589 1 Corinthians in Context 6: Homosexuality & Singleness

So often we default to categories of thought prevalent in our time and without realizing it, read them into the Bible. As it turns out, first-century people living in Corinth did not think about sexuality like we do at all. In today’s episode, I want to begin by focusing rather closely on 1 Corinthians 6.9, Read more about 589 1 Corinthians in Context 6: Homosexuality & Singleness[…]

489 Early Church History 9: Early Church Orders

This is part 9 of the Early Church History class. How did Christians organize themselves in the first few centuries? We’re taking a break from theology and switching to focus on practical matters of church offices, church governance, church discipline, conversion, and charity. As it turns out we have a surprising amount of information about Read more about 489 Early Church History 9: Early Church Orders[…]

483 Early Church History 3: Christianity in the Second Century

This is part 3 of the Early Church History class. Today we begin to look at the second century. We’ll start by considering Jewish Christian movements, including the Nazarenes and the Ebionites. Next we’ll shift gears and explore the cultural pressure of asceticism and how it began infiltrating Christianity. We’ll briefly survey the influence of Read more about 483 Early Church History 3: Christianity in the Second Century[…]

409 Serving God as a Single Person (Matthew Elton)

When was the last time you heard a sermon about singleness?  Married people have lots of sermons, classes, books, and conferences dedicated to them, but singles are largely ignored.  Today, Matthew Elton, himself a single millennial, shares what Jesus and Paul have to teach us about the incredible advantages of singleness for God’s people.  Far Read more about 409 Serving God as a Single Person (Matthew Elton)[…]

154 Spiritual Friendship: Celibacy as a Call to Love (Wesley Hill)

Our world seems intent on trotting out the same extremist examples of Christianity as either a homophobic religion (think Westboro Baptist Church) or a totally accepting faith (think Episcopalians).  However, these are not the only positions Christians take on this subject.  In this talk, Wesley Hill, assistant professor of biblical studies at Trinity School for Read more about 154 Spiritual Friendship: Celibacy as a Call to Love (Wesley Hill)[…]

118 Zwingli and the Swiss Anabaptists (Five Hundred 3)

Learn about the Swiss Reformation, spearheaded by Ulrich Zwingli in Zurich as well as the formation of the sect of Anabaptists known as the Swiss Brethren, including Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, and George Blaurock. Key events covered in this episode include: 1519 Ulrich Zwingli begins Reformation in Zurich 1529 Zwingli and Luther part ways over Read more about 118 Zwingli and the Swiss Anabaptists (Five Hundred 3)[…]

Interview 18: God Woos Fashion Set Designer from Gay Lifestyle (Becket Cook)

Meet Becket Cook.  He’s a very well-connected gay fashion set designer who has traveled the world, attended the Oscars, Golden Globes, Emmys, etc., and rubbed shoulders with Hollywood’s A-list actors.  One day he saw Christians reading their bibles in a trendy coffee shop in LA and engaged them in conversation.  One of them invited Cook Read more about Interview 18: God Woos Fashion Set Designer from Gay Lifestyle (Becket Cook)[…]

Gay and Christian? Dealing with Same-Sex Attraction as a Christ-Follower (Wesley Hill)

Today the church is faced with a false dichotomy: (1) show love and acceptance to same-sex attracted people or (2) get labeled as homophobic and hateful bigots.  But, is there a third way?  What about women and men who have a homosexual orientation but want to follow Christ authentically?  What does the gospel say to Read more about Gay and Christian? Dealing with Same-Sex Attraction as a Christ-Follower (Wesley Hill)[…]