556 Recruiting Ancients for the Creation Debate (Andrew Brown)

Christians have approached the first chapter of Genesis differently over the centuries. There are those who hold to young earth creationism, day-age theory, gap theory, and progressive creationism, just to name a few. Oftentimes defenders of a particular view will provide biblical, scientific, and historical evidence for their position. Our focus today is on the Read more about 556 Recruiting Ancients for the Creation Debate (Andrew Brown)[…]

487 Early Church History 7: Philo and Clement of Alexandria

This is part 7 of the Early Church History class. Philo of Alexandria was the most well-known representative of Hellenistic Judaism in the first century. His many books combine Platonism with scripture via allegory–a daring project that had a massive influence on Christian thinkers. Clement of Alexandria followed in Philo’s footsteps a century later, doing Read more about 487 Early Church History 7: Philo and Clement of Alexandria[…]

485 Early Church History 5: Gnostics and Valentinians

This is part 5 of the Early Church History class. Have you heard of the Gnostics before? Gnostics of different types claimed to have secret knowledge of humanity’s true origins and destiny. They were intellectuals who combined the philosophical thinking of their day with Jewish and Christian scripture to produce a compelling alternative to biblical Read more about 485 Early Church History 5: Gnostics and Valentinians[…]

462 Scripture & Science 4: Reading Genesis One, Part 2 (Will Barlow)

We’ve been considering the various options for interpreting the creation account in Genesis. Last time we looked at two young earth theories and today we’ll survey three old earth perspectives, including the day age theory, modified day-age theory, and a non-literal approach. For each Will Barlow explains the basics and offers a gentle critique. Listen Read more about 462 Scripture & Science 4: Reading Genesis One, Part 2 (Will Barlow)[…]

411 One God 1: Yahweh, the Supreme Creator

Today we are starting a brand new class called “One God Over All!”  My plan is to work through scripture to build a biblical theology of the one true God and his Son, Jesus the Messiah. This class will cover both texts supporting God’s exclusive oneness as well as misunderstood verses that seem to teach Read more about 411 One God 1: Yahweh, the Supreme Creator[…]

407 Reaching LGBT+ People (Sean Finnegan)

How should those of us committed to a biblical sexual ethic treat those who are same-sex attracted or who identify as the opposite sex?  In our polarized world, it seems like only two options are available to us: (1) we accept, approve, and celebrate LGBT+ lifestyles or (2) we deny, denigrate, and dismiss them.  Either Read more about 407 Reaching LGBT+ People (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Who Is the “Us” in Genesis 1.26 according to Michael Heiser?

Genesis 1.26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”   This passage Read more about Who Is the “Us” in Genesis 1.26 according to Michael Heiser?[…]

The Bible vs. Racism

Over the last few months, our society has focused a great deal on racism, especially with respect to African Americans.  Although our present issue is complex and polarizing, what the Bible teaches on this subject is straightforward and clear.  Let us begin with creation itself.  Genesis 1:12, 20, 2512 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants Read more about The Bible vs. Racism[…]