374 I’m Offended (Sean Finnegan)

As our society increases in polarization and ideological tribalism, it’s easy to become thin-skinned, taking offense at the slightest remark. Even certain words can trigger us to explode in outrage and vitriol. What are we to do? Should we cloister ourselves in echo chambers, surrounded by those who already agree with us? Should we listen Read more about 374 I’m Offended (Sean Finnegan)[…]

316 What Evangelism Is Not (Josh Anderson)

Today we are gong to hear part two of Joshua Anderson’s Announcing the Kingdom evangelism class.  His topic is “What Evangelism Is Not.”  Evangelism is not forcing a decision, converting people, condemning people’s sins, or arguing endlessly.  This material is critical for us to grasp so we don’t get frustrated or stuck in ineffective methods.  Read more about 316 What Evangelism Is Not (Josh Anderson)[…]

Reflections on My Trip to Kenya

Driving off road in northwest Kenya is an exciting though challenging experience.  The car bounces so much I’m afraid I’m going to hit my head on the ceiling.  Once we even had to get out to lighten our little white Mazda so it could climb over boulders without scraping the bottom too much.  In one Read more about Reflections on My Trip to Kenya[…]

God’s Chesed

Chesed is the word translated “steadfast love” (ESV/NRSV/RSV), “lovingkindness” (NASB), “loyal love” (NET), “love” (NAB), “faithful love” (HCSB/NJB), and “mercy” (KJV/NKJV/LXX).  That there is such variety in the translations should alert us to the fact that this Hebrew word is difficult to render in English.  Furthermore, this is no small word; in fact, chesed is Read more about God’s Chesed[…]