Podcast 49: Abide in Me (Keith Daniel)

How much time do you spend with God alone?  Do you have a quiet time each day for scripture reading and prayer and meditation?  Drawing on the image of the vine in John 15, Keith Daniel passionately advocates for a daily devotional time to abide in him.  He argues that this time is the key Read more about Podcast 49: Abide in Me (Keith Daniel)[…]

Interview 2: Jerry Wierwille on Hermeneutics

Have you ever struggled to interpret the bible?  Although many today think only professionals who are trained in seminaries can understand the bible, the truth is that every reader is a theologian to some degree.  The moment you pick up the book and begin reading, you also begin interpreting what you read.  The only question Read more about Interview 2: Jerry Wierwille on Hermeneutics[…]

Habits of a Disciple: Scripture Reading

This is part two of a series of posts called Habits of a Disciple. Today the entire bible is available in 554 languages. Over forty writers contributed to it over 1,500 years. It is the most accessible book in the world today with countless websites, apps, and paper copies available absolutely free. All of this Read more about Habits of a Disciple: Scripture Reading[…]