As our society increases in polarization and ideological tribalism, it’s easy to become thin-skinned, taking offense at the slightest remark. Even certain words can trigger us to explode in outrage and vitriol. What are we to do? Should we cloister ourselves in echo chambers, surrounded by those who already agree with us? Should we listen when criticisms come our way? After all, sometimes they may be right? Should we always avoid emotional pain or can insensitive remarks, ideological attacks, and harsh criticisms ultimately make us stronger? In this sermon, you’ll see how God’s love is a game changer that anchors your value in his opinion of you while simultaneously freeing you to engage with offensive statements by others in a healthy and productive way.

—— Links ——
- This sermon came from Revive 2020. Listen to other sermons about anger, jealousy, anxiety, and not being good enough by a variety of speakers on this page.
- You may also enjoy this teaching about Resilience on YouTube
- If you’d like to support Restitutio, you can donate here.
- Leave a voice message via SpeakPipe with questions or comments
- Intro music: Good Vibes by MBB Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library