591 1 Corinthians in Context 8: Marriage, Divorce, and Remmarriage

The Romans looked at families and marriage very differently than most of us do today. In this session we’ll cover arranged marriages, the double standard for adultery, and the new Roman Women who were breaking all the rules. This will put us in a good place to read chapter 7 of 1 Corinthians and see Read more about 591 1 Corinthians in Context 8: Marriage, Divorce, and Remmarriage[…]

358 A Christian Perspective on Black Lives Matter (Russell Brown)

We’re delving into a topic rife with controversy, polarization, and intense emotion.  We’re asking the question, how should bible-based Christians respond to the Black Lives Matter movement.  No doubt, some of you will answer that we should all be out marching in full support while others think BLM is itself racist and should be resisted.  Read more about 358 A Christian Perspective on Black Lives Matter (Russell Brown)[…]

Why Did Jesus Die? (Paper for 2016 Theological Conference)

Why Did Jesus Die? Exploring the Multifaceted Biblical Doctrine of the Atonement from a Biblical Unitarian Perspective Presented at Restoration Fellowship’s 25th Theological Conference in Hampton, GA on April 29, 2016 by Sean Finnegan (restitutio.org) Here is the PDF Abstract In part one, I categorize and summarize what the New Testament documents say about the Read more about Why Did Jesus Die? (Paper for 2016 Theological Conference)[…]