577 Nothing Mere about a Man Made in the Image of God (Anna Brown)

Has anyone ever said to you, “Oh, you believe Jesus is just a mere man.” How do you respond when someone says that? Do you just go along with it and say, “Yep, that’s what I believe–Jesus is just another guy”? I hope not. Jesus is not just another guy. He’s the virginally-conceived son of Read more about 577 Nothing Mere about a Man Made in the Image of God (Anna Brown)[…]

Are we born guilty of Adam’s sin? (Sin 1)

Last Sunday I preached on “Original Sin” at Living Hope Community Church. In that sermon, I commented at length on the original sin of Adam and Eve from Genesis 2&3 and then went to Romans 5.12-21 to show how their sin affected humanity. In my treatment of the topic, I didn’t get a chance to Read more about Are we born guilty of Adam’s sin? (Sin 1)[…]

419 One God 9: Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection

This is part 9 of the One God Over All class. If Jesus is not the one God over all, then how should we interpret his death and resurrection? How does his death pay for our sins? What does the resurrection tell us about Jesus? Unlike medieval Christianity that taught God the Son united himself Read more about 419 One God 9: Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection[…]

The Father Is Greater Than I: Exploring Biblical Subordination

This weekend I am presenting a paper on subordination: the idea that the Father is greater than the Son.  Although this notion may seem obvious to many of us, it is little discussed in mainstream Christianity.  I believe this angle may be the thin edge of the wedge to open up discussion on the Trinity Read more about The Father Is Greater Than I: Exploring Biblical Subordination[…]

321 Origins of Sin (Kegan Chandler)

Today we are beginning a new series on original sin based on Kegan Chandler’s presentation from last year, entitled, “Origins of Sin: The New Heretics and the Metaphysics of Disobedience.”  I’m excited about this four part series for a couple of reasons.  First off, I’m glad to host a place where we can discuss genuine Read more about 321 Origins of Sin (Kegan Chandler)[…]