544 Read the Bible for Yourself 11: How to Read the Gospels

This is part 11 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. The Gospels are evangelistic biographies of Jesus. In today’s episode you’ll learn the basic storyline of the four biblical Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Then we’ll go through them from shortest to longest to see how each brings a unique and helpful perspective Read more about 544 Read the Bible for Yourself 11: How to Read the Gospels[…]

The Father Is Greater Than I: Exploring Biblical Subordination

This weekend I am presenting a paper on subordination: the idea that the Father is greater than the Son.  Although this notion may seem obvious to many of us, it is little discussed in mainstream Christianity.  I believe this angle may be the thin edge of the wedge to open up discussion on the Trinity Read more about The Father Is Greater Than I: Exploring Biblical Subordination[…]

A Response to William Varner’s Claim that 2 Clement 1.1 Proves the Trinity Existed Prior to Nicea

At the 2021 Greek & Hebrew for Life Conference, William Varner of The Master’s University asserted that one reason why New Testament scholars and students should care about and study the Apostolic Fathers is because they provide evidence for the Trinity prior to Nicea.  He mentioned a professor, “one of our own,” who claimed the Read more about A Response to William Varner’s Claim that 2 Clement 1.1 Proves the Trinity Existed Prior to Nicea[…]