582 Kiwi Farmer Pursues Biblical Truth (Vaughn Madsen)

Vaughn Madsen was a simple kiwi farmer who subscribed to evangelical Christianity in New Zealand. No, he wasn’t farming kiwis. A kiwi is what you call someone from New Zealand. Anyhow, like I said, he was a devout member of his local church when he came across a presentation by Warren Prestige about the state Read more about 582 Kiwi Farmer Pursues Biblical Truth (Vaughn Madsen)[…]

573 Prophetic Words of Encouragement (Garrett Bova)

Over our last two episodes we’ve been hearing from Pastor Bob Carden on the topic of healing and walking by the spirit. Today I’d like to play out a sermon by Carden’s successor, Garrett Bova who is the lead pastor now at Align Ministries. Now I realize his message will challenge some of you to Read more about 573 Prophetic Words of Encouragement (Garrett Bova)[…]

554 Biblical Unitarian Christians in New Zealand (Zach Mayo)

Something is going on in New Zealand…and I’m excited to tell you about it. In today’s interview I speak with Zach Mayo who along with his wife, Kayla, were serving as youth pastors at an evangelical church when they came to change their minds on the doctrine of the Trinity. Now they’re organizing a conference Read more about 554 Biblical Unitarian Christians in New Zealand (Zach Mayo)[…]

457 From Oneness to One (J. Dan Gill)

Have you heard of oneness theology? Also called “Jesus only,” this is the idea that Jesus is all there is. Jesus is the Father; Jesus is the Holy Spirit. Jesus has manifested himself in many ways over the years, but there is only one individual or self who is God. Although not exclusive to the Read more about 457 From Oneness to One (J. Dan Gill)[…]

381 Bible Fed, Spirit Led (Kevin Guigou)

This is part 7 and the final episode in our holy spirit series. Are you on a journey with God or have you arrived? Are you still willing to learn and grow and try new things or have you erected boundaries around your current understanding and practice? Today my guest is Kevin Guigou, a full-time Read more about 381 Bible Fed, Spirit Led (Kevin Guigou)[…]

Interview 59 God at Work in Kenya 3 (Maurice Chahilu)

This is the third and final part of our series, God at Work in Kenya with Maurice Chahilu of Kingdom Life Ministries.  We’ve come to see so much about what is going on over there, but there’s still more to learn.  Last time I had asked bishop Maurice about his greatest challenges and what he Read more about Interview 59 God at Work in Kenya 3 (Maurice Chahilu)[…]

Interview 58 God at Work in Kenya 2 (Maurice Chahilu)

This is part two of our series on God at Work in Kenya with a focus on Kingdom Life Ministries and Maurice Chahilu.  In our last episode we saw how Maurice got started in his ministry.  (If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, go back and listen to it first).  Today, we’ll hear about Read more about Interview 58 God at Work in Kenya 2 (Maurice Chahilu)[…]

Interview 57 God at Work in Kenya 1 (Maurice Chahilu)

God is doing something in Kenya and churches are forming and growing rapidly.  Today we are beginning a series of shows on the work of Kingdom Life Ministries and the visionary who began the work there, Maurice Chahilu. A few weeks ago I went to Africa to visit Maurice and the churches he oversees.  I Read more about Interview 57 God at Work in Kenya 1 (Maurice Chahilu)[…]

Paul’s Teaching on Enemies

Outside of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, Paul’s exhortation in Romans 12 is the most direct teaching on how we as Christians should treat our enemies. Romans 12.14-21 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony Read more about Paul’s Teaching on Enemies[…]

153 Be You — Colossians 3 (Sean Finnegan)

Our culture longs for authenticity. We’re tired of fakers and phonies who say one thing and do another. People should just be true to themselves and have the courage to flout tradition when it holds them back from genuine self-expression. However, this mentality results in major individual and social problems from sexually transmitted diseases to Read more about 153 Be You — Colossians 3 (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Interview 40: How Much Does Truth Matter? (Chuck Whitlock)

How much does truth matter to you?  In particular, how should we think about Christians who hold very different views on key subjects?  For example, I’m a biblical unitarian, someone who believes that we should take Jesus literally when he called his Father “the only true God.”  Of course I believe Jesus is God’s only Read more about Interview 40: How Much Does Truth Matter? (Chuck Whitlock)[…]

Interview 31: Master’s University Prof. Finds Son of God, Loses Job (Bill Schlegel)

Bill Schlegel, professor and cofounder of The Master’s University extension program in Israel (IBEX), was studying the phrase “Son of God” and came to understand the term did not correlate with the traditional “God the Son” teaching, but instead meant God’s heir, the king he has designated to rule the world.  Although he had taught Read more about Interview 31: Master’s University Prof. Finds Son of God, Loses Job (Bill Schlegel)[…]

Interview 29: God’s Faithful Minister (John McCave)

John McCave has faithfully served God as a minister for 36 years.  In this interview he shares his story of how God brought him from a hardened tough guy to a humble servant, motivated by love.  McCave also shares key insights he’s gained along the way, especially with regard to his wife, Mary without whose Read more about Interview 29: God’s Faithful Minister (John McCave)[…]

Podcast 79: Proud of Our God (Victor Gluckin)

Are you embarrassed of your non-traditional beliefs about God? Victor Gluckin says that it’s time to stand up for what we believe. Believing God is one (instead of three-in-one) is not some sort of fringe doctrine; it’s at the very heart of biblical faith. After all, Jesus himself identified the Jewish “shema” as the most Read more about Podcast 79: Proud of Our God (Victor Gluckin)[…]

Podcast 39: Crucifixion (Historical Jesus 15)

Historical Jesus 15: Crucifixion One of the most significant events in all of human history, Jesus’ crucifixion was at once a supreme miscarriage of justice while, at the same time, the supreme illustration of God’s love to humanity.  We’ll join Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane, agonizing in prayer before his God, to his arrest, Read more about Podcast 39: Crucifixion (Historical Jesus 15)[…]

Rico Tice on Persecution and Evangelism 2

Although, Tice’s book on evangelism leaves much to be desired, I found this quote sobering: When he sent his disciples out on their own for the first time to tell others about him, here’s how he described their mission: “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.” (Matthew 10 v 16) That’s what Jesus Read more about Rico Tice on Persecution and Evangelism 2[…]

Rico Tice on Persecution and Evangelism

“There may not be persecution, but we’re in a culture of growing hostility to Christianity.  It’s not just apathy we face–it’s antipathy.  Many people really don’t like the gospel.  Sometimes they express that politely, sometimes not politely at all; but they don’t like it.  This shouldn’t really surprise us.  Think how incendiary much what we Read more about Rico Tice on Persecution and Evangelism[…]