586 1 Corinthians in Context 3: Factions & Status at Corinth

Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves with the city of Corinth and Paul’s missionary activity there, we’re ready to dive into 1 Corinthians. As I mentioned previously, my strategy for this class is to focus on the major themes rather than covering every verse. Our first theme is the issue of divisiveness among the Christians at Read more about 586 1 Corinthians in Context 3: Factions & Status at Corinth[…]

Podcast 75: Heretic! 4 Approaches to Dropping H-Bombs (Dale Tuggy)

The history of Christianity can sometimes be really depressing, especially when we look at the “heresy hunters.” From Justin Martyr and Irenaues in the second century to Athanasius and Epiphanius of the fourth century, as Christians we progressively came to define ourselves on the basis of what we don’t believe.  As a result, so much Read more about Podcast 75: Heretic! 4 Approaches to Dropping H-Bombs (Dale Tuggy)[…]