584 1 Corinthians in Context 1: Corinth as the Context

Today we’re beginning something new. I’ve been working on this class on 1 Corinthians for months and months. I had taken classes on 1 Corinthians at Boston University twice. The first time we just read through the entire epistle in Greek. The second time was when we learned about what modern scholars said about Corinth. Read more about 584 1 Corinthians in Context 1: Corinth as the Context[…]

550 Read the Bible for Yourself 17: How to Choose a Bible Translation

This is part 17 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. After reviewing the resources you can use to learn Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, we delve into the sources that translators use for their work. Next, we’ll look at translation philosophies, including formal and dynamic equivalence. Lastly we’ll cover the controversial issues of gender accuracy Read more about 550 Read the Bible for Yourself 17: How to Choose a Bible Translation[…]

Bible Translation Like Telephone Game?

Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t see how you can trust the bible.  It started out in Hebrew then it was translated into Greek and then Latin before coming into old English and, last of all, modern English?”  This is such a unfounded criticism though it sounds pretty convincing.  Here are the facts. Read more about Bible Translation Like Telephone Game?[…]

Jesus Is God: Exploring the Notion of Representational Deity

Sean Finnegan (Restitutio.org) Presented June 2008 One God Seminar, Seattle, Washington Sponsored by the Association for Christian Development Isn’t it interesting how one statement can be shocking and controversial in one setting and totally mundane in another? For example, if someone came into a room of NASCAR enthusiasts and said, “Racing is so boring to Read more about Jesus Is God: Exploring the Notion of Representational Deity[…]