514 Aphrahat and Early Persian Christianity (Sam Tideman)

Although he’s one of the lesser known Christian authors of the fourth century, Aphrahat is extremely important for our understanding of early Persian Christianity prior to the advent of Islam in the region. Amazingly a full-length book of his survives, called The Demonstrations. In today’s interview I ask about Aphrahat’s beliefs in general and his Read more about 514 Aphrahat and Early Persian Christianity (Sam Tideman)[…]

502 Early Church History 20: Early African, Armenian, and Asian Christianity

This is part 20 of the Early Church History class. So far we’ve been focusing primarily on Christianity within the Roman Empire in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East–the land surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Nevertheless, Christianity also spread south to Africa, north to Armenia, and east to Asia where it reached Persia, India, and Read more about 502 Early Church History 20: Early African, Armenian, and Asian Christianity[…]