591 1 Corinthians in Context 8: Marriage, Divorce, and Remmarriage

The Romans looked at families and marriage very differently than most of us do today. In this session we’ll cover arranged marriages, the double standard for adultery, and the new Roman Women who were breaking all the rules. This will put us in a good place to read chapter 7 of 1 Corinthians and see Read more about 591 1 Corinthians in Context 8: Marriage, Divorce, and Remmarriage[…]

403 Why Christianity 16: Changed Lives (Sean Finnegan)

This is the last episode of our class, Why Christianity.  We’ve covered so many different reasons why Christianity is attractive, makes sense, and is worthy of our attention.  We’ve looked at scientific, logical, epistemological, social, psychological, and historical reasons for God’s existence, Christ’s resurrection, and the gospel’s effectiveness.  Today, we consider three stories of changed Read more about 403 Why Christianity 16: Changed Lives (Sean Finnegan)[…]