Off Script 29: Dealing with Doubt

What role does doubt play in your life?  Do you think of it as something to push aside and ignore or do you pursue your doubts to get answers?  In this episode we examine the role of doubt for Christians, avoiding both extremes of refusing to engage with doubt as well as obsessing on it.  Read more about Off Script 29: Dealing with Doubt[…]

Off Script 5: Scientism

Is scientific knowledge superior to all other forms of knowledge?  How should Christians balance faith and reason?  Join Rose Rider, Daniel Fitzsimmons, and Sean Finnegan as they discuss science and religion in an effort to describe and deconstruct the naive notion that science has all the answers. Read a detailed article on Scientism here.


This is part 5 of a series of posts called, “Identifying and Subverting Cultural Narratives.” Scientism is the idea that the kind of knowledge gained from the scientific method is superior to all other means of acquiring knowledge if there are any other legitimate means. Scientism exalts empirical data and analysis over intuition, logic, emotion, Read more about Scientism[…]