562 Kingdom Seminar 1: Why Should You Care

Last December, my first ever published book came out, called Kingdom Journey. Recently I recorded a seminar on the kingdom at a church in South Carolina based on the book that I will be playing out over the next 5 weeks. In this seminar I highlight some of the key points in my book and also add in some new content. Today we’re going to start by asking the question, “Why should I care about the kingdom of God?” In what follows I make the case that we should care because Jesus said to prioritize the kingdom and because he preached it as gospel. Whether you’ve long believed in God’s kingdom coming to earth at Christ’s return or you’re new to it, I hope this message will encourage and inspire you to share the message with others.

 Listen to this episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts

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4 thoughts on “562 Kingdom Seminar 1: Why Should You Care

  • Hi Sean,
    The American cowbird, Molothrus ater, also practices nest parasitism—much closer to home. These are the blackbirds with brown heads (males) with a pretty whistle-like song. They will come to feeders that contain millet (akin to doves and sparrows and other common “nuisance” birds). Feeders using specific seeds without millet (e.g., safflower and striped sunflower seeds) will select for other local seed eaters and help to keep the cowbirds out of your area (and thus, protect the nests of smaller birds, like bluebirds).

    Thanks for your consistent preaching. Always look forward to the podcasts!

  • My oh my, you know how to tell a good parable Sean. Not sure if you came up with the whole bird analogy, but it was great. Can easily be used to be applied to other later innovations as well. I will definitely be buying the book–when there’s a hardback option available.

    As for the survey and actual beliefs of people, I think we can be a bit more generous. Belief in the afterlife, heaven, and hell, are not at all incompatible with belief in the ultimate Kingdom of God and it’s probably what I would have answered myself if I had to fill out the survey. In my personal life, too, I have often experienced that a definition of terms may be helpful. I find that many people simply consider the term “heaven” to be referring to the ultimate Kingdom. Similarly with beliefs in Judaism, which you referred to, I will just be using the term Olam HaBa/World to Come, and this is the normative belief in Orthodoxy and people will understand what you’re talking about just fine. Of course there is also the intermediate state of refinement of however you view it, but certainly this is not considered the ultimate destination. I often speak of the Kingdom and though people may have various ideas or uncertainties about how exactly the afterlife should be understood, I do find that many people who would merely profess that “you go to heaven after you die,” do actually believe in an ultimate *new* heaven and earth to come in the end, if one should ask them to elaborate further. Also, this may of course be very different where you live and for the people that you interact with, but this has been my experience and perhaps this serves as a hopeful message.

    All the best, Mark

  • Sean, I first want to thank you for your teachings that have helped me. Now I must warn you about the coming judgment. You are asking for and accepting money for your teachings. This is wrong in the eyes of our Father. Please take a moment to reflect on this in prayer to our Father. You have received freely so shall you give freely. You know how to identify a false teacher…anyone who seeks compensation for his teachings is not a prophet of God

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