What Is the Holy Spirit?

Have you ever heard of the Bible Project?  It’s a series of videos by Tim Mackie and Jon Collins out of Portland, Oregon.  Most of their videos are really helpful.  Anyhow, a little while ago, they came out with this video on the holy spirit that got them into some trouble.  Watch it and see if you can figure out why people harshly criticized their take on this major biblical concept.

4 thoughts on “What Is the Holy Spirit?

  • Thank you for sharing this beautifully done animation. It expresses holy spirit as Yahweh’s energizing power giving order, revelation and new life, and not as a separate entity. Nicely done.

  • Amazingly explained, people are so caught up in tradition that they cannot see that the Holy Spirit or (The Set Appart Spirit) is like the hand of God working in this World, is not separated from Him, is an extention of Him. But a lot of us were blind by trdition also and all we have to do is pray and try to explain to others the best we can. Thanks for the post. Yah bless.

  • Totally agree Daniel and Scott. Loved how they mentioned it as the personal presence of God. Too bad they caught flak for it, but that is typical today. When they speak of concepts from scripture, without added “3rd person” tradition, it is plain and simple truth.

  • There is a comment, below the video, by “The Bible Project” team that explains this view of the Spirit.

    They say: “We have a deep conviction that to truly understand the fully Trinitarian view of God one needs to get the horse in front of the cart. In our view that means starting at page one, and allow the biblical narrative to unfold its revelation of God’s identity on its own terms. In the case of the Spirit, that means letting the wind/breath/energy paradigm set the table, and then let the personal nature of God’s ruakh emerge out of that paradigm. That’s why we opted for the term ‘personal presence.'”

    So, they aren’t throwing the baby out with the bathwater. They’re just trying to present God’s Holy Spirit as, linearly, revealed in Scripture.

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