592 1 Corinthians in Context 9: Food Sacrificed to Idols

Although often overlooked today, whether or not to eat food that had been sacrificed to idols was a major issue in first-century Christianity, especially in urban centers like Corinth. The city was teeming with temples, idols, and smaller shrines. Divinities abounded and devotees made offerings regularly from a little wine poured out at a home Read more about 592 1 Corinthians in Context 9: Food Sacrificed to Idols[…]

571 Give God a Shot (Bob Carden)

This is part two of my conversation with Bob Carden who served as the lead pastor of Grace Christian Fellowship for decades before retiring. (The church is now called Align Ministries, led by Garrett Bova.) Continuing on the topic of healing and deliverance from last week, we begin by talking about evil spirits and pornography Read more about 571 Give God a Shot (Bob Carden)[…]

570 My Journey into Healing Ministry (Bob Carden)

People need the touch of God in their lives. People are broken, wounded, and sick. Jesus Christ has already come and made available deliverance from sin and its consequences. He did this throughout his ministry and continues to bring healing through his church today. Bob Carden shares about his own journey of faith from Catholicism Read more about 570 My Journey into Healing Ministry (Bob Carden)[…]

564 Kingdom Seminar 3: Defining the Kingdom

This is part 3 of the Kingdom Seminar, based on the book Kingdom Journey. The kingdom of God is the golden thread running throughout the whole Bible from beginning to end. In this presentation, we’ll consider some of the key texts from the Old and New Testaments that define what the kingdom is. In contrast Read more about 564 Kingdom Seminar 3: Defining the Kingdom[…]

545 Read the Bible for Yourself 12: How to Read Acts

This is part 12 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Acts is an action-packed book full of excitement and wonder. We learn about the early expansion of the Church from a small group of ragged Christ-followers to dozens of house churches throughout major cities in the Mediterranean world. How did Christianity “go public”? The Read more about 545 Read the Bible for Yourself 12: How to Read Acts[…]

542 Read the Bible for Yourself 9: How to Read the Prophets

This is part 9 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. The 17 books of the prophets comprise 27% of the Old Testament. Although some parts can be difficult to comprehend, they reveal the heart of God with raw pathos and brutal honesty. To read the prophets, then, is to draw near to God. No Read more about 542 Read the Bible for Yourself 9: How to Read the Prophets[…]

517 Walking with God (Josh and Daisy Jones)

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts Have you ever read miracle stories in the bible and asked yourself, “I wonder if this happens today?” My guests today are Josh and Daisy Jones of the UK who share their testimonies of God intervening in and through their lives. Hear about Josh’s miraculous healing Read more about 517 Walking with God (Josh and Daisy Jones)[…]

512 Healing from Bullying – 2 (Jon Nessle)

We continue in our conversation on the topic of healing from bullying. This episode applies not only to those who suffered in school, but also should prove helpful to any who have suffered abuse later in life as well. Jon Nessle taps into Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount to gain practical advice on what to Read more about 512 Healing from Bullying – 2 (Jon Nessle)[…]

500 Early Church History 18: The Gifts of the Spirit in Early Christianity

This is part 18 of the Early Church History class. I wonder how many Christians in the world today believe the gifts of the spirit ceased in the time of the apostles? I know there are quite a few. Many others, however, believe they are available today and make time for them in their worship Read more about 500 Early Church History 18: The Gifts of the Spirit in Early Christianity[…]

435-Holistic Biblical Unitarian Christianity (Theophilus Josiah)

Have you heard of the Integrity Syndicate? No, not a crime syndicate, the Integrity Syndicate–the online ministry of Theophilus Josiah, my guest today. Abused and neglected by his parents and raised in a California orphanage, Josiah met God in his youth resulting in a new course for his life. Through a series of providential events, Read more about 435-Holistic Biblical Unitarian Christianity (Theophilus Josiah)[…]

310 Are Gifts of the Spirit Available Today? (Sam Storms)

Are spiritual gifts available today or did they cease after the original apostles died?  In this interview, I talk to Dr. Sam Storms about his own personal experience with speaking in tongues, his biblical case for why gifts are available today, and how he makes room for them in his church services.  Before delving in, Read more about 310 Are Gifts of the Spirit Available Today? (Sam Storms)[…]

Interview 56 Detoxing Your Brain 2 (Leah Fronczek)

Today is the second and final part of my interview with Leah Fronczek on detoxing your brain.  See part one here.  We begin by talking about the importance of free will in effecting change before getting into the specifics of how to combat toxic thinking.  Learn about multitasking, daydreaming, community, forgiveness, and honesty as ways Read more about Interview 56 Detoxing Your Brain 2 (Leah Fronczek)[…]

Interview 55 Detoxing Your Brain 1 (Leah Fronczek)

At the beginning of each year, we have a young adult event called Revive in Connecticut.  This year Leah Fronczek was one of the workshop leaders.  Her topic was detoxing your brain and I asked her to come on Restitutio to share with you what she learned in studying this topic.  This is so important Read more about Interview 55 Detoxing Your Brain 1 (Leah Fronczek)[…]

Biblical Somatology

Biblical Somatology How the Bible’s View of the Body Cures Social Ills and Unleashes Human Flourishing Sean Finnegan (Restitutio.org) Presented May 6, 2018 27th Theological Conference Sponsored by Restoration Fellowship Introduction Between the apathy and reductionism of those who think our biological bodies don’t matter, and the vanity and superficiality of the celebrity culture that Read more about Biblical Somatology[…]

132 Twentieth Century American Christianity (Five Hundred 15)

In this last episode of our 500 class, we’ll cover a bunch of 20th century American groups including Christian Science, the Evangelicals, Plymouth Brethren, Pentecostals, Calvary Chapel, Vineyard Churches, Christian and Missionary Alliance, the Way International, the Worldwide Church of God, Scientology, the Moonies, and Megachurches (Rick Warren, Craig Groeschel, and Joel Osteen).  It’s a Read more about 132 Twentieth Century American Christianity (Five Hundred 15)[…]

86: Kingdom in Isaiah (Kingdom of God 3)

The prophet Isaiah spoke more about the kingdom than any other prophet in the Hebrew bible. Consequently, his book is a phenomenal place to begin developing our understanding of what the kingdom will be like.  Stitching together his various snapshots, we encounter a magnificent collage detailing a new world full of peace, justice, and healing. Read more about 86: Kingdom in Isaiah (Kingdom of God 3)[…]

Interview 15: Healing from Abuse and Abandonment (Claudia Scott)

Claudia Scott is one of the pillars of our church, a woman of faith who carries herself with dignity and poise. Growing up, she’s been an example to me of faithfulness and passion for God. Having only known her over the last twenty or so years, I was clueless about how much she had been Read more about Interview 15: Healing from Abuse and Abandonment (Claudia Scott)[…]

Off Script 19: More on Why God Allows Suffering

In this episode, we pick up the conversation where the last lecture in my Apologetics class left off.  We review six reasons the bible gives for suffering as well as how to face pain and hardship. By looking at Jesus and Paul, we see that God did not spare either of them from adversity.  Jesus Read more about Off Script 19: More on Why God Allows Suffering[…]

Interview 4: Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Healing (Bill and Anne DeNenno)

Some say faith-healing is a charade, concocted by charlatans to build their empires on the backs of the afflicted and suffering.  Others think that Christians who reject healing contradict what Jesus said and did, preferring the comfort of tradition instead of unleashing God’s mighty power.  What do you believe about supernatural healing?  Listen in to Read more about Interview 4: Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Healing (Bill and Anne DeNenno)[…]

Off Script 12: Forgiveness

What does the bible teach about forgiveness?  Is it optional or mandatory?  Are Christians allowed to hold grudges?  Do we only have to forgive if someone apologizes?  Join us as we discuss four reasons why you should forgive: (1) if we don’t forgive others, God won’t forgive us; (2) forgiving others makes sense in light Read more about Off Script 12: Forgiveness[…]

Interview 1: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Jerry Wierwille)

Drawing on the work of Peter Scazzero, Jerry Wierwille discusses how we can avoid some of the common unhealthy emotional pitfalls. No matter if you are new to the faith or someone who has persevered for decades, this subject will make you examine yourself to see if there are issues you need to overcome. Access Read more about Interview 1: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Podcast 29: Kingdom Saturated Ministry (Historical Jesus 5)

Historical Jesus 5: Kingdom Saturated Ministry How should you understand Jesus’ miracles, healing ministry, and exorcisms?  Surely, these are acts of compassion, but they are so much more.  In this lecture, learn how Jesus’ deeds and words coalesce around his primary ministry focus–the kingdom of God.  By examining three ancient Hebrew prophecies, you’ll see how Read more about Podcast 29: Kingdom Saturated Ministry (Historical Jesus 5)[…]

Podcast 5: Miracles & Messiahs: How Jesus Best Fits Prophecy (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan Why do we believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah?  What is our evidence?  Taking a look at contemporary miracle workers like Honi the Circle Drawer and Hanina ben Dosa, Jesus of Nazareth stands out as an exceptional healer and exorcist.  Taking our cue from ancient Jewish interpretations of Isaiah 53, we Read more about Podcast 5: Miracles & Messiahs: How Jesus Best Fits Prophecy (Sean Finnegan)[…]