561 United Kingdom UCA Conference Review (Daisy Jones, Mark Cain)

Last month the Unitarian Christian Alliance put on the first conference in Europe. A mixture of British and American speakers presented on various aspects of unitarian Christianity. In today’s episode I speak with Daisy Jones, one of the main coordinators of the event as well as Mark Cain who assisted in planning and in recording the presentations. They share some highlights from this year’s conference as well as what they are planning for next year.

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2 thoughts on “561 United Kingdom UCA Conference Review (Daisy Jones, Mark Cain)

  • Loved hearing Daisy and Mark talking about the conference. It was certainly a terrific conference and the result of the tremendous effort of Daisy and Josh and many others to put it on. Their dedication to the faith, to Unitarianism, and to the global brother/sisterhood shines a bright light. I was so inspired by the event and the lively fellowshipping among so many of varying backgrounds and even beliefs. There was a strong spirit of love and warmth and especially love for God. I will do all I can to attend and help with the next conference, even if I have to swim across the Atlantic to get there (just kidding). I’ll continue praying God grows this effort and next year’s will see the fruit from this year’s conference. I would encourage Unitarians from the US to go if they can, support the European movement, and reach across the pond in friendship and unity!

  • Sounds like it was great. I really wish I could have been there. I’m very sorry I couldn’t go. I can’t imagine a better master of ceremonies than Daisy. I hope I’ll be able to attend next year, and I hope Sean will be able to as well, even though he’s got a bit further to go than me. (But not as far as NZ.)

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