590 1 Corinthians in Context 7: Lawsuits

How should Christians deal with internal disputes? As with so many other issues, the Christians in Corinth were failing to distinguish between the body of Christ and the world. Today we’ll consider what Paul wrote in the first half of 1 Corinthians chapter six. In order to get a handle on his instructions to the Read more about 590 1 Corinthians in Context 7: Lawsuits[…]

369 Civil Discourse (Peter Miano)

Have you noticed the shrill tone that permeates public discourse in our time? It seems like everyone is on a hairpin trigger ready to rage and vent at their ideological enemies. What is a Christian to do? Should we stand up for our beliefs, morals, and politics? Should we disengage from conversation about controversial issues? Read more about 369 Civil Discourse (Peter Miano)[…]

Podcast 73: Relating to the Government (Vince Finnegan)

How should Christians relate to the government?  In this sermon, Vince Finnegan works through Romans 13 to show how we should relate to the powers that be.  Ultimately God is in charge of raising up and tearing down regimes and nations over the course of human history.  Our goal is to love one another as Read more about Podcast 73: Relating to the Government (Vince Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 21: Should We Worship Jesus? (Sean Finnegan)

Most Christians never give worshiping Jesus a second thought.  However, as biblical unitarians–those who believe the Father is the only true God–we do need to wrestle with this question.  Some have argued that worshiping Jesus is tantamount to idolatry since we should only worship God.  Others have taken the view that we can worship Jesus Read more about Podcast 21: Should We Worship Jesus? (Sean Finnegan)[…]