Have you ever attended an online bible study? Would you like to start one, but don’t know how? In our episode today, John Paola Ely share about their own journey of faith and how they have come to appreciate the interactive bible study model of fellowship. Not only does this type of meeting help attendees engage with the text of scripture, but it also fosters genuine community in an age where we are all increasingly isolated.

—— Links ——
- For more information, email the Elys at salt.light.studynight@gmail.com or visit the Salt & Light Study Night facebook group.
- Check out Jerry Wierwille’s episodes, especially Paul and Covenantal Nomism
- On the topic of baptism, listen to Ken LaPrade’s Baptism Journey
- If you’d like to support Restitutio, you can donate here.
- Leave a voice message via SpeakPipe with questions or comments
- Intro music: Good Vibes by MBB Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library
Thanks for taking the time to read our comments from the previous podcast.
If I may restate an earlier question that was asked of you.
How do you reconcile the fact that (invariably) only self-interpretation is practiced by proponents of glossolalia?
Thanks again and I look forward to your response,
Great podcast!! Thanks!
Really helpful and inspiring!
Why wait for someone else to start an online bible study group?
“Just Do It”! …and best of all, “Go Global” … “the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!”