141 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 5: Irresistible Grace

This is part 5 of the Calvinism Debate When God calls you, can you say, “No?” According to Calvinism, God’s grace is irresistible, meaning when he determines to save someone, he always achieves his goal. In other words, his call is always effectual.  On the other side, Arminianism teaches that God offers grace, but people Read more about 141 Calvinism vs. Arminianism 5: Irresistible Grace[…]

Interview 17: Will All Israel Be Saved? (Matthew Elton)

How does salvation work?  Is Israel still God’s chosen people or are they on the same footing as everyone else now that the Messiah has come?  In Off Script episode 17, Is Jesus the Only Way to God?, Brian wrote in, inquiring if a Torah-observant Jew could be saved even if he or she didn’t Read more about Interview 17: Will All Israel Be Saved? (Matthew Elton)[…]