592 1 Corinthians in Context 9: Food Sacrificed to Idols

Although often overlooked today, whether or not to eat food that had been sacrificed to idols was a major issue in first-century Christianity, especially in urban centers like Corinth. The city was teeming with temples, idols, and smaller shrines. Divinities abounded and devotees made offerings regularly from a little wine poured out at a home Read more about 592 1 Corinthians in Context 9: Food Sacrificed to Idols[…]

571 Give God a Shot (Bob Carden)

This is part two of my conversation with Bob Carden who served as the lead pastor of Grace Christian Fellowship for decades before retiring. (The church is now called Align Ministries, led by Garrett Bova.) Continuing on the topic of healing and deliverance from last week, we begin by talking about evil spirits and pornography Read more about 571 Give God a Shot (Bob Carden)[…]

570 My Journey into Healing Ministry (Bob Carden)

People need the touch of God in their lives. People are broken, wounded, and sick. Jesus Christ has already come and made available deliverance from sin and its consequences. He did this throughout his ministry and continues to bring healing through his church today. Bob Carden shares about his own journey of faith from Catholicism Read more about 570 My Journey into Healing Ministry (Bob Carden)[…]

Are the Gods of the Nations Demons or Mere Idols?

I cam across this text this morning in my daily reading. Here’s the version from the NETS: Psalm 96.3–5 3 Declare his glory among the nations, among all the peoples his marvelous works, 4 because great is the Lord and very much praiseworthy; he is terrible to all the gods, 5 because all the gods Read more about Are the Gods of the Nations Demons or Mere Idols?[…]

500 Early Church History 18: The Gifts of the Spirit in Early Christianity

This is part 18 of the Early Church History class. I wonder how many Christians in the world today believe the gifts of the spirit ceased in the time of the apostles? I know there are quite a few. Many others, however, believe they are available today and make time for them in their worship Read more about 500 Early Church History 18: The Gifts of the Spirit in Early Christianity[…]

468 Touching the Supernatural (Dale Allison)

Renowned Historical Jesus Scholar and Princeton Theological Seminary Professor, Dale Allison’s life changed forever when he was just sixteen years old. In fact, he has chronicled nine profound spiritual experiences throughout his life. These extraordinary moments of transcendence led him to a comparative study to learn more about what is happening to people all around Read more about 468 Touching the Supernatural (Dale Allison)[…]

Podcast 63: Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Apologetics 13)

Apologetics 13: Problem of Evil (Objection 1) Now that we’ve established the existence of God, the historicity of Christ’s resurrection, and the bible’s veracity, we come to objections commonly brought against Christianity. The chief classical question posed to Christians throughout the eons is, “How can you believe in God when there is so much pain Read more about Podcast 63: Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Apologetics 13)[…]

Off Script 15: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Halloween comes from the ancient Gaelic festival of Samhain when the Celts believed the boundary between our world and the spirit world grew thin, allowing spirits, fairies, and disembodied souls to enter our realm. Consequently, they employed several strategies to appease and misdirect these nefarious ghosts from messing with them. However, in our secular age, Read more about Off Script 15: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?[…]