592 1 Corinthians in Context 9: Food Sacrificed to Idols

Although often overlooked today, whether or not to eat food that had been sacrificed to idols was a major issue in first-century Christianity, especially in urban centers like Corinth. The city was teeming with temples, idols, and smaller shrines. Divinities abounded and devotees made offerings regularly from a little wine poured out at a home Read more about 592 1 Corinthians in Context 9: Food Sacrificed to Idols[…]

591 1 Corinthians in Context 8: Marriage, Divorce, and Remmarriage

The Romans looked at families and marriage very differently than most of us do today. In this session we’ll cover arranged marriages, the double standard for adultery, and the new Roman Women who were breaking all the rules. This will put us in a good place to read chapter 7 of 1 Corinthians and see Read more about 591 1 Corinthians in Context 8: Marriage, Divorce, and Remmarriage[…]

590 1 Corinthians in Context 7: Lawsuits

How should Christians deal with internal disputes? As with so many other issues, the Christians in Corinth were failing to distinguish between the body of Christ and the world. Today we’ll consider what Paul wrote in the first half of 1 Corinthians chapter six. In order to get a handle on his instructions to the Read more about 590 1 Corinthians in Context 7: Lawsuits[…]

575 A More Beautiful Life Collective (Cayce Fletcher)

Cayce Fletcher is the host of A More Beautiful Life Collective, a blog, a YouTube channel, and a podcast. She releases a new show each week on making theology practical and developing a more beautiful life. As a wife, mother, and homemaker she appeals more to women than men, but I personally–as a man–have found Read more about 575 A More Beautiful Life Collective (Cayce Fletcher)[…]

574 Pursue Your Blessing (Sean Finnegan)

It’s easy for complacency to set in our walk with God. It’s easy to settle into apathy with respect to spiritual growth. It’s easy to stop dreaming about what God can do in our lives. Today we’ll hear another message from Revive earlier this year–this one from yours truly. We’ll consider three examples of people Read more about 574 Pursue Your Blessing (Sean Finnegan)[…]

573 Prophetic Words of Encouragement (Garrett Bova)

Over our last two episodes we’ve been hearing from Pastor Bob Carden on the topic of healing and walking by the spirit. Today I’d like to play out a sermon by Carden’s successor, Garrett Bova who is the lead pastor now at Align Ministries. Now I realize his message will challenge some of you to Read more about 573 Prophetic Words of Encouragement (Garrett Bova)[…]

571 Give God a Shot (Bob Carden)

This is part two of my conversation with Bob Carden who served as the lead pastor of Grace Christian Fellowship for decades before retiring. (The church is now called Align Ministries, led by Garrett Bova.) Continuing on the topic of healing and deliverance from last week, we begin by talking about evil spirits and pornography Read more about 571 Give God a Shot (Bob Carden)[…]

570 My Journey into Healing Ministry (Bob Carden)

People need the touch of God in their lives. People are broken, wounded, and sick. Jesus Christ has already come and made available deliverance from sin and its consequences. He did this throughout his ministry and continues to bring healing through his church today. Bob Carden shares about his own journey of faith from Catholicism Read more about 570 My Journey into Healing Ministry (Bob Carden)[…]

559 Youth Ministry Matters (Joshua Michael Smith)

Last week Joshua Michael Smith began sharing his testimony from childhood to his college years when he changed his mind about Jesus’s identity. In part two he talks about cage stage unitarianism–where one seeks to confront everyone about this important truth regardless of their interested or antagonism. Smith shares how he matured while continuing to Read more about 559 Youth Ministry Matters (Joshua Michael Smith)[…]

548 Read the Bible for Yourself 15: How to Read the General Epistles

This is part 15 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. In previous episodes, we’ve looked at Paul’s church epistles and pastoral epistles. Today we move into the third section of epistles in the New Testament–the general epistles. Instead of surveying each of the eight general epistles, we’ll just focus on two: Hebrews and 1 Read more about 548 Read the Bible for Yourself 15: How to Read the General Epistles[…]

547 Read the Bible for Yourself 14: How to Read the Pastoral Epistles

This is part 14 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. The Pastoral Epistles are letters to church leaders, instructing them how churches should function. Though they are not well read by most Christians today, they remain authoritative for pastors, elders, and deacons. Today we’ll cover 1-2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. We’ll explore the major Read more about 547 Read the Bible for Yourself 14: How to Read the Pastoral Epistles[…]

527 Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? (Dale Tuggy)

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts Should Christians celebrate the birth of Christ? If so, where should we draw the line with respect to ancient pagan customs like bringing an evergreen tree into our houses or  giving presents to each other? How much pagan practice is too much? My guest today is Read more about 527 Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? (Dale Tuggy)[…]

515 The Toxic War on Masculinity (Nancy Pearcey)

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts I’m so delighted to present you with an interview I did with Professor Nancy Pearcey, an author whose books have significantly helped me understand and live out my faith better. Today we’re talking about masculinity. Have you noticed the critical and uncharitable tone in our culture Read more about 515 The Toxic War on Masculinity (Nancy Pearcey)[…]

512 Healing from Bullying – 2 (Jon Nessle)

We continue in our conversation on the topic of healing from bullying. This episode applies not only to those who suffered in school, but also should prove helpful to any who have suffered abuse later in life as well. Jon Nessle taps into Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount to gain practical advice on what to Read more about 512 Healing from Bullying – 2 (Jon Nessle)[…]

511 Healing from Bullying – 1 (Jon Nessle)

Were you bullied in school? How did you deal with it? Do you still harbor feelings of bitterness and vengefulness in your heart towards those who mistreated and abused you? Today my guest is Jon Nessle who faced ruthless ridicule and physical abuse from kindergarten to the tenth grade. He shares seven points to help Read more about 511 Healing from Bullying – 1 (Jon Nessle)[…]

448 What’s Wrong with Progressive Christianity? (Mike Winger)

Today we are addressing Progressive Christianity. To be clear, we are not talking about politics, though they often go hand in hand. Progressive Christianity is an outgrowth of liberal Christianity, which accepted the modernist ethos of the Enlightenment and merged it with Christianity. Likewise Progressive Christianity brings the assumptions and moral commitments of postmodernism to Read more about 448 What’s Wrong with Progressive Christianity? (Mike Winger)[…]

447 God Is Compassionate (Sean Finnegan)

Power and kindness rarely go together. I don’t know about you, but I’m so thankful the most powerful being in the universe is also exceedingly compassionate! In fact, when he revealed himself to Moses, compassion was the first attribute he declared about himself. We see the outworking of God’s compassion in the laws he provided Read more about 447 God Is Compassionate (Sean Finnegan)[…]

437 High Control Groups and Judging Other Christians (Lori Jane)

Are you in a high control group? How would you even know? Lori Jane shares her story of waking up after attending Kingdom Halls for thirty years as a Jehovah’s Witness (JW). Although the Watch Tower organization claimed they were the one true church, Lori discovered in Pioneer School the many “corrections” that had been Read more about 437 High Control Groups and Judging Other Christians (Lori Jane)[…]

409 Serving God as a Single Person (Matthew Elton)

When was the last time you heard a sermon about singleness?  Married people have lots of sermons, classes, books, and conferences dedicated to them, but singles are largely ignored.  Today, Matthew Elton, himself a single millennial, shares what Jesus and Paul have to teach us about the incredible advantages of singleness for God’s people.  Far Read more about 409 Serving God as a Single Person (Matthew Elton)[…]

407 Reaching LGBT+ People (Sean Finnegan)

How should those of us committed to a biblical sexual ethic treat those who are same-sex attracted or who identify as the opposite sex?  In our polarized world, it seems like only two options are available to us: (1) we accept, approve, and celebrate LGBT+ lifestyles or (2) we deny, denigrate, and dismiss them.  Either Read more about 407 Reaching LGBT+ People (Sean Finnegan)[…]

400 Why Christianity 13: The Heart (Sean Finnegan)

What is the proper role of your emotions?  Should you trust them?  How do you know when they are helping and when they are hurting?  Today we’ll take a look at another exciting advantage that Christianity provides.  In this episode, you’ll learn about the problems endemic to emotional reasoning, the robust biblical teaching about your Read more about 400 Why Christianity 13: The Heart (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Salt & Light

We live in a challenging and draining time. The stock market is at a record high while many small businesses have closed permanently and those that remain are stymied by short staffing. Inflation is on the rise, supply shortages abound, and real-estate prices have skyrocketed. Additionally, societal problems continue to plague us from mass shootings Read more about Salt & Light[…]

396 Why Christianity 9: Christian Freedom and Morality (Sean Finnegan)

Freedom and morality are two interrelated concepts that everyone has an opinion about. From a Christian perspective, we limit our freedom based on our received moral code. We believe that the restrictions the bible provides us are for our good; They are not the result of a capricious deity’s arbitrary or stifling whims. In fact, Read more about 396 Why Christianity 9: Christian Freedom and Morality (Sean Finnegan)[…]

387 God Is Enough (Sean Finnegan)

What do you do when everything is stripped away?  You find out who you really are. In this sermon you’ll see what happened in ancient Judah when the Babylonians besieged Jerusalem, ultimately resulting in utter destruction, humiliating shame, and forcible deportation. Although our times today can’t really compare to the level of suffering these people Read more about 387 God Is Enough (Sean Finnegan)[…]

386 Christian Giving Today (Will Barlow)

This is part three of our Biblical Giving Series. In this third and final interview with Will Barlow, we’ll spend some focused time looking at Malachi 3 to understand what this passage meant in it’s original context and how it relates to us today.  Next we’ll take a look at three myths about Christian giving: Read more about 386 Christian Giving Today (Will Barlow)[…]

385 Giving in the New Testament (Will Barlow)

This is part two of our Biblical Giving Series. Today Will Barlow continues to lay out a comprehensive biblical theology of giving. First he looks at three areas of continuity between the Old and New Testaments: regarding ourselves as stewards of God’s wealth giving to the poor giving to ministers Next, Barlow explains three ways Read more about 385 Giving in the New Testament (Will Barlow)[…]

384 Giving in the Old Testament (Will Barlow)

This is part one of our Biblical Giving Series. Having grown up with a prosperity theology, Will Barlow begins by sharing about his background regarding tithing before tackling five myths about giving: The tithe was monetary and applied to all Israelites. The tithe was the first fruits of the harvest The tithe was always 10%. Read more about 384 Giving in the Old Testament (Will Barlow)[…]

383 Coming to America (Timypaul Lupe)

Growing up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Timypaul Lupe came face to face with poverty, hunger, and even war. However, his relationship with God provided him with stability and strength through the hardest of times. In this interview, you’ll hear about what life was like in Africa, how Timypaul came to America as Read more about 383 Coming to America (Timypaul Lupe)[…]

381 Bible Fed, Spirit Led (Kevin Guigou)

This is part 7 and the final episode in our holy spirit series. Are you on a journey with God or have you arrived? Are you still willing to learn and grow and try new things or have you erected boundaries around your current understanding and practice? Today my guest is Kevin Guigou, a full-time Read more about 381 Bible Fed, Spirit Led (Kevin Guigou)[…]

374 I’m Offended (Sean Finnegan)

As our society increases in polarization and ideological tribalism, it’s easy to become thin-skinned, taking offense at the slightest remark. Even certain words can trigger us to explode in outrage and vitriol. What are we to do? Should we cloister ourselves in echo chambers, surrounded by those who already agree with us? Should we listen Read more about 374 I’m Offended (Sean Finnegan)[…]

369 Civil Discourse (Peter Miano)

Have you noticed the shrill tone that permeates public discourse in our time? It seems like everyone is on a hairpin trigger ready to rage and vent at their ideological enemies. What is a Christian to do? Should we stand up for our beliefs, morals, and politics? Should we disengage from conversation about controversial issues? Read more about 369 Civil Discourse (Peter Miano)[…]

361 Paralyzed by Doubt (Joshua Anderson)

When Joshua Anderson left home and attended a secular college, the environment bombarded him with skepticism and criticism of Christianity.  He internalized the general attitude manifested on campus from professors, students, and text books to such a degree that he began doubting his faith.  He fell into a two year period of existential despair as Read more about 361 Paralyzed by Doubt (Joshua Anderson)[…]

Abraham’s Audacious Faith

Freeze the scene.  The knife gleams in the blinding sun.  Lifted high above his head, his hand firmly grips the handle, knuckles bulging.  His eyes, open, are intensely focused on the object of his aim.  Isaac bound, looks up in fear, knowing his father has made up his mind.  A little further out a ram Read more about Abraham’s Audacious Faith[…]

358 A Christian Perspective on Black Lives Matter (Russell Brown)

We’re delving into a topic rife with controversy, polarization, and intense emotion.  We’re asking the question, how should bible-based Christians respond to the Black Lives Matter movement.  No doubt, some of you will answer that we should all be out marching in full support while others think BLM is itself racist and should be resisted.  Read more about 358 A Christian Perspective on Black Lives Matter (Russell Brown)[…]

357 A Christian Perspective on COVID-19 (Russell Brown)

Last December the Coronavirus pandemic began spreading from Wuhan, China across the world. As of today, globally we know of approximately 30 million cases across 188 countries and territories resulting in 941,000 deaths and 20.3 million who have recovered. The United States has the most cases with 6.7 million infected (roughly 2% of the population) Read more about 357 A Christian Perspective on COVID-19 (Russell Brown)[…]

328 Parenting 4 – Anxiety, Depression, and Screens (Ruth Finnegan)

In part 4 of our parenting class, Ruth Finnegan tackles the issue of screen time for children.  Although technology itself is neutral, much of what our children spend their time doing with screens is self-destructive and worldly.  As parents our responsibility is to bring God and his scriptures into the family and curtail exposure to Read more about 328 Parenting 4 – Anxiety, Depression, and Screens (Ruth Finnegan)[…]

326 Parenting 2 – Disciplining Children (Russell & Joelle Brown)

In this the second part of our parenting seminar, we will broach the topic of disciplining children.  For many of us, this is the hardest part of parenting.  We’d rather enjoy harmony in our homes rather than having to lay down the law.  Even so, the scriptures call us to do the hard work of Read more about 326 Parenting 2 – Disciplining Children (Russell & Joelle Brown)[…]

314 Adopting with Bethany Christian Services (Renee Rogowski)

Have you ever heard of Bethany Christian Services?  They are a large Christian adoption agency in the USA and internationally, working hard to find good homes for babies.  In this interview I visit my local branch in Latham, NY and speak with adoption specialist Renee Rogowski about how adoptions work.  I’m so impressed by the Read more about 314 Adopting with Bethany Christian Services (Renee Rogowski)[…]

Revive 2020 Teachings

On January 3-5, more than eighty young adults gathered in Woodstock, Connecticut for a weekend focused on the theme “Fight for Peace.”  We played ice-breakers, we worshiped, we listened to teachings, we played floor hockey and dodge ball, we attended workshops, and we renewed old friendships and made new friends. Revive 2020 focused a great Read more about Revive 2020 Teachings[…]

Facing Anxiety

Anxiety is on the rise in America.  Anxiety disorders afflict an astounding 40 million adults in the United States today according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.  Keeping in mind that these include only those with official diagnoses. The actual number of those vexed by chronic anxiety is likely much higher.  Beyond these Read more about Facing Anxiety[…]

302 Five Reasons to Thank God (Sean Finnegan)

Gratitude is a key to spiritually healthy living.  We have so many reasons to be thankful, but in this message, I’d like to focus on just five: Thankful because God Commanded It Thankful for the Basics Thankful for the Family of God Thankful for God’s Attention Thankful for the Cross As God’s people, our lives Read more about 302 Five Reasons to Thank God (Sean Finnegan)[…]

301 The Bible’s View of the Body (Sean Finnegan)

We’ve had quite a number of folks commenting in on episode 299, my interview with Dr. Jerry Wierwille, called “Does the Bible Support Abortion“.  That episode was very limited to focusing on a couple of texts relevant to building a Christian perspective on abortion.  Essentially, we concluded, as on several previous episodes, that abortion-on-demand doesn’t Read more about 301 The Bible’s View of the Body (Sean Finnegan)[…]

297 The Gospels: Jesus’ Wisdom (Daniel Calcagno)

Jesus once said, “The queen of the South will rise up at the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here” (Luke 11.31).  In our wisdom series so far, we’ve Read more about 297 The Gospels: Jesus’ Wisdom (Daniel Calcagno)[…]

296 Ecclesiastes: Meaningful Life (Victor Gluckin)

Like Job, the book of Ecclesiastes wrestles with anomalies to the general principles of wisdom contained in much of the bible.  Sometimes our world functions in chaotic and unpredictable ways.  Sometimes the race is not won by the swift, nor the battle by the strong, nor bread harvested by the wise, nor riches acquired by Read more about 296 Ecclesiastes: Meaningful Life (Victor Gluckin)[…]

294 Proverbs: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World (Jerry Wierwille)

What is the book of Proverbs all about and what can this book teach you about wisdom?  Join Jerry Wierwille as he leads you through Proverbs to gain key insights to be able to read it and benefit from it on your own.  Proverbs are not merely cutesy clever sayings, but helpful insights into how Read more about 294 Proverbs: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

293 What Is Wisdom? (Stan Chee)

Have you ever heard the saying, “doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results is the definition of insanity?”  It certainly sounds foolish to try the same approach over and over, thinking something different will happen.  So often, what we need is not more education or life hacks, but bona-fide wisdom.  Today Read more about 293 What Is Wisdom? (Stan Chee)[…]

Interview 56 Detoxing Your Brain 2 (Leah Fronczek)

Today is the second and final part of my interview with Leah Fronczek on detoxing your brain.  See part one here.  We begin by talking about the importance of free will in effecting change before getting into the specifics of how to combat toxic thinking.  Learn about multitasking, daydreaming, community, forgiveness, and honesty as ways Read more about Interview 56 Detoxing Your Brain 2 (Leah Fronczek)[…]

Interview 55 Detoxing Your Brain 1 (Leah Fronczek)

At the beginning of each year, we have a young adult event called Revive in Connecticut.  This year Leah Fronczek was one of the workshop leaders.  Her topic was detoxing your brain and I asked her to come on Restitutio to share with you what she learned in studying this topic.  This is so important Read more about Interview 55 Detoxing Your Brain 1 (Leah Fronczek)[…]

Revive 2019 Teachings and Music

On January 4-6, eighty of us gathered in Woodstock, Connecticut for a weekend focused on the theme “Wisdom.” We sang, we cried, we laughed, we played floor hockey, we warmed ourselves by the fire, we renewed old friendships and made new friends, and we heard inspiring and practical bible teachings drawn from the bible’s wisdom Read more about Revive 2019 Teachings and Music[…]

Paul’s Teaching on Enemies

Outside of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, Paul’s exhortation in Romans 12 is the most direct teaching on how we as Christians should treat our enemies. Romans 12.14-21 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony Read more about Paul’s Teaching on Enemies[…]

The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield

Do not buy this book if you want to remain comfortable in your Christian walk!  However, if you want fresh ideas on how to reach your neighbors in a post-Christian culture then Rosaria Butterfield’s The Gospel Comes with a House Key will change your life.  In gripping prose, Butterfield lays bare her soul, providing an Read more about The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield[…]

154 Spiritual Friendship: Celibacy as a Call to Love (Wesley Hill)

Our world seems intent on trotting out the same extremist examples of Christianity as either a homophobic religion (think Westboro Baptist Church) or a totally accepting faith (think Episcopalians).  However, these are not the only positions Christians take on this subject.  In this talk, Wesley Hill, assistant professor of biblical studies at Trinity School for Read more about 154 Spiritual Friendship: Celibacy as a Call to Love (Wesley Hill)[…]

153 Be You — Colossians 3 (Sean Finnegan)

Our culture longs for authenticity. We’re tired of fakers and phonies who say one thing and do another. People should just be true to themselves and have the courage to flout tradition when it holds them back from genuine self-expression. However, this mentality results in major individual and social problems from sexually transmitted diseases to Read more about 153 Be You — Colossians 3 (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 42 Christian Solidarity vs. Polarizing Politics (Kenneth Laprade)

Kenneth LaPrade lives in El Paso, Texas, on the border between the United States and Mexico.  His wife is Mexican and many of the folks in his house church are from Mexico.  In such a context, immigration is always a touchy subject, but lately some Christians have baptized certain political rhetoric and presented it as Read more about Interview 42 Christian Solidarity vs. Polarizing Politics (Kenneth Laprade)[…]

148 Apologetics Conference: 6 Evangelism, Jesus’ Way (John Truitt)

In this concluding teaching of our apologetics conference, John Truitt gleans from Christ’s example key ways that we can imitate him in our own evangelistic efforts today.  He begins by looking how Jesus was completely obedient to God and how he prepared himself (both in knowledge and experience).  Next Truitt urges us to get moving, Read more about 148 Apologetics Conference: 6 Evangelism, Jesus’ Way (John Truitt)[…]

144 Apologetics Conference 2: A Strategy to Reach Our Postmodern World (Sean Finnegan)

In the second presentation of this Apologetics Conference, we delve into a comparison of three major time periods: (1) the age of authority, (2) the age of reason, and (3) the age of authenticity.  We look at how people practiced their faith in each as well as what criticisms apologists answered.  For our post-modern time, Read more about 144 Apologetics Conference 2: A Strategy to Reach Our Postmodern World (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 39: First Faith (Kirk Walden)

Are you looking for a Christian blog to encourage you in your faith?  In this short interview Kirk Walden shares about his new website, 1stfaith.com, and the work he and his team are doing to live out 1st century Christianity in the 21st century.  First Faith aims to simplify and strengthen your faith so you Read more about Interview 39: First Faith (Kirk Walden)[…]

Interview 38: Advocating for the Unborn (Kirk Walden)

Kirk Walden has been advocating for the lives of the unborn since 1991 when he became the director of a small pregnancy help center in Auburn, Alabama.  Over the last 17 years, he’s focused on fundraising for Heartbeat International, which supports pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes.  In this interview I ask him about Read more about Interview 38: Advocating for the Unborn (Kirk Walden)[…]

Biblical Somatology

Last weekend I presented at Restoration Fellowship’s 27th annual Theological Conference.  Here’s an edited version of my presentation with the slides added in.  To get the full paper, click here. Biblical Somatology: How the Bible’s View of the Body Cures Social Ills and Unleashes Human Flourishing Between the apathy and reductionism of those who think Read more about Biblical Somatology[…]

Interview 35: Should Messianic Jews Keep Torah? (Daniel Calcagno)

Pastor Daniel Calcagno lays out a his case for what he calls a positive view of Torah. He believes that the cleavage with Judaism in early church history is something the apostles never envisioned. Sadly, this parting of the ways led to confusion, doctrinal drifting, and persecution. Although Calcagno does not believe Gentiles need to Read more about Interview 35: Should Messianic Jews Keep Torah? (Daniel Calcagno)[…]

Biblical Somatology

Biblical Somatology How the Bible’s View of the Body Cures Social Ills and Unleashes Human Flourishing Sean Finnegan (Restitutio.org) Presented May 6, 2018 27th Theological Conference Sponsored by Restoration Fellowship Introduction Between the apathy and reductionism of those who think our biological bodies don’t matter, and the vanity and superficiality of the celebrity culture that Read more about Biblical Somatology[…]

Interview 32: Virtual Fellowship for Isolated Believers (John Truitt)

Are you longing for fellowship with other like-minded believers?  In this interview, John Truitt of Kentucky shares how he uses video conferencing to have interactive and encouraging virtual fellowships.  Whether you want to join in with what he does or you want to start your own, this conversation is loaded with helpful guidance on how Read more about Interview 32: Virtual Fellowship for Isolated Believers (John Truitt)[…]

Off Script 46: Should Christians Outlaw Abortion? (Q&A)

This is part five in our series on responding to your questions and comments.  In this Q & A episode, we address two commenters who responded to Off Script 34: Killing the Unborn (A Christian View of Abortion). Dan Fitzsimmons responds to Candace who inquired why Dan would vote against capital punishment but not against Read more about Off Script 46: Should Christians Outlaw Abortion? (Q&A)[…]

Off Script 43: Can Christians Use Non-Lethal Violence? (Q&A)

  This is our second answer in our series on responding to your questions and comments.  In Off Script 38: Killing in War: A Christian View of Violence, we discussed whether it is appropriate for Christians to participate in war, concluding that Jesus’ command to love our enemies means that Christians should not kill others.  Read more about Off Script 43: Can Christians Use Non-Lethal Violence? (Q&A)[…]

Off Script 42: Hillary Clinton, a Dead Moose, and Christians Discussing Politics (Q&A)

Welcome to our series answering your questions and responding to some of your comments.  We’ve been saving these up and over the next few weeks, we’ll address a number of them.  We’ve decided to do these in individual episodes, so if you’re not interested in the topic, you can just skip it and listen to Read more about Off Script 42: Hillary Clinton, a Dead Moose, and Christians Discussing Politics (Q&A)[…]

134 Finding the Love of Your Life (Book of Ruth)

Have you ever read the book of Ruth?  Though it’s only four chapters, it contains timeless truths that can help us today.  Our culture puts an incredible amount of pressure on spouses to never change, be perfectly compatible, and fulfill our deepest longings that it’s no wonder that singles often can’t seem to find the Read more about 134 Finding the Love of Your Life (Book of Ruth)[…]

Off Script 41: Guns, Immigrants, and White Evangelicals

This is part two of our discussion about Charles Mathewes’ Washington Post article, “White Christianity is in big trouble. And it’s its own biggest threat.”  Check out part one here.  In this episode we consider gun control, immigration, the death penalty, and treatment of the poor in an effort to understand and respond to evangelicalism’s Read more about Off Script 41: Guns, Immigrants, and White Evangelicals[…]

Off Script 40: Roy Moore, Gay Wedding Cakes, and White Evangelicals

While scrolling through Facebook, I came across Charles Mathewes’ Washington Post article, “White Christianity is in big trouble. And it’s its own biggest threat.”  At first reading, I was infuriated at what I felt were unfair criticisms, but after I thought about it, I realized what an opportunity this article presented.  It collects together no Read more about Off Script 40: Roy Moore, Gay Wedding Cakes, and White Evangelicals[…]

Revive 2018 Sermons

  On January 5-7, seventy-five of us gathered to spend a weekend focused on the theme “Glorious Love.” We sang, we cried, we laughed, we played hungry hungry hippos, we played floor hockey, we had a panel discussion, we warmed ourselves by a fire, we renewed old friendships and made new friends, and we heard Read more about Revive 2018 Sermons[…]

Off Script 39: Sexual Harassment, A Christian Response

Several significant sexual harassment cases have come to light in the last few months.  Now a whole range of behaviors have come under scrutiny as women (and some men) have felt emboldened to make public their experiences.  In this episode we even out our Off Script panel with one more female voice, Terri Crowder, to Read more about Off Script 39: Sexual Harassment, A Christian Response[…]

Interview 30: When God Speaks (Alan Cain)

Have you ever noticed that pastors tend to get called to bigger churches over time, usually with better pay.  However, after fifteen years of serving at a church in rural South Carolina, Pastor Alan Cain heard God calling him to move to a smaller church that was having financial difficulty.  Although he took some convincing, Read more about Interview 30: When God Speaks (Alan Cain)[…]

Off Script 36: Killing the Suffering: A Christian View of Euthanasia

Is it ever right to end someone’s life early? If so, under what conditions? In this episode we turn to the bible to sort out a Christian position on euthanasia.  Drawing on the inherent dignity God has invested in each person by making us in his image and the fact that God claims sovereignty over Read more about Off Script 36: Killing the Suffering: A Christian View of Euthanasia[…]

Off Script 35: Killing Yourself: A Christian View of Suicide

On average, 121 people commit suicide per day in America. It is now the tenth leading cause of death in this country.  In this episode we discuss this phenomenon and seek to understand what the bible can teach us about this subject.  In addition, we wrestle with a number of hard questions about suicide such Read more about Off Script 35: Killing Yourself: A Christian View of Suicide[…]

Off Script 34: Killing the Unborn (A Christian View of Abortion)

Today we are beginning a new series on life and death, in which we’ll consider abortion, suicide, euthanasia, and capital punishment.  Our goal is to address each topic from a biblical framework in order to arrive at a Christian position.  At the outset, I’ll admit that we don’t know everything and could be wrong, so Read more about Off Script 34: Killing the Unborn (A Christian View of Abortion)[…]

115 Don’t Put It on a Cart (Victor Gluckin)

Have you ever read about the time Uzzah touched the ark and God struck him down? When’s the last time you heard a sermon preached on this text? Anytime I’ve reflected on this passage, I’m so focused on trying to explain how God could be just in carrying out this judgment that I’ve missed the Read more about 115 Don’t Put It on a Cart (Victor Gluckin)[…]

114 Divorce and Remarriage (Sean Finnegan)

Divorce is a painful and complicated subject to talk about in America today where about half of all marriages end in divorce. Our laws have changed to accept “no-fault” divorce and many of us are unaware of what the bible teaches on this critical subject. To figure out the biblical perspective on divorce and remarriage, Read more about 114 Divorce and Remarriage (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 29: God’s Faithful Minister (John McCave)

John McCave has faithfully served God as a minister for 36 years.  In this interview he shares his story of how God brought him from a hardened tough guy to a humble servant, motivated by love.  McCave also shares key insights he’s gained along the way, especially with regard to his wife, Mary without whose Read more about Interview 29: God’s Faithful Minister (John McCave)[…]

107 Each One Serve (John Cortright)

Service is an important part of Christian living.  We are not spectators waiting to be entertained, but participants looking for ways to help out.  In this sermon, John Cortright shows what Jesus taught us about service at the last supper as well as what sort of attitude we should have.  So often we either critique Read more about 107 Each One Serve (John Cortright)[…]

Off Script 33: Stewarding Your Resources

We all have resources, whether money, time, talents, or skills.  How should we steward these resources?  In this episode, we conclude our series on stewardship by talking about work, debt, contentment, retirement, volunteering, industriousness, and laziness.  We conclude that as with all areas of life, we need to seek God’s glory with our resources. Links: Read more about Off Script 33: Stewarding Your Resources[…]

Off Script 32: Stewarding Your Image (Can Christians Get Tattoos?)

Last week we looked at stewarding your body. In this episode we focus on a phenomenon that has been growing over the last couple of decades–tattoos and piercings. What was once seen among sailors, bikers, and soldiers is now rampant among celebrities, athletes, and countless others. What’s a Christian to do? Should we go with Read more about Off Script 32: Stewarding Your Image (Can Christians Get Tattoos?)[…]

Off Script 31: Stewarding Your Body

How should you steward your body?  Are all bodily pleasures inherently sinful?  In order to grapple with these questions, we take a tour through the bible from the Garden of Eden through to the time of Jesus to observe the balanced biblical perspective between asceticism (denying all pleasures) and hedonism (living for pleasure).  As it Read more about Off Script 31: Stewarding Your Body[…]

Off Script 30: Stewarding the Earth

We’re beginning a new series on stewardship. To start with, we’ll discuss the biblical mindset towards stewarding the earth. Future episodes will address stewarding our bodies and finances.  In this show, we begin with creation theology and move to consider how God injected covenantal significance into how Israelites were to think about their land. Lastly, Read more about Off Script 30: Stewarding the Earth[…]

Interview 20: How To Quit Pornography (Blake Cortright)

Let’s face it; it’s difficult to talk about pornography, especially among Christians.  We get overwhelmed with feelings of shame and embarrassment while fearing how others will regard us with disgust or disdain.  However, this issue is a huge struggle for a ton of Christians (and non-Christians) in the world today.  Drawing on some of what Read more about Interview 20: How To Quit Pornography (Blake Cortright)[…]

Interview 19: Spiritual Disciplines (Blake Cortright)

What spiritual disciplines do you practice?  We’re all familiar with reading our bibles and prayer, but there’s so much more available.  In this interview, Blake Cortright guides us through his own journey into discovering ancient Christian disciplines that can help us today, including prayer, fasting, meditation, bible study, simplicity, solitude, submission, service, confession, worship, guidance, Read more about Interview 19: Spiritual Disciplines (Blake Cortright)[…]

Off Script 29: Dealing with Doubt

What role does doubt play in your life?  Do you think of it as something to push aside and ignore or do you pursue your doubts to get answers?  In this episode we examine the role of doubt for Christians, avoiding both extremes of refusing to engage with doubt as well as obsessing on it.  Read more about Off Script 29: Dealing with Doubt[…]

Podcast 78: The Insidious Danger of Self-Righteousness (Sean Finnegan)

No one joined the Pharisees out of desire to practice professional hypocrisy. They were the devout, the separated, the ones who took God and holiness seriously. However, by the time of Jesus, they had confused godliness with self-righteousness and lost compassion in the process. It’s so easy for us to root for Jesus as he Read more about Podcast 78: The Insidious Danger of Self-Righteousness (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Off Script 27: Worshiping God

Now that we’ve worked through several counterfeit gods, including love, money, success, and power, it’s time to dig in a little deeper.  Do you understand your own heart?  Can you discern where you are tempted to idolize something or someone?  In order to figure this out, ask yourself these four questions: What do you daydream Read more about Off Script 27: Worshiping God[…]

Podcast 77: God Is Enough (John Cortright)

Covetousness, self-reliance, and envy can rob us of gratitude and contentedness.  So much of our world programs us to feel restless, entitled, and discontent regarding our possessions, how we look, our work, and our relationships.  Have you ever asked yourself, “How much is enough?”  Taking his cue from the Apostle Paul, John Cortright shares the Read more about Podcast 77: God Is Enough (John Cortright)[…]

Off Script 26: Worshiping Power

The 19th century philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, believed that our desire for success, money, or love really went back to our “will to power.”  Whereas other philosophies focused on calibrating our internal state to accept reality, Nietzsche focused more on conforming reality to our desires.  Although it’s terribly out of fashion to admit one desires and Read more about Off Script 26: Worshiping Power[…]

Off Script 25: Worshiping Success

Everyone enjoys accomplishment and achievement, but what happens when we take success and make it our ultimate goal in life?  When you reach the pinnacle of success in any field, it’s easy to get depressed, asking yourself, “Is this all there is?”  Furthermore, you may begin to fear that you won’t be able to maintain Read more about Off Script 25: Worshiping Success[…]

Off Script 24: Worshiping Money

I bet you don’t think you struggle with greed. In fact, I’ve never met anyone who told me this was a problem for him or her. But greed is subtle. It sneaks up on you when you think you’re just working towards financial security or building your confidence or taking control of your life. In Read more about Off Script 24: Worshiping Money[…]

Off Script 23: Worshiping Love

Today we are starting a series based on Tim Keller’s book, Counterfeit Gods, wherein we’ll consider a number of idols that vie for worship in our society.  In this episode we consider Aphrodite, the ancient goddess of love, and her modern counterparts.  We begin by examining the somewhat dysfunctional love story of Jacob and Rachel Read more about Off Script 23: Worshiping Love[…]

Podcast 73: Relating to the Government (Vince Finnegan)

How should Christians relate to the government?  In this sermon, Vince Finnegan works through Romans 13 to show how we should relate to the powers that be.  Ultimately God is in charge of raising up and tearing down regimes and nations over the course of human history.  Our goal is to love one another as Read more about Podcast 73: Relating to the Government (Vince Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 72: Free as a Fish on Land (Sean Finnegan)

What is true freedom?  We tend to think of freedom as the lack of restrictions so that we can do whatever we want.  However, I want to make the case that freedoms is not the lack of boundaries, but finding the right ones to enable us to be our best for God.  After God liberated Read more about Podcast 72: Free as a Fish on Land (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 13: Caring Enough to Confront (Jerry Wierwille)

How are you at handling conflict?  Do you withdraw and avoid conflict at any cost?  Do you rush in headlong, eager to set the other person straight?  Are you a compromiser who looks at everything like a contract where both parties inevitably have to make trade-offs to get some advantage?  As with so many really Read more about Interview 13: Caring Enough to Confront (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Podcast 69: Teen Comes out as Christian to Gay Parents (Caleb Kaltenbach)

We hear a particular narrative over and over: “Gay teen courageously comes out to Christian parents and faces consequences.” This is the hero’s journey of the early 21st century. From gay pride marches to hit songs to movies and TV shows, this story is ubiquitous in our culture. For example, I used to listen to Read more about Podcast 69: Teen Comes out as Christian to Gay Parents (Caleb Kaltenbach)[…]

Podcast 67: It’s Just War (Debate)

Martin Luther King Jr. day is on Monday, so I thought this would be a good time to replay a phenomenal debate on the question of whether or not Christians should use violence or participate in the military.  Peter Kreeft and J. Daryl Charles defend the classic just war position while David Bercot and Dean Read more about Podcast 67: It’s Just War (Debate)[…]

Off Script 18: Christians Are Hypocrites

In part two of our series on objections to Christianity, we look at the issue of hypocrisy.  Many are unwilling to even consider Christianity as a viable option because they’ve witnessed or heard about some horrible act of hypocrisy by a Christian leader.  It’s hard to deny that hypocrisy is a major problem in Christianity Read more about Off Script 18: Christians Are Hypocrites[…]

Off Script 17: Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

With this episode we are beginning a series on overcoming objections to Christianity.  To start with we want to address the criticism often leveled at bible-believing Christians today that our perspective on salvation is too narrow-minded and exclusive.  Who are we to say that all the other religions are wrong?  In order to tackle this Read more about Off Script 17: Is Jesus the Only Way to God?[…]

Podcast 60: Be Ye Holy for I Am Holy (Keith Daniel)

What do you believe about holiness?  Do you view it as an impossible ideal?  Slogans like “I’m not perfect, just forgiven” and “I don’t want to be holier than thou” show how uncomfortable we are with this whole subject.  Even so, God calls us to be holy as he is holy.  We cannot ignore or Read more about Podcast 60: Be Ye Holy for I Am Holy (Keith Daniel)[…]

Off Script 16: Christians Discussing Politics

This election cycle American political discourse has sunk to a new low.  Rather than presenting facts and offering persuasive arguments based on policies, we’ve seen a whole slew of false claims and personal attacks.  The exchanges between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been so caustic and shameful that when I discovered my ten year-old Read more about Off Script 16: Christians Discussing Politics[…]

Off Script 14: Should Christians Watch Horror Movies?

Horror movies inspire fear, causing our hearts to beat faster and our adrenaline to flow.  Their monsters, murder, and jump scares have won them a dedicated following.  In this episode, we discuss whether Christians have any business watching horror movies.  We talk about where to draw the line and what exactly is problematic about this Read more about Off Script 14: Should Christians Watch Horror Movies?[…]

Off Script 13: Should Christians Watch TV?

What standards should Christians have when it comes to entertainment?  Can the bible offer any guidance for such a modern issue?  Every day shows, movies, books, and songs bombard us with all kinds of ideas and depictions that constantly nudge us in different directions.  Although, we like to think of ourselves as impervious to the Read more about Off Script 13: Should Christians Watch TV?[…]

Podcast 48: The Courage of Esther (Sean Finnegan)

Have you heard about Esther’s courage?  She had the audacity to stand for God in an incredibly dark time.  Though the Persian Empire had decreed the genocide of her people, she could have easily remained in the closet about her ethnicity and enjoyed the comforts of the palace.  Nonetheless, she would not stand idly by, Read more about Podcast 48: The Courage of Esther (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Off Script 12: Forgiveness

What does the bible teach about forgiveness?  Is it optional or mandatory?  Are Christians allowed to hold grudges?  Do we only have to forgive if someone apologizes?  Join us as we discuss four reasons why you should forgive: (1) if we don’t forgive others, God won’t forgive us; (2) forgiving others makes sense in light Read more about Off Script 12: Forgiveness[…]

Podcast 47: Resurrection Implications (Richard Hays)

Richard Hays, Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, explains the incredible effect Jesus’ resurrection has on theology and practice.  His lecture divides into two parts: (1) a proper New Testament understanding of the resurrection requires a robust affirmation of the resurrection of the body and (2) resurrection of the body is a sign Read more about Podcast 47: Resurrection Implications (Richard Hays)[…]

Off Script 11: Resting from Work

This is now our third and last episode in our series on work.  We’ve talked about the Christian work ethic and honorable work (i.e., what sorts of jobs Christians should shoot for as well as avoid) and now today we are talking about work’s opposite: rest.  This is a really important topic to consider.  Listen Read more about Off Script 11: Resting from Work[…]

Podcast 46: Hospitality Challenge (Sean Finnegan)

What do you believe about hospitality?  The scriptures lay out three major kinds: (1) hospitality to the saints; (2) hospitality to the needy; (3) hospitality to the unbeliever.  As it turns out showing hospitality is an important Christian practice, even if it takes courage to invite others into our houses.  In our present age, hospitality Read more about Podcast 46: Hospitality Challenge (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Off Script 9: Christian Work Ethic

What is the Christian work ethic?  What does the bible say about work?  Join Rose Rider, Sean Finnegan, and Daniel Fitzsimmons for an honest conversation about how the biblical understanding of work challenges us.  Leaning on Ecclesiastes and Proverbs, as well as the epistles of Paul, they share how work is God’s gift to us, Read more about Off Script 9: Christian Work Ethic[…]

Interview 1: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Jerry Wierwille)

Drawing on the work of Peter Scazzero, Jerry Wierwille discusses how we can avoid some of the common unhealthy emotional pitfalls. No matter if you are new to the faith or someone who has persevered for decades, this subject will make you examine yourself to see if there are issues you need to overcome. Access Read more about Interview 1: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Podcast 41: Counterfeit Gods (Tim Keller)

by Tim Keller What drives you?  What is that one person or thing or dream that you couldn’t live without?  What thing if you lost it, could mean that almost all significance and value would be drained out of your life?  Whatever that thing is, the bible calls it an idol, a counterfeit god.  Tim Read more about Podcast 41: Counterfeit Gods (Tim Keller)[…]

Off Script 7: Patriotism

Should Christians be patriotic? How patriotic should we be? Join Daniel Fitzsimmons, Rose Rider, and Sean Finnegan as they discuss issues related to patriotism and stake out a Christian perspective based on the example of Jesus and his earliest followers.

Off Script 6: Consumerism

Is consumerism a force for good or ill in our society today?  How should Christians think about the ubiquity of advertising, our innate desire for novelty, and the allure of finding a deal?  For this episode Ruth Finnegan joins in with Daniel Fitzsimmons, Rose Rider, and Sean Finnegan to consider the pros and cons of Read more about Off Script 6: Consumerism[…]

Off Script 4: Progress

Is the world getting better and better over time or worse and worse?  Listen in to Rose Rider, Daniel Fitzsimmons, and Sean Finnegan as they discuss how our culture thinks about progress in order to help you understand the hidden forces at work.  After discussing and deconstructing the idea of progress, they offer a helpful Read more about Off Script 4: Progress[…]


This is part 6 of a series of posts called, “Identifying and Subverting Cultural Narratives.” Consumerism capitalizes on the thrill of buying something new even when you don’t need it. In order to keep people buying, advertisers craft penetrating messages to inspire dissatisfaction or fear that buying their product or service can assuage. Consumers must Read more about Consumerism[…]

Habits of a Disciple: Giving

This is part seven of a series of posts called Habits of a Disciple. When we lived in Georgia, Ruth and I visited Creflo Dollar’s church, the World Changer Dome, for a Sunday service. We went to fulfill an assignment for our preaching class to attend a service different from our own tradition and write Read more about Habits of a Disciple: Giving[…]

Off Script 3: Tolerance

Join Sean Finnegan, Dan Fitzsimmons, and Rose Rider for some interesting cultural analysis.  We begin by looking at how the ethic of tolerance works in our culture before deconstructing it and providing a Christian point of view.  Though many times tolerance can be a force for good, sometimes people use it as a stick to Read more about Off Script 3: Tolerance[…]

Off Script 2: Hyper-Individualism

Daniel Fitzsimmons and I probe the culture by discussing one of the most influential hidden philosophies of life in our culture today–hyper-individualism.  In a nut shell, hyper-individualism is a two step process: search within your heart to discover your deepest longings realize your dreams over against any external resistance This mindset has benefits and detriments Read more about Off Script 2: Hyper-Individualism[…]


This is part 4 of a series of posts called, “Identifying and Subverting Cultural Narratives.” Over the course of time, humanity has made incredible progress. Slavery was once a widespread and accepted institution, but it is almost universally outlawed today. Workers’ rights, including child labor and equal opportunity employment, have made great strides in the Read more about Progressivism[…]

Off Script 1: Seeing the Filter

In what ways is the culture putting a filter over your eyes?  How is our world rewriting your script, adjusting your plausibility intuitions?  For our first ever “Off Script” episode, I’m joined by two cohosts, Dan Fitzsimmons and Rose Rider, to discuss how our culture influences our lives as well as how to share the Read more about Off Script 1: Seeing the Filter[…]

Hospitality and Evangelism

When is the last time you had a non-Christian over for dinner?  Although the bible repeatedly tells us to show hospitality to the stranger, we rarely apply that to those outside the household of faith.  However, if you think of hospitality as a way to develop friendships with unbelievers and live out your Christianity authentically Read more about Hospitality and Evangelism[…]


This is part 2 of a series of posts called, “Identifying and Subverting Cultural Narratives.”  Read part one here. In my last post, “Seeing the Filter,” I considered how the culture is constantly nudging our sense of normal, scripting and re-scripting what we think will make us safe and happy. The world puts filters over Read more about Hyper-Individualism[…]

Tim Keller on Christian Marriage at Google

Tim Keller deftly explains the classic Christian view of marriage at Google.  His endearing style combines with his honest approach to show how attractive and relevant the biblical view of marriage is in our present day.  Whether you are married or thinking about getting married some day, this talk will help you.

Habits of a Disciple: Evangelism

This is part six of a series of posts called Habits of a Disciple. It was a warm sunny day when Sal, Jaired, and I went to Washington Park in Albany looking for someone to talk to about the gospel. It was Sal’s turn. He had watched me talk to some folks, but now he Read more about Habits of a Disciple: Evangelism[…]

Podcast 22: Allow Me To Reintroduce the Christ (Blair Wingo)

by Blair Wingo Authentic Christianity requires both believing the biblical gospel as well as following Christ.  Too often today we want to believe in Jesus as savior without following as lord.  In this moving poem Blair Wingo sets the record straight.  She appeals to the bible as the source for reintroducing the real Christ rather Read more about Podcast 22: Allow Me To Reintroduce the Christ (Blair Wingo)[…]

Habits of a Disciple: Fellowship

This is part five of a series of posts called Habits of a Disciple. As I stood on the sidewalk, relieved that the heat of the summer day had finally passed, the sounds and sights of the street washed over my senses like a tidal wave over a levee. Everywhere people were spilling out onto Read more about Habits of a Disciple: Fellowship[…]

Habits of a Disciple: Serving

This is part four of a series of posts called Habits of a Disciple. I used to wait tables at Long Horn Steakhouse when I was going to the Atlanta Bible College. It was a great job for a lot of reasons. In particular it taught me about service. You see, my title was “server.” Read more about Habits of a Disciple: Serving[…]

Habits of a Disciple: Prayer and Fasting

This is part three of a series of posts called Habits of a Disciple. There’s something humbling about asking for help. Think of a stubborn man who refuses to ask for directions, though he’s completely lost. Why does he persist? Why doesn’t he pull into some gas station and get help? I suppose it is Read more about Habits of a Disciple: Prayer and Fasting[…]

Habits of a Disciple: Scripture Reading

This is part two of a series of posts called Habits of a Disciple. Today the entire bible is available in 554 languages. Over forty writers contributed to it over 1,500 years. It is the most accessible book in the world today with countless websites, apps, and paper copies available absolutely free. All of this Read more about Habits of a Disciple: Scripture Reading[…]

Podcast 17: Follow (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan According to Jesus no one should call him “Lord” if he or she does not do what he says.  In other words, Christ says he wants followers not merely believers.  Although hippie Jesus, one-and-done Jesus, American Jesus, prosperity Jesus, poverty Jesus, and part-time Jesus all vie for all attention, we encounter the Read more about Podcast 17: Follow (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Habits of a Disciple: Introduction

This is part one of a series of posts called Habits of a Disciple. Imagine an alien observing a man walking his dog from outer space. The dog leaves the house first followed by a rope attached to a man carrying a plastic bag. The dog leads the man down the road until it has Read more about Habits of a Disciple: Introduction[…]

Podcast 15: A Theology of Nonviolence (Sean Finnegan)

Here’s the original paper in pdf form. I presented this talk at the 18th Theological Conference held near Atlanta, GA.  In it I present a case for the radical practice of loving our enemies.  Whether you believe Christians can and should use violence to defend themselves or others or if you think more along the Read more about Podcast 15: A Theology of Nonviolence (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 12: Don’t Let Them Go (Keith Daniel)

by Keith Daniel So often husbands make grandiose declarations in the heat of the moment whereby they bind themselves to a destructive or vengeful course of action that inevitably results in shipwrecking their marriages.  In this powerful sermon Keith Daniel provides sage advice for husbands and wives to stick together through the toughest times.  As Read more about Podcast 12: Don’t Let Them Go (Keith Daniel)[…]

Podcast 11: Wrestling against Spiritual Forces (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan Ephesians 6.12 tells us our struggle is not really against other humans but against spiritual forces.  Learn how malignant powers influence people both directly (through demon possession) and indirectly (through the culture).  Hopefully, this message will open your eyes to what is happening behind the scenes as Satan works to keep people Read more about Podcast 11: Wrestling against Spiritual Forces (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Lee Camp on Following Christ

Jesus of Nazareth, the Gospel accounts relate, always comes asking disciples to follow him–not merely “accept him,” not merely “believe in him,” not merely “worship him,” but to follow him: one either follows Christ, or one does not.  There is no compartmentalization of the faith, no realm, no sphere, no business, no politic in which Read more about Lee Camp on Following Christ[…]

Podcast 4: A Biblical Theology of Finance (Craig Blomberg)

by Craig Blomberg This is one of those areas where, as a preacher, I can’t help but be very sensitive.  Although most pastors struggle with just enough to get by, a few have amassed great wealth or even embezzled people’s contributions.  Because of some very public bad examples, people tend to be leery of listening Read more about Podcast 4: A Biblical Theology of Finance (Craig Blomberg)[…]