1 Corinthians in Context
When most people pick up their Bibles and read 1 Corinthians, they approach it as if this was a modern document addressing our concerns today. Of course, there is a lot in 1 Corinthians that directly applies to us today, but there’s also a huge potential for misunderstanding when we read today’s issues and categories into Scripture. A better approach, and the approach I’ll be taking in this class, is to do the hard work of adjusting our minds to think like they thought in their time and place. When we do that we can see through their eyes and this will tremendously help us to understand what Paul was doing in the epistle he wrote them. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
Read the Bible for Yourself
Whether you are new to scripture, or you’ve been reading it for years, this class will empower you to read and understand the Bible like never before. You’ll gain key insights into the context, content, and application of scripture so you can take your reading and understanding to the next level. This class will provide you with a survey of the entire Bible, covering all sixty-six books. Rather than going into detail for any one book, we’ll look at the big picture and see each section of the Bible works. This class is especially good for those new to the Bible though quite a few Bible veterans have told us they learned a lot too. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
Early Church History
Get answers to questions, like: Did early Christians prophecy and perform miracles? How do I research church history for myself? How did heaven replace paradise on earth? What happened to the Jewish Christians? How did the Trinity become mainstream? How did Constantine affect Christianity? This class will survey what happened in the main Christian groups in the first five centuries of our history in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
Scripture and Science
College students routinely face a crisis when they take science classes. They ask themselves, “Do I go with God and the bible or science and reason?” If this is your situation or if you know someone who is wrestling with questions like these, this class is for you! Taught by Will Barlow, this 16-part class surveys the most common ways Christians have worked scripture and science together. Barlow’s non-dogmatic approach will inform you so you can make up your own mind about what is best. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
Son of David Seminar
This 6-part seminar explores the rich biblical parallels between Solomon and Jesus. Our teacher is Victor Gluckin, pastor of Living Faith Christian Church in Rhode Island. He begins by carefully reading the historical narrative about Solomon before looking at parallels in the life of Jesus. This class will help you see how the Old Testament magnificently foreshadows events that were fulfilled in the New Testament. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.
One God Over All
This 14-part class works through scripture to build a biblical theology of the one true God and his Son, Jesus the Messiah. This class will cover both texts supporting God’s exclusive oneness as well as misunderstood verses that seem to teach otherwise. Additionally, we will briefly explore how Christian theology developed from the New Testament period to the Trinity’s full articulation at the Council of Constantinople in a.d. 381. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube.
Why Christianity?
Taught by Sean Finnegan and Jerry Wierwille, this 16-part class seeks to build faith in a culture where biblical Christianity is falling more and more out of fashion. Today we are beginning a class called Why Christianity, in which we will layout a few of the ways that our faith makes sense and works best. In this first session, Jerry Wierwille will introduce our class premise, describe the cultural tension, and speak on the value of taking this class. Although this is an apologetics class, it is significantly different from the previous class we aired in that it focuses more on what’s great about Christianity instead of the classic reasons why Christianity is true. Our end goal for this class is that it would build your confidence and encourage you to share your faith with others. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube.
How We Got the Bible
Are you curious how we get our English Bibles? Have you ever wondered about the manuscripts and the translation process? Join Sean Finnegan as he leads you through an epic journey through 24 teachings to discover where we get our Bibles from. This class breaks evenly into two halves: (1) transmission of manuscripts and (2) translation process. You’ll learn all about the manuscripts for both the Old and New Testaments as well as the nitty gritty of how translators go about their work. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube.
Parenting Seminar
Taught by Sean & Ruth Finnegan, Russell & Joelle Brown, and Mary Ann Yaconis, this 5-part parenting seminar will help you both understand ways in which our culture is hurting our children and the how the scriptures can guide us in a better direction. Although it’s common today to prepare the road ahead for our children, in fact, it’s better to prepare our children for the road ahead. This means allowing old-fashioned free play and failure within an atmosphere of godly love and steady support. The goal of parenting is for our children to become independent adults who love God and live for him. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube.
Evangelism Seminar
This 6-part seminar covers what evangelism isn’t, what evangelism is, and how we can get better at it. Our teacher is Joshua Anderson of Arkansas who recently got back from Japan after serving there as a missionary for two years. Anderson has a bachelor of arts from the University of Arkansas, a master’s in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a second master’s in philosophy from Talbot at Biola University. He’s an expert on apologetics and Christian philosophy and has varying degrees of proficiency in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, and Japanese. Not only is he well educated and super intelligent, but he has the gift of explaining topics in a way that is easy to understand. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
This 24-part theology class covers a whole range of biblical doctrines. In fact, this is really two classes. The first class was originally titled “Basic Bible Doctrine” and it covered approximately fifteen different major beliefs. The goal was to explain these aspects of theology and give supporting scripture and reasons for them. I’m combining this with a more advanced class called “Solutions to Bible Texts,” which deals with commonly misunderstood verses on a bunch of doctrines. I’m going to attempt to interweave these two, so that you get a comprehensive understanding of theology. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.
500: From Martin Luther to Joel Osteen
This is a 15 lecture class narrating the tale of church history from Martin Luther to Joel Osteen, covering the years 1500 to 2000. 500 years ago, there was only one Christian denomination throughout most of the world. 500 years ago, the church and the government killed those who resisted tradition. 500 years ago, no one could read the Bible in their own language. How did we get from there to here? Discover the wild and exciting story of Christianity for the last 500 years, so you can understand how the world ended up the way it is now, avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, and gain inspiration from heroic people who made a difference. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
Kingdom of God
Jesus said the kingdom was like a treasure hidden in a field—it’s so valuable it’s worth selling everything to purchase. He said to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness above what we eat or wear. In this audio class we’ll spend a great deal of time exploring what the bible teaches about the kingdom, including hope, gospel, and way. We will also work through the main reasons why Christianity lost the kingdom before looking at how some Christians recovered it. This 15-part class will not only provide a panoramic and nuanced view of the kingdom, but it will also offer a cohesive proleptic ethic to aid navigating our complex world while remaining true to Jesus, the king of the coming kingdom. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.
Have you ever heard of apologetics? This is the field where Christians seek to provide the reasons for why they believe what they believe. In a post-Christian society, it is increasingly important to understand the reasons for your faith. For example, why do you believe in God’s existence? Why do you think the bible is true? How do you know God raised Jesus from the dead? What about pain and suffering, modern science, or Christianity’s sexual ethics? In the next 15 audio lectures, you’ll get answers to these important questions so you can build your own faith as well as get better at sharing it with others. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.
The Historical Jesus
This is a 16 lecture class designed to help you answer the question: “Who is Jesus?” This class stresses understanding Jesus in his own historical Jewish context. Drawing on the Gospels as well as contemporary historical texts, we can understand who Jesus was and what his ministry was all about. This class will inspire you to love Jesus, help you to understand Jesus, and empower you to navigate the Gospels on your own. Get this class on the web, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.