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Did you know the Unitarian Christian Alliance just launched a podcast? In this interview, Mark Cain explains what he aims to do with this newest addition to one God podcasts and how the UCA podcast is different from the others. Ultimately, he wants to see unitarian Christians carry ourselves with confidence, knowing that our faith is firmly rooted in the scriptures.

—— Links ——
- Contact Mark Cain: or by calling 615-581-1158 and leaving a message
- Check out the UCA podcast webpage or subscribe on Spotify
- More about Cain’s church: Church of the Open Bible in Bedford, OH
- More about Cain’s denomination: Church of God General Conference
- If you’d like to support Restitutio, you can donate here.
- Leave a voice message via SpeakPipe with questions or comments
- Intro music: Good Vibes by MBB Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio
I really enjoy listening to Mark. His confidence is contagious and his personality is one of a kind! I have to say as an oil and gas worker I never thought I would hear an analogy about fracking in my biblical/theology podcasts but it fits very well and I hope Mark doesn’t mind me stealing it! God bless!
Thanks, Mark for this interview and for your podcast which my family and I have greatly enjoyed. Your podcast is very encouraging. My 12 year old daughter announces each new episode – she loves listening to them!
The scriptures say in John 5:23 that we are to honor the Son as we honor the Father. Only the true God is worthy of this honor. What say you?
“Truth has nothing to fear.” So true!