591 1 Corinthians in Context 8: Marriage, Divorce, and Remmarriage

The Romans looked at families and marriage very differently than most of us do today. In this session we’ll cover arranged marriages, the double standard for adultery, and the new Roman Women who were breaking all the rules. This will put us in a good place to read chapter 7 of 1 Corinthians and see Read more about 591 1 Corinthians in Context 8: Marriage, Divorce, and Remmarriage[…]

515 The Toxic War on Masculinity (Nancy Pearcey)

Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts I’m so delighted to present you with an interview I did with Professor Nancy Pearcey, an author whose books have significantly helped me understand and live out my faith better. Today we’re talking about masculinity. Have you noticed the critical and uncharitable tone in our culture Read more about 515 The Toxic War on Masculinity (Nancy Pearcey)[…]

114 Divorce and Remarriage (Sean Finnegan)

Divorce is a painful and complicated subject to talk about in America today where about half of all marriages end in divorce. Our laws have changed to accept “no-fault” divorce and many of us are unaware of what the bible teaches on this critical subject. To figure out the biblical perspective on divorce and remarriage, Read more about 114 Divorce and Remarriage (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Off Script 21: The Bible Is Too Antiquated

The youngest part of the bible is nearly 2,000 years old.  How can such an ancient book have any relevance to our complex and technologically advanced world?  How would you answer this objection?  It’s certainly undeniable that our world is so much different from the nomadic shepherds of three millennia ago.  However, science, political innovations, Read more about Off Script 21: The Bible Is Too Antiquated[…]

Podcast 65: Christian Views of Sexuality (Apologetics 15)

Apologetics 15: Gender and Sexual Ethics (Objection 3) This lecture covers some basic Christian sexual ethics, including marriage, divorce, pornography, homosexuality, cohabitation, and adultery.  Sadly, since this was the last lecture, time did not permit a thorough analysis of these subjects.  Even so, I touched on each briefly and biblically in an effort to stake Read more about Podcast 65: Christian Views of Sexuality (Apologetics 15)[…]

Podcast 34: Conflict (Historical Jesus 10)

Historical Jesus 10: Conflict From his birth to his untimely death, conflict dominated Jesus’ life.  During his ministry the Pharisees disagreed with Jesus about the Sabbath, purity, divorce, and his style of ministry.  Jesus called them out on pride, greed, and hypocrisy.  Looking at how Jesus handled conflict serves as an example to those of Read more about Podcast 34: Conflict (Historical Jesus 10)[…]

Tim Keller on Christian Marriage at Google

Tim Keller deftly explains the classic Christian view of marriage at Google.  His endearing style combines with his honest approach to show how attractive and relevant the biblical view of marriage is in our present day.  Whether you are married or thinking about getting married some day, this talk will help you.

Podcast 12: Don’t Let Them Go (Keith Daniel)

by Keith Daniel So often husbands make grandiose declarations in the heat of the moment whereby they bind themselves to a destructive or vengeful course of action that inevitably results in shipwrecking their marriages.  In this powerful sermon Keith Daniel provides sage advice for husbands and wives to stick together through the toughest times.  As Read more about Podcast 12: Don’t Let Them Go (Keith Daniel)[…]