578 Applying Old Testament YHWH Passages to Jesus (Jerry Wierwille)

Have you ever noticed that the New Testament authors love to quote the Old Testament? This happens hundreds of times. Sometimes the quotation is direct, other times it is a paraphrase, still others a New Testament author will allude to the Old Testament. In today’s episode, we’re going to hear Dr. Jerry Wierwille explaining what Read more about 578 Applying Old Testament YHWH Passages to Jesus (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

548 Read the Bible for Yourself 15: How to Read the General Epistles

This is part 15 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. In previous episodes, we’ve looked at Paul’s church epistles and pastoral epistles. Today we move into the third section of epistles in the New Testament–the general epistles. Instead of surveying each of the eight general epistles, we’ll just focus on two: Hebrews and 1 Read more about 548 Read the Bible for Yourself 15: How to Read the General Epistles[…]

488 Early Church History 8: Origen of Alexandria

This is part 8 of the Early Church History class. Origen of Alexandria is the man behind the curtain. Although few Christians today would recognize his name, most denominations are still on a trajectory he initiated eighteen hundred years ago. His influences in theology, christology, eschatology, apologetics, textual criticism, asceticism, hermeneutics, and Christian philosophy are Read more about 488 Early Church History 8: Origen of Alexandria[…]

Phenomenological Hermeneutics and Restorationism

Steven Nemes adheres to a phenomenological approach to constructing Christian theology. This means that he doggedly insists on employing “natural” language to interpret scripture. Check out his explanation of how this hermeneutic works: “Edmund Husserl in his early works emphasized that the only principle of inquiry is to talk about a thing as that thing Read more about Phenomenological Hermeneutics and Restorationism[…]

450 Seven Interpretive Options for Hebrews 1.10-12 (Jerry Wierwille)

In our last episode, Dr. Jerry Wierwille led us through a contextual overview of Hebrews 1 and 2 in order to situate Hebrews 1.10-12. Today, we’ll consider seven interpretations of Hebrews 1.10-12, including: Father as referent, doxology Jesus as creator of Genesis creation Jesus as creator of figurative heaven and earth (referring to people and Read more about 450 Seven Interpretive Options for Hebrews 1.10-12 (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

411 One God 1: Yahweh, the Supreme Creator

Today we are starting a brand new class called “One God Over All!”  My plan is to work through scripture to build a biblical theology of the one true God and his Son, Jesus the Messiah. This class will cover both texts supporting God’s exclusive oneness as well as misunderstood verses that seem to teach Read more about 411 One God 1: Yahweh, the Supreme Creator[…]

312 Evaluating Dispensationalism 2 (John Truitt)

Last week John Truitt began discussing the theological framework of dispensationalism, especially the “mid-Acts dispensationalism” taught by the Way International.  He pointed out some flaws that got his attention and made him explore the issue more deeply.  In the course of his research, Truitt discovered another way of approaching scripture known as covenantalism.  In this Read more about 312 Evaluating Dispensationalism 2 (John Truitt)[…]

311 Evaluating Dispensationalism 1 (John Truitt)

Have you ever been on a long drive in the summer when you wore sunglasses for hours and hours?  It’s getting dark and then suddenly you realize you’re still wearing sunglasses.  You take them off and the whole world brightens and  you realize it’s not nearly as dark as you thought?  This is the nature Read more about 311 Evaluating Dispensationalism 1 (John Truitt)[…]

Interview 28: Exegetical Fallacies (Jerry Wierwille)

Why are there so many divergent beliefs about what the bible teaches?  Partially, this results from mistakes we make when reading scripture.  In this interview, Dr. Jerry Wierwille enumerates seven typical fallacies that bible students commit when reading: Root Fallacy Time-Frame Fallacy Misusing Parallels Fallacy Single Meaning Fallacy Word-Concept Fallacy Disjunctive Fallacy Lexical Fallacy Avoiding Read more about Interview 28: Exegetical Fallacies (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Interview 27: Understanding Proverbs (Jerry Wierwille)

What do you know about the book of Proverbs?  It can be quite difficult to understand what’s going on without some knowledge of how Hebrew poetry works.  In this episode Jerry Wierwille, serves as our guide to get a better grip on what Proverbs is all about.  He explains the poetic structures, general approach, and Read more about Interview 27: Understanding Proverbs (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

104 The Kingdom Is Too Jewish (Kingdom of God 13)

This is part three of a series of three lectures on why some Christians ended up rejecting the kingdom message in the first few centuries of Christianity.  In this part, I work through the major differences between how Jews and Greeks read scripture.  What we find is that the Christians who didn’t like the kingdom Read more about 104 The Kingdom Is Too Jewish (Kingdom of God 13)[…]

Is the Trinity Biblical?

I’m starting a series of videos assessing the Trinity.  I want to begin by asking, “Does the bible teach the Trinity?”  In order to answer this question, we need to define what we mean.  In one sense the Trinity is biblical and in another it is not.  Watch this video to find out more:

Interview 2: Jerry Wierwille on Hermeneutics

Have you ever struggled to interpret the bible?  Although many today think only professionals who are trained in seminaries can understand the bible, the truth is that every reader is a theologian to some degree.  The moment you pick up the book and begin reading, you also begin interpreting what you read.  The only question Read more about Interview 2: Jerry Wierwille on Hermeneutics[…]