays out a biblical case for why we should reach out and share our faith with others.  His zeal is contagious, his reasoning cogent, and his passion inspiring.  If you are anything like me, you need to be encouraged in this area of your Christian Read more about Podcast 24: Now Is Our Time To Speak (Victor Gluckin)[…]

Podcast 23: Let Us Make Man (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan In Genesis 1.26, God says, “Let us make man in our image.”  Since this is the creation of humanity, he couldn’t have been speaking to any humans.  So whom was God speaking to?  One common interpretation is to say he was speaking to another person within his being–God the Son.  But, this Read more about Podcast 23: Let Us Make Man (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 22: Allow Me To Reintroduce the Christ (Blair Wingo)

by Blair Wingo Authentic Christianity requires both believing the biblical gospel as well as following Christ.  Too often today we want to believe in Jesus as savior without following as lord.  In this moving poem Blair Wingo sets the record straight.  She appeals to the bible as the source for reintroducing the real Christ rather Read more about Podcast 22: Allow Me To Reintroduce the Christ (Blair Wingo)[…]

Podcast 21: Should We Worship Jesus? (Sean Finnegan)

Most Christians never give worshiping Jesus a second thought.  However, as biblical unitarians–those who believe the Father is the only true God–we do need to wrestle with this question.  Some have argued that worshiping Jesus is tantamount to idolatry since we should only worship God.  Others have taken the view that we can worship Jesus Read more about Podcast 21: Should We Worship Jesus? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 20: Shocking Youth Message (Paul Washer)

by Paul Washer In this convicting sermon Paul Washer exposes the unholiness that pervades much of Christian youth culture.  Although I do not agree with much of what Washer stands for, this message of his significantly affected my life.  It not only inspired me to live for God wholeheartedly, but also exposed the sneaky ways Read more about Podcast 20: Shocking Youth Message (Paul Washer)[…]

Podcast 19: Death Then What? (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan What happens when people die?  In this sermon I mention show the biblical “evidence” for heaven, hell, purgatory, ghosts, and reincarnation before revealing the overwhelming number of texts supporting the sleep of the dead.  Focusing on John’s Gospel, I establish that (1) the dead are in their tombs asleep until they hear Read more about Podcast 19: Death Then What? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 18: Eternal Security: Steve Gregg vs. Tom Morris

Steve Gregg vs. Tom Morris Once you become saved can you lose your salvation?  Listen to this debate to hear both sides of this important question.  Admittedly, the debate does seem to be a bit of a mismatch, since Gregg is extremely well prepared and Morris could not answer many of Gregg’s points.  Even so, Read more about Podcast 18: Eternal Security: Steve Gregg vs. Tom Morris[…]

Podcast 17: Follow (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan According to Jesus no one should call him “Lord” if he or she does not do what he says.  In other words, Christ says he wants followers not merely believers.  Although hippie Jesus, one-and-done Jesus, American Jesus, prosperity Jesus, poverty Jesus, and part-time Jesus all vie for all attention, we encounter the Read more about Podcast 17: Follow (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 16: Ten Shekels and a Shirt (Paris Reidhead)

by Paris Reidhead One of the most famous classic sermons of all time, Paris Reidhead’s “Ten Shekels and a Shirt” calls into question why you serve God?  From his account of missionary work to his observations of historic Christian preaching to other movements occurring in his own day, Reidhead weaves together an inspiring and very Read more about Podcast 16: Ten Shekels and a Shirt (Paris Reidhead)[…]

Podcast 15: A Theology of Nonviolence (Sean Finnegan)

Here’s the original paper in pdf form. I presented this talk at the 18th Theological Conference held near Atlanta, GA.  In it I present a case for the radical practice of loving our enemies.  Whether you believe Christians can and should use violence to defend themselves or others or if you think more along the Read more about Podcast 15: A Theology of Nonviolence (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 14: My Story, His Glory (Joel Hemphill)

by Joel Hemphill In this short but revealing testimony, famed southern gospel singer Joel Hemphill tells his journey from oneness to one.  Growing up in the “Jesus only” movement, he preached and sung about Jesus as God until the Father began to show him the light.  His transparent honesty comes through as he narrates of Read more about Podcast 14: My Story, His Glory (Joel Hemphill)[…]

Podcast 13: What’s Your Script? (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan According to Hebrew bible expert, Walter Bruegemann, all of us live by a script.  He contends that our society is constantly scripting us with technological, therapeutic, consumer militarism.  In the words of the Apostle Paul, we must fight this tendency by refusing to conform to this world but be transformed by the Read more about Podcast 13: What’s Your Script? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 12: Don’t Let Them Go (Keith Daniel)

by Keith Daniel So often husbands make grandiose declarations in the heat of the moment whereby they bind themselves to a destructive or vengeful course of action that inevitably results in shipwrecking their marriages.  In this powerful sermon Keith Daniel provides sage advice for husbands and wives to stick together through the toughest times.  As Read more about Podcast 12: Don’t Let Them Go (Keith Daniel)[…]

Podcast 11: Wrestling against Spiritual Forces (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan Ephesians 6.12 tells us our struggle is not really against other humans but against spiritual forces.  Learn how malignant powers influence people both directly (through demon possession) and indirectly (through the culture).  Hopefully, this message will open your eyes to what is happening behind the scenes as Satan works to keep people Read more about Podcast 11: Wrestling against Spiritual Forces (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 10: Is Hell Forever? Chris Date vs. Phil Fernandez

by Chris Date & Phil Fernandez What does the bible teach about hell?  In hell do the damned experience eternal conscious torment or are they annihilated?  Phil Fernandes affirms the “traditional” view of  a fiery torture chamber whereas Chris Date defends the proposition that God will destroy people in the fire.  Obviously, I have a Read more about Podcast 10: Is Hell Forever? Chris Date vs. Phil Fernandez[…]

Podcast 9: God and Jesus: An Overview (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan What’s the difference between God and Jesus.  Many Christians believe they are mysteriously one in being, but what do the scriptures teach?  It turns out the bible clearly distinguishes between these two individuals and their attributes preclude their metaphysical oneness.  Listen in to hear the evidence for why Jesus is the son Read more about Podcast 9: God and Jesus: An Overview (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 7: The Secret Messiah & the Triumphal Entry (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan Why did Jesus so often tell people to be quiet when they discovered he was the messiah?  Christianity is all about telling the world this truth.  In fact, Jesus’ last words–the Great Commission–include the mandate to spread the gospel around the world.  So, why was it that in his own ministry he Read more about Podcast 7: The Secret Messiah & the Triumphal Entry (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 6: My Godly Father (Keith Daniel)

by Keith Daniel Hailing from South Africa, Keith Daniel is one of the best preachers I’ve ever heard.  His unmitigated passion and lived experience colors his biblical exposition in a way that urges the listener to be better for God.  This sermon is not really a sermon but a biography of his father.  In it Read more about Podcast 6: My Godly Father (Keith Daniel)[…]

Podcast 5: Miracles & Messiahs: How Jesus Best Fits Prophecy (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan Why do we believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah?  What is our evidence?  Taking a look at contemporary miracle workers like Honi the Circle Drawer and Hanina ben Dosa, Jesus of Nazareth stands out as an exceptional healer and exorcist.  Taking our cue from ancient Jewish interpretations of Isaiah 53, we Read more about Podcast 5: Miracles & Messiahs: How Jesus Best Fits Prophecy (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 4: A Biblical Theology of Finance (Craig Blomberg)

by Craig Blomberg This is one of those areas where, as a preacher, I can’t help but be very sensitive.  Although most pastors struggle with just enough to get by, a few have amassed great wealth or even embezzled people’s contributions.  Because of some very public bad examples, people tend to be leery of listening Read more about Podcast 4: A Biblical Theology of Finance (Craig Blomberg)[…]

Podcast 3: Between the Testaments (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan Have you ever wondered what happened between the Old Testament and the New Testament?  When the Old Testament closes the people have returned to their land after the 70 year captivity and are living under the Persian empire, though they have significant freedoms, including the right to worship God in the rebuilt Read more about Podcast 3: Between the Testaments (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 2: James Ossuary (Ben Witherington)

by Ben Witherington III Have you heard about the controversial James Ossuary?  An ossuary is a small coffin, often made of limestone, that the Jews in the second Temple period used for the bones of their deceased loved ones.  Someone found an ossuary with the inscription “James son of Joseph, his brother is Jesus.”  Could Read more about Podcast 2: James Ossuary (Ben Witherington)[…]

Podcast 1: Keys to a Meaningful Life (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan What is the meaning of life? What is the reason to live? Why are you here? What are you living for? In what ways does your life make a difference? How do you lead a meaningful life?  Listen to this message to discover not only what happiness experts says, but, more importantly, Read more about Podcast 1: Keys to a Meaningful Life (Sean Finnegan)[…]