586 1 Corinthians in Context 3: Factions & Status at Corinth

Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves with the city of Corinth and Paul’s missionary activity there, we’re ready to dive into 1 Corinthians. As I mentioned previously, my strategy for this class is to focus on the major themes rather than covering every verse. Our first theme is the issue of divisiveness among the Christians at Read more about 586 1 Corinthians in Context 3: Factions & Status at Corinth[…]

Podcast 78: The Insidious Danger of Self-Righteousness (Sean Finnegan)

No one joined the Pharisees out of desire to practice professional hypocrisy. They were the devout, the separated, the ones who took God and holiness seriously. However, by the time of Jesus, they had confused godliness with self-righteousness and lost compassion in the process. It’s so easy for us to root for Jesus as he Read more about Podcast 78: The Insidious Danger of Self-Righteousness (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 66: What I’ve Been Saved From (Victor Gluckin)

Pastor Victor Gluckin of Living Faith Christian Church (Warwick, RI) shares about his journey of faith. He was Mr. Popularity in High School; everyone loved him.  However, he was spiritually dead and lifted up with pride.  His breaking point came when he left his small town and attended George Washington University in DC.  He planned Read more about Podcast 66: What I’ve Been Saved From (Victor Gluckin)[…]

Podcast 34: Conflict (Historical Jesus 10)

Historical Jesus 10: Conflict From his birth to his untimely death, conflict dominated Jesus’ life.  During his ministry the Pharisees disagreed with Jesus about the Sabbath, purity, divorce, and his style of ministry.  Jesus called them out on pride, greed, and hypocrisy.  Looking at how Jesus handled conflict serves as an example to those of Read more about Podcast 34: Conflict (Historical Jesus 10)[…]


This is part 3 of a series of posts called, “Identifying and Subverting Cultural Narratives.” Tolerance is the idea that everyone should have the freedom to be themselves. You shouldn’t try to change people or hold them to your standards. You certainly shouldn’t push your religion on others. Religion is a private matter, so proselytizing Read more about Tolerance[…]