582 Kiwi Farmer Pursues Biblical Truth (Vaughn Madsen)

Vaughn Madsen was a simple kiwi farmer who subscribed to evangelical Christianity in New Zealand. No, he wasn’t farming kiwis. A kiwi is what you call someone from New Zealand. Anyhow, like I said, he was a devout member of his local church when he came across a presentation by Warren Prestige about the state Read more about 582 Kiwi Farmer Pursues Biblical Truth (Vaughn Madsen)[…]

543 Read the Bible for Yourself 10: Key Background for Reading the New Testament

This is part 10 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. We’ve taken our time working through the Old Testament, section by section. Before we tackle the New Testament and look at the Gospels, we need to talk about the time between the Old and New Testaments. In the gap of roughly four hundred years, Read more about 543 Read the Bible for Yourself 10: Key Background for Reading the New Testament[…]

396 Why Christianity 9: Christian Freedom and Morality (Sean Finnegan)

Freedom and morality are two interrelated concepts that everyone has an opinion about. From a Christian perspective, we limit our freedom based on our received moral code. We believe that the restrictions the bible provides us are for our good; They are not the result of a capricious deity’s arbitrary or stifling whims. In fact, Read more about 396 Why Christianity 9: Christian Freedom and Morality (Sean Finnegan)[…]

148 Apologetics Conference: 6 Evangelism, Jesus’ Way (John Truitt)

In this concluding teaching of our apologetics conference, John Truitt gleans from Christ’s example key ways that we can imitate him in our own evangelistic efforts today.  He begins by looking how Jesus was completely obedient to God and how he prepared himself (both in knowledge and experience).  Next Truitt urges us to get moving, Read more about 148 Apologetics Conference: 6 Evangelism, Jesus’ Way (John Truitt)[…]

Biblical Somatology

Biblical Somatology How the Bible’s View of the Body Cures Social Ills and Unleashes Human Flourishing Sean Finnegan (Restitutio.org) Presented May 6, 2018 27th Theological Conference Sponsored by Restoration Fellowship Introduction Between the apathy and reductionism of those who think our biological bodies don’t matter, and the vanity and superficiality of the celebrity culture that Read more about Biblical Somatology[…]

Interview 14: Ken LaPrade’s Baptism Journey

What do you believe about baptism?  In this interview, I ask Ken LaPrade, a house church pastor in El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico, to share his baptism journey.  Coming from a Way International background, LaPrade learned that spirit baptism had replaced water.  As a result he had interpreted the water baptisms in Acts to Read more about Interview 14: Ken LaPrade’s Baptism Journey[…]

Podcast 70: Getting the Gospel Right (Sean Finnegan)

The gospel is the message we believe in that results in immortality (2 Tim 1.7-10).  If I were the devil, I would target the gospel message so that even if some Christians rustled up the courage to actually share it with others, they’d have a distorted or partial message.  In fact, scripture tells us that Read more about Podcast 70: Getting the Gospel Right (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 12: Jacob Rohrer on the Gospel (Jacob Rohrer)

What is the gospel?  Growing up, Jacob Rohrer heard about Jesus dying for his sins so he could go to heaven.  However, he’s come to see that this way of thinking is not only wrong, but goes against what Jesus himself taught.  Listen in to Rohrer as he explains the five elements of the gospel, Read more about Interview 12: Jacob Rohrer on the Gospel (Jacob Rohrer)[…]

Podcast 18: Eternal Security: Steve Gregg vs. Tom Morris

Steve Gregg vs. Tom Morris Once you become saved can you lose your salvation?  Listen to this debate to hear both sides of this important question.  Admittedly, the debate does seem to be a bit of a mismatch, since Gregg is extremely well prepared and Morris could not answer many of Gregg’s points.  Even so, Read more about Podcast 18: Eternal Security: Steve Gregg vs. Tom Morris[…]

Podcast 17: Follow (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan According to Jesus no one should call him “Lord” if he or she does not do what he says.  In other words, Christ says he wants followers not merely believers.  Although hippie Jesus, one-and-done Jesus, American Jesus, prosperity Jesus, poverty Jesus, and part-time Jesus all vie for all attention, we encounter the Read more about Podcast 17: Follow (Sean Finnegan)[…]