592 1 Corinthians in Context 9: Food Sacrificed to Idols

Although often overlooked today, whether or not to eat food that had been sacrificed to idols was a major issue in first-century Christianity, especially in urban centers like Corinth. The city was teeming with temples, idols, and smaller shrines. Divinities abounded and devotees made offerings regularly from a little wine poured out at a home Read more about 592 1 Corinthians in Context 9: Food Sacrificed to Idols[…]

588 1 Corinthians in Context 5: Sexual Immorality

Do you know what blows my mind? That with all the permissiveness and sinfulness of the Roman world, what the Corinthian Christians were doing shocked Paul. He said that the sexual immorality of one man among them was so bad that such was not even found among the gentiles. That’s quite an indictment! Today we’re Read more about 588 1 Corinthians in Context 5: Sexual Immorality[…]

585 1 Corinthians in Context 2: Paul Founds the Church at Corinth

How did Christianity come to Corinth in the first place? Although many times we are left speculating about how an ancient church got started, we have definitive knowledge about the Corinthian church from Luke, Paul’s traveling companion. In what follows we’ll work through Acts chapter 18 to see how Paul initially founded the church in Read more about 585 1 Corinthians in Context 2: Paul Founds the Church at Corinth[…]

551 Read the Bible for Yourself 18: Helpful Tools to Understand the Bible

This is part 18 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. What tools can help you understand the bible better? Today we’ll cover some recommended resources for you to deepen your study of the scriptures, including bible dictionaries, commentaries, bible software, AI, and more. Of course, it’s impossible to cover everything in a reasonable time Read more about 551 Read the Bible for Yourself 18: Helpful Tools to Understand the Bible[…]