426 The Father Is Greater Than I: Exploring Biblical Subordination (Sean Finnegan)

Is the Son equal with the Father or is he subordinate? Thinking Christians have struggled over the tension between the traditional doctrine of coequality between Father and Son, on the one hand, and the dozens upon dozens of scriptures that either imply our explicitly teach the Father’s supremacy over his Son. Two ways of solving Read more about 426 The Father Is Greater Than I: Exploring Biblical Subordination (Sean Finnegan)[…]

397 Why Christianity 10: Suffering and Evil (Jerry Wierwille)

Let’s face it, suffering is a major problem for those of us who believe in a good and powerful God.  How do you answer skeptics who challenge your belief in God because of the gratuitous suffering endemic in human history?  In this episode we’ll explore some answers to this question offered by several worldviews before Read more about 397 Why Christianity 10: Suffering and Evil (Jerry Wierwille)[…]