565 Kingdom Seminar 4: Kingdom Allegiance

This is part 4 of the Kingdom Seminar, based on the book Kingdom Journey.

Jesus didn’t just believe in a future kingdom that didn’t affect the present. His entire ministry was saturated with kingdom symbology and activity. Wherever he went, he brought a bubble of the kingdom with him. As Christ-followers, we too, are called to prophesy the kingdom in how we live. This should include adopting the kingdom’s culture, as well as pledging allegiance to the kingdom.

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1 thought on “565 Kingdom Seminar 4: Kingdom Allegiance

  • well Sean I guess this “kingdom Alliegence” teaching is the final proof that I no longer follow your work. I guess that will also include all UCA. I see clearly in this one you present Anthony Buzzards only weak point. That of the church being the people of the coming kingdom. Your implication is that we christ ones are to live with the Jews as subjects in the land.

    You dont mention the spoiler to that, where scripture states “he came to his own BUT THEY RECEIVED HIM NOT”
    The other point being that Jesus is not bringing christianity to his people during his time as recorded in the four gospels, he is bringing the kingdom to those who were promised the kingdom. A Jew talking to Jews, and he makes that plain in a few places.
    Yes I know that Pentecost reverses Babel. But it doesnt mean all christians are become Jews or replaced Jews or are going to be just included in the blessings of the Jews in the coming kingdom.

    You seem to discount Paul in pretty much all of his epistles, and Jude and John and Peter and the author of Heb, in that Paul especially points out that we are to be raised to the glory Jesus has. We are a NEW CREATION and in such are NEITHER JEW NOR GENTILE but are ONE NEW MAN. And that we will be raised as he is so much higher than angels, and that “dont you know you will judge angels.”
    I dont see you notice the verses which point out that Jesus is “first up from the dead, first of many BROTHERS raised to glory.” Or where it says Jesus “is the forerunner” of us, who are called to be sons of God with him. You seem to miss the parts where we are implicated in ruling the nations with Jesus.

    You seem to miss seeing the secret that was HID in GOD during the time of the law, the 2000yrs from Abraham to Christ, the OT, Hebrew scriptures. There is talks always as you have taught in this session, of the coming kingdom, to the Jews a promise. Nowhere does it speak (unsearchable) of the body of christ raised in authority OVER the powers and principalities who are our true enemy. The “church”, which secret (musterion) Paul reveals mainly in Romans to the individual, and Ephesians to the group, something that had the enemy known, they would not have (incited the jews to) kill the lord of glory. Thats those unseen principalities and powers again, the ones that God provoked through transfiguring Jesus on Mt Hermon, the place of ancient rebellion, the gates of hell in ancient Jewish culture. To me your ignoring of the “musterion” of Eph3 is as bad as trinitarians ignoring Deut18:18, Jn8:40, Acts2:22 and 1Tim2:5 and so many others while insisting that Johns prelude tells us Jesus is God. I see a similar blindness here. You are keeping the “mystery” as biased translators have labeled it, and sidelined church into being Jews.

    I grafted two other species of apples onto my green cooking apple tree 9granny smith). This did not turn the peasgood apples and Jazz apples into granny smith apples. Being “grafted into” a vine or an oliove tree does not turn the grafted in group into that original vine, it simply means sharing the source of life to the new group.
    Disappointed, you address the trinity lie so well, why not go the full distance?.

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