587 1 Corinthians in Context 4: Philosophy & Wisdom

Paul wrote extensively about worldly wisdom in 1 Corinthians. Due to the prevalence and esteem of philosophical schools, Paul probably felt a need to explain how Christianity measured up. In this lecture we’ll survey the five main philosophical options available to first-century Corinthians, including Platonism, Cynicism, Skepticism, Epicureanism and Stoicism. Then once we get a Read more about 587 1 Corinthians in Context 4: Philosophy & Wisdom[…]

297 The Gospels: Jesus’ Wisdom (Daniel Calcagno)

Jesus once said, “The queen of the South will rise up at the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here” (Luke 11.31).  In our wisdom series so far, we’ve Read more about 297 The Gospels: Jesus’ Wisdom (Daniel Calcagno)[…]

296 Ecclesiastes: Meaningful Life (Victor Gluckin)

Like Job, the book of Ecclesiastes wrestles with anomalies to the general principles of wisdom contained in much of the bible.  Sometimes our world functions in chaotic and unpredictable ways.  Sometimes the race is not won by the swift, nor the battle by the strong, nor bread harvested by the wise, nor riches acquired by Read more about 296 Ecclesiastes: Meaningful Life (Victor Gluckin)[…]

295 Job: It’s Complicated (Sean Finnegan)

The Hebrew Bible contains different kinds of wisdom literature.  For example, wise sayings in Proverbs typically express general principles, providing guidance for what to do when the world is working the way it’s supposed to.  However, Job deals with just the opposite issue.  What happens when you do everything right and still face extraordinary loss Read more about 295 Job: It’s Complicated (Sean Finnegan)[…]

294 Proverbs: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World (Jerry Wierwille)

What is the book of Proverbs all about and what can this book teach you about wisdom?  Join Jerry Wierwille as he leads you through Proverbs to gain key insights to be able to read it and benefit from it on your own.  Proverbs are not merely cutesy clever sayings, but helpful insights into how Read more about 294 Proverbs: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

293 What Is Wisdom? (Stan Chee)

Have you ever heard the saying, “doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results is the definition of insanity?”  It certainly sounds foolish to try the same approach over and over, thinking something different will happen.  So often, what we need is not more education or life hacks, but bona-fide wisdom.  Today Read more about 293 What Is Wisdom? (Stan Chee)[…]

Revive 2019 Teachings and Music

On January 4-6, eighty of us gathered in Woodstock, Connecticut for a weekend focused on the theme “Wisdom.” We sang, we cried, we laughed, we played floor hockey, we warmed ourselves by the fire, we renewed old friendships and made new friends, and we heard inspiring and practical bible teachings drawn from the bible’s wisdom Read more about Revive 2019 Teachings and Music[…]

Interview 27: Understanding Proverbs (Jerry Wierwille)

What do you know about the book of Proverbs?  It can be quite difficult to understand what’s going on without some knowledge of how Hebrew poetry works.  In this episode Jerry Wierwille, serves as our guide to get a better grip on what Proverbs is all about.  He explains the poetic structures, general approach, and Read more about Interview 27: Understanding Proverbs (Jerry Wierwille)[…]