552 Seminary Convinced Me the Trinity Is Wrong (Susanne Lakin)

From her childhood in a Jewish family to a 7-year stint with the Jehovah’s Witnesses to attending evangelical churches, Susanne Lakin never felt comfortable with the doctrine of the Trinity. She signed up to attend Phoenix Seminary, a conservative evangelical school, thinking they would help her finally get to the bottom of it. She was willing to agree to the idea, thinking, surely, studying with scholars like Wayne Grudem, the prince of evangelical systematic theology, would answer her questions and settle the issue for her once and for all. Amazingly, the opposite happened. This is her story.

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1 thought on “552 Seminary Convinced Me the Trinity Is Wrong (Susanne Lakin)

  • SUPER INTERVIEW Susan & Sean. Really really resonated with what you shared and your hearts for seeking the truth. I don’t believe we would line up 100% on every theological comma and dot, but I am 99.9% in agreement (and I am always open to shifting on what I believe on some point if I am wrong … this is code for be open to really hearing others out). Do any of of us 100% have exactly the same understandings of scripture? Our life journeys, including spiritual experiences, does colour our understandings of scripture to some degree in places. I 100% degree with the spirit and diplomacy of both your approaches of just GENUINELY sitting with others in conversation on a topic. Not fearing the truth wherever it may lead is a personally satisfying way to live …. some of the friction this causes at times with others can be upsetting and challenging though. I take the approach of winning the person rather than the argument BUT standing my ground on important things in a Christian way and in His timing. This can mean holding your tongue at times in order to preserve a relationship even though I believe the other is wrong. Perhaps I am wrong on something I strongly believe, and my patience and reserve is a good thing at the moment on some matters. Starting to ramble a bit here … I have looked at many of the resources and classes you both spoke about and love them all and agreed with 99.9%.
    Great interview!

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