Top Episodes of 2021

Happy New Year! It’s been a great year for Restitutio and we’re so thankful for your participation. In 2021 we had a record-breaking year with 52 episodes and 76,383 unique downloads. Here are the top ten episodes from 2021:

  1. Gifts of the Spirit Are Available Today (John Truitt)
  2. Introduction – Why Christianity Class (Jerry Wierwille)
  3. Tongues Have Ceased (Greg Deuble)
  4. Speaking in Tongues Discussion 1 (Truitt, Deuble)
  5. God Is Real – Why Christianity Class (Sean Finnegan)
  6. Bible Fed, Spirit Led (Kevin Guigou)
  7. Yahweh, Supreme Creator – One God Class (Sean Finnegan)
  8. Inclusiveness – Why Christianity Class (Sean Finnegan)
  9. Changed Lives – Why Christianity Class (Sean Finnegan)
  10. The Heart – Why Christianity Class (Sean Finnegan)

We kicked off 2021 with a series on spiritual gifts. As you can see above, this series garnered the highest downloads of the year. Then Will Barlow built a comprehensive understanding of giving in the bible that diverged from the classic tithe perspective. Next we ran the class Why Christianity, focusing on a mix of classic apologetics with some new reasons for Christianity that connect with a postmodern mindset.  We followed this by a series of interviews on conditional immortality with the legendary New Zealander, Warren Prestidge (author of Life, Death and Destiny).

We also had several one-off interview with John & Paolo Ely, Timypaul Lupe, Dale Tuggy, Jeff Deuble. Lastly, we ended the year with a 14-session One God Over All class.

Thanks to everyone who tuned in, shared episodes with others, wrote reviews, and contributed financially! We’re looking forward to a strong 2022 together in our effort to restore authentic Christianity and live it out today.

P.S. here’s the top 10 of all time list:

  1. Master’s University Prof. Finds Son of God, Loses Job (Bill Schlegel)
  2. Dale Tuggy vs. Michael Brown Debate: Is the God of the Bible the Father Alone?
  3. Counterfeit Gods (Tim Keller)
  4. Misunderstood Texts about Jesus 1 (Bill Schlegel)
  5. Whatever Did St. Paul Do with the Kingdom of God? (N. T. Wright)
  6. From Pentecostal to Messianic Unitarian (Daniel Calcagno)
  7. Shocking Youth Message (Paul Washer)
  8. Refuting Michael Brown’s Case for the Trinity 1 (Sean Finnegan, Jerry Wierwille)
  9. Can You Lose Your Salvation? (Dan Gallagher)
  10. Who Was Christ before the Creeds? (Jeff Deuble)

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