588 1 Corinthians in Context 5: Sexual Immorality

Do you know what blows my mind? That with all the permissiveness and sinfulness of the Roman world, what the Corinthian Christians were doing shocked Paul. He said that the sexual immorality of one man among them was so bad that such was not even found among the gentiles. That’s quite an indictment! Today we’re Read more about 588 1 Corinthians in Context 5: Sexual Immorality[…]

489 Early Church History 9: Early Church Orders

This is part 9 of the Early Church History class. How did Christians organize themselves in the first few centuries? We’re taking a break from theology and switching to focus on practical matters of church offices, church governance, church discipline, conversion, and charity. As it turns out we have a surprising amount of information about Read more about 489 Early Church History 9: Early Church Orders[…]

117 Luther and Calvin (Five Hundred 2)

In this episode, you’ll get a brief introduction to the contributions of Martin Luther and John Calvin to the initiation and spread of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, including these events: 1505 Martin Luther becomes a monk 1517 Martin Luther nails 95 Theses on Wittenberg church door 1524-5 Peasants War 1536 John Calvin Read more about 117 Luther and Calvin (Five Hundred 2)[…]