580 An Honest Evaluation of the Evidence for the Deity of Christ (Sean Finnegan)

Does the New Testament refer to Jesus as God? Though this is an important question, it’s only a starting point for wrestling with who Jesus is. In what follows we’ll consider the evidence from five scholars on what texts they say attribute deity to Christ. Then we’ll examine the biblical evidence that pulls in the Read more about 580 An Honest Evaluation of the Evidence for the Deity of Christ (Sean Finnegan)[…]

438 Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Sean Finnegan)

The Trinity remains a massively popular theory to understand God in Christianity today as it has since the fourth century. Some go so far as to condemn any attempt to understand the concept while others are content to allow their faith to seek understanding (fides quarens intelectum). Nevertheless, most Christians have never honestly assessed this Read more about 438 Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Sean Finnegan)[…]

113 Trinity History (Stan Chee)

Stanley Chee of the Christian Disciples Church in Toronto, Canada shares a brief overview of how the doctrine of the trinity developed in the first four centuries.  Pulling on the work of Eric Chang, Bentley Chan, Hans Kung, and Richard Rubenstein, Chee explains four major factors that played a role in this process: The church’s Read more about 113 Trinity History (Stan Chee)[…]