582 Kiwi Farmer Pursues Biblical Truth (Vaughn Madsen)

Vaughn Madsen was a simple kiwi farmer who subscribed to evangelical Christianity in New Zealand. No, he wasn’t farming kiwis. A kiwi is what you call someone from New Zealand. Anyhow, like I said, he was a devout member of his local church when he came across a presentation by Warren Prestige about the state Read more about 582 Kiwi Farmer Pursues Biblical Truth (Vaughn Madsen)[…]

566 Kingdom Seminar 5: Kingdom Ambassadors

This is part 5 of the Kingdom Seminar, based on the book Kingdom Journey. This episode begins by delving into the history of how the theologians of the third and fourth centuries rejected the kingdom since they thought it was too crude, too hedonic, and too Jewish. Next I briefly cover three rediscovery movements, including Read more about 566 Kingdom Seminar 5: Kingdom Ambassadors[…]

562 Kingdom Seminar 1: Why Should You Care

Last December, my first ever published book came out, called Kingdom Journey. Recently I recorded a seminar on the kingdom at a church in South Carolina based on the book that I will be playing out over the next 5 weeks. In this seminar I highlight some of the key points in my book and Read more about 562 Kingdom Seminar 1: Why Should You Care[…]

535 Kingdom Journey Interview (Sam Tideman)

I’ve been putting out podcast episodes on Restitutio since 2015. I’ve interviewed many authors in that time. However, I’ve never been interviewed as an author. That changed a couple of days ago when Sam Tideman of Transfigured had me on his show to talk about my new book, Kingdom Journey. We discussed the biblical idea Read more about 535 Kingdom Journey Interview (Sam Tideman)[…]

499 Early Church History 17: The Kingdom of God in Early Christianity

This is part 17 of the Early Church History class. Throughout the first five hundred years of Christian history, a significant shift occurred in what we believed about our ultimate destiny. The New Testament and the early church fathers repeatedly expressed belief in God’s kingdom coming to earth. Over time, however, this idea gave way Read more about 499 Early Church History 17: The Kingdom of God in Early Christianity[…]

404 What Is Conditional Immortality? (Warren Prestige)

What happens when you die?  This is such a big question for all of us.  Do we go somewhere like heaven or hell? Do we stay on earth as a disembodied spirit?  Or are we unconscious? My guest today is Warren Prestidge of New Zealand, who contends that we should embrace the biblical language of Read more about 404 What Is Conditional Immortality? (Warren Prestige)[…]

Theology 3 – Conditional Immortality

In this lecture, you’ll learn about anthropology–the bible’s view of humanity.  In particular, we’ll focus on the two ends of the spectrum: creation and death.  We’ll see how the biblical view of humanity is rather exalted since we are made in God’s image.  We’ll examine what the bible teaches about death and resurrection and how Read more about Theology 3 – Conditional Immortality[…]

136 Whatever Did St. Paul Do with the Kingdom of God? (N. T. Wright)

Join Professor N. T. Wright as he shows how well Paul’s epistles fit with the Hebrew prophets and the Gospels.  Rather than seeing Paul as the purveyor of a heavenly hope wherein saints may enjoy disembodied bliss, Wright highlights a number of key passages that unlock Paul’s kingdom-centered hope. —— Links —— Take a look Read more about 136 Whatever Did St. Paul Do with the Kingdom of God? (N. T. Wright)[…]

110 Heaven Is Not My Home (Sean Finnegan)

This world is not my home I’m just a passing through My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue The angels beckon me from heaven’s open door And I can’t feel at home in this world anymore Oh lord you know I have no friend like you If heaven’s not my home then lord Read more about 110 Heaven Is Not My Home (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Podcast 71: What Good Is Jesus without His Gospel? (Anthony Buzzard)

In this vintage message, Sir Anthony Buzzard makes the case that the gospel Jesus preached was about the kingdom. Although Jesus remains incredibly popular all around the world today, his message remains obscured even among many sincere followers. How can we call ourselves Christians if we are ignorant of Christ’s proclamation?  The kingdom is not Read more about Podcast 71: What Good Is Jesus without His Gospel? (Anthony Buzzard)[…]

Podcast 19: Death Then What? (Sean Finnegan)

by Sean Finnegan What happens when people die?  In this sermon I mention show the biblical “evidence” for heaven, hell, purgatory, ghosts, and reincarnation before revealing the overwhelming number of texts supporting the sleep of the dead.  Focusing on John’s Gospel, I establish that (1) the dead are in their tombs asleep until they hear Read more about Podcast 19: Death Then What? (Sean Finnegan)[…]