577 Nothing Mere about a Man Made in the Image of God (Anna Brown)

Has anyone ever said to you, “Oh, you believe Jesus is just a mere man.” How do you respond when someone says that? Do you just go along with it and say, “Yep, that’s what I believe–Jesus is just another guy”? I hope not. Jesus is not just another guy. He’s the virginally-conceived son of Read more about 577 Nothing Mere about a Man Made in the Image of God (Anna Brown)[…]

478 Unitarian Anabaptist (Tom Huszti)

When COVID first broke out many endeavored to put their extra time to good use. Tom Huszti began listening to podcasts. He was intensely curious about theology. Huszti came to question several key beliefs he had imbibed as a lifelong Anabaptist, living in rural Ohio. Eventually he saw that the church’s God and the bible’s Read more about 478 Unitarian Anabaptist (Tom Huszti)[…]

What Is the Holy Spirit?

Have you ever heard of the Bible Project?  It’s a series of videos by Tim Mackie and Jon Collins out of Portland, Oregon.  Most of their videos are really helpful.  Anyhow, a little while ago, they came out with this video on the holy spirit that got them into some trouble.  Watch it and see Read more about What Is the Holy Spirit?[…]

Why Not Read the Bible through This Year?

Have you heard of the bible project.  I’ve watched a number of their videos and the ones I’ve seen are excellent.  Here’s a little video they put together about reading through the bible in a year.  We spend so much time absorbing television, youtube videos, and social media, but how can we hope to resist Read more about Why Not Read the Bible through This Year?[…]